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Posts posted by EPCOT

  1. I have actually been driven to doing my TAXES because of the down time! :eek:


    Look at what this has come to. I am shocked, shocked I say, that I have been forced to do my taxes rather than play SWTOR on the first day of early access. (Plus I can't get the forums to refresh fast enough to get a code).


    Please make each code usable 50 times or something. :(


    It's amazing how some free digital stuff can placate the player base. :)


    Been a sub since launch... just saying.

  2. At this point I think there should be a code sent to every account that downloads the update today or tomorrow and tried to logon. Rather than the cut and paste race, or just throw out 2000 codes with each account only able to redeem one. :rolleyes:
  3. Yes, you can see when a toon last logged on. Open your social window, click on the Guild Tab, and the select the Details button at the top right. Select "show offline members" and the last column should say Member Notes. There is a little down arrow net to the word Member. Click on that and Select 'Last Played'. It will show you how long it had been since they were on.


    You can put a Guild Announcement in the Message of the Day (MOTD). It will appear as a window whenever a Guildy logs on. That is also in your Social Window -> Guild Tab in the lower left hand corner.

  4. This would not take that much in terms of resources. It is basically the same code as choosing whether or not to place you Guild Ship in the public listings. Unlike the Federal Government, BW / EA is in business to make money. Quality of Life improvements do have an ROI in terms of subscribers and player retention. They have literally made thousands off of my family in the last four years. Even a small number of people that choose to retain their sub longer term would pay for the development costs.


    The one way to be sure that nothing will happen is not to ask.


    So who else out there would like to see this feature available in game?

  5. This was a topic of discussion on Jedi Covenant in Gen Chat on Fleet this evening.


    Every day I see people in Gen Chat typing, "looking for active guild". The problem is that many GMs, like myself, are wary of accepting people in the blind. Generally, only the mega-guilds take all comers. There are also those players that never seek out a Guild because they are afraid of a bad fit, or are just new to the concept. SWTOR was my first MMO four years ago when it launched. I know that there is a section under the Server Forums for Guilds to advertise. However, this is grossly underused and many players never even visit the forums. Especially those new to the game.


    I propose that there be an in game option for Guilds to seek members and for players to view a variety of Guilds to pick the best fit. The Guild Registrar could be used for this purpose. The GM of a Guild could choose whether or not to be listed if they are currently accepting new members. Players could view a list of Guilds that are currently recruiting and submit an application. The following information would be listed:


    - Guild Name

    - Number of Qualifying accounts (for XP and Rep bonuses)

    - Type of Guild (Social, Hardcore, etc.)

    - Focus (PvE, OPS, PvP, Leveling, etc.)

    - Benefits (Guild Ships, Headquarters, Opposite Faction Guild, TS3, Vent, etc.)

    - Requirements (Adults Only, Any Age, F2P, Subs Only, etc.)

    - Website or POC for applicants


    I think that this would be an amazing Quality of Life enhancement to the game and would reap benefits in player retention. Please chime in and let your voices be heard. I have already heard many say that it won't happen because it doesn't make money for BW. But it actually does if more people choose to retain their subscriptions because they became more engaged in the game through a Guild. I have been here since launch. But I would have left long ago or gone F2P if it weren't for my Guild. :)

  6. I used to purchase one Hypercrate for every release. Some of my friends purchased multiple hypercrates. That is done after this last release. I will not be purchasing any more with the current item drops in them. The total "value" of the items was about 1 million credits. I don't need to spend $45 in real money for junk. :mad:


    I have not purchased any of the "specialty" packs and don't plan to. There is too high of a chance that it will be something I already have. And even if it isn't, it is also not a good value.


    I've been a subscriber continually since launch. Between my wife and myself, we have spent a lot on this game in the CM.


    Poor value = lower sales = less money

  7. Is the Crystal of Nightmare Fury and "item" like a Relic that you can use each time you are in a NiM Operation, or is it something that is single only use (consumable)? It seems awfully hard to make for a single use item. :confused:


    For those who haven't discovered this yet, you can get a schematic from the Gree vendor for this item for 50 Gray Helix Components. There are schematics for each of the six professions. The mats include 15 Encryptions (5 each of Logistical, Command, and Engineering), 1 Dark Project, and 2 Dark Matter Catalysts.

  8. Hang out on fleet and join the Group Finder "raid of the day" when people recruit in General Chat to get Ultimate Comms and some 192 gear. The Ultimates will get you your 198 gear as they accumulate.
  9. I did a forum search and only found one post from 2013 regarding this subject.


    It would be useful beyond belief to be able to perform a keyword search on your Cargo Holds LEGACY WIDE for items. I have particular problems determining if I have pieces of an armor set to complete it and add it to collections. The way that the search works could be just like the GTN search function. I have 22 characters on this server times 5 bays each. That's 110 Bays to search! :p


    Please throw this one to the Dev team and see what they think. It would be a great "quality of life" feature for the players.


    If you like this idea, please say so and let BW know if there is support for this kind of feature.


    Thanks. :)

  10. This appears to be a bug. I just encountered it. I spoke to Torian on my ship and he wanted to ask me a personal question. I replied, "only if I get to ask you one as well." The conversation ended abruptly and I had this mission "Point Blank" with no mission step and no further actions available. It shows as a Level 38 Mission. :mad:
  11. Hey folks,


    I've passed this along a few days ago to be looked into. I don't have an ETA right now, though!




    What should we do about the Gray Helix Components that we lost? Those are a bit hard to come by. :(


    I am understandably reluctant to buy the item again and lose more. I took a picture of my screen that shows "You have unlocked a stronghold decoration: Gree Light Pillar (Blue)" x 2 to prove that I bought it. Ironically, the two Gree wall lights that I bought at the same time worked fine.

  12. Our Guild is suffering from this as well. Our GM is not able to get on until late in the evening on Tuesdays. As such, we basically lose a whole day of progress. Even if our "points" are added after the invasion, and I don't know if they are or not, you lose out on the planetary bonuses for different objectives. This should be a NO BRAINER. Put in a setting that allows the GM to select at least one or two people that can also start an Invasion.
  13. I bought two of the lights and have experienced the same bug. I took a picture of my screen which says, "You have unlocked a stronghold decoration: Gree Light Pillar (Blue)" but it does not show as unlocked and I cannot place the item. Customer Support has been less than helpful. When I put a ticket in under Loot/Item, it replied that I needed to submit a bug report. However, a bug report says that you will not receive a reply. I WANT MY 8 GRAY HELIX COMPONENTS BACK!. (I bought two light for 4 components each). Those things are hard to come by.


    Any update on this bug BW?

  14. I searched the forum and couldn't find any discussions about balancing Conquests based on Guild Size much the same way that PvP is tiered based on levels.


    As far as I understand it, the Galactic Conflicts will be unavoidably monopolized by the Mega Guilds just by shear volume of players. In my view it is not desirable to have smaller social Guilds disappear to become part of a 300 account Mega Guild. That would cause a very large segment of the population to lose interest in the game. But if they don't join the Mega Guilds, then participating in Conquests is meaningless.


    The way the objectives are defined in Conquests, it would seem that the whole point is to get people to play all of the content in the game, not just the new stuff. You suddenly have a reason to go back and run False Emporer, and Kaon Under Siege again. You might decide to take up crafting to achieve more objectives. This is actually quite brilliant of Bioware to engineer it this way. So it would seem that they would want as much of the player population as possible to WANT to compete and do the objectives. That's great.


    Putting the 50 Million credit price for the Guild Ship aside, let's assume a Guild has earned that amount over time and bought their ship. It won't take long to realize that their <50 account Guild has absolutely NO SHOT at ever being on the leaderboard. A mega guild just has too much of an edge, even with casual players. This will cause Guilds to just abandon even trying to compete. So here is a solution. Use the same approach as they did in ground PvP. Break the competition into categories for SMALL (<60 Accounts), MEDIUM (60-125 Accounts), LARGE (126-225 Accounts) and MEGA (225+ Accounts). Each category would have its own Leaderboards, and the competition would at least be much better balanced.


    The number of Guild Accounts would be determined a few hours before the start of the Conquest period. Any accounts added during the conquest period would not be able to contribute until the beginning of the next Conquest. That would prevent a Guild from booting 50 members and reinviting them right after the Conquest starts. (Thus enabling them to compete unfairly in a lower tier with more members.


    Some kind of system like this would go a long way to keeping player interest in Guilds of all sizes. Our Guild is a Social Guild with 33 accounts. I was truly amazed when I ran an OPS with another Guild yesterday that had 300 accounts and 800 toons total. :eek: There is no way any Guild with even half that number could compete, much less one with 33 accounts.


    Come on Bioware! Show some love to the Guilds that don't have 300 accounts. :)

  15. The problem is, they are releasing one of things we have been waiting a very long time for when almost no one can possibly get it.


    Usually when a game puts out something that is incredibly hard to get, its gated by some sort of skill/time commitment requirement, IE, you had to be part of a raid group capable of doing NiM EC in under two hours to get the Warstalker title. Or, you have to farm XYZ mob for hours on end to get a silly looking legacy bound hat.


    With this, unless you happen to have 8+ helix components left over from the last event (which, you have to admit, is pretty unlikely, as what would make the most sense is to plan you acquisition to match up with the price of something you could buy, and not to randomly have stuff left over) you are SOL.


    I think its rather poor planning on their part to release something like this, in this fashion. Its the type of thing that some overly dramatic forum flamer would call "a slap in the face." Mainly, its just annoying.


    Thank you! This is exactly my point. The previous posters argument is based on a made up supposition that the Gree Event will come back April 27th. It may not come back until October 27th for all we know. So his examples are pointless. Give us a calendar. But more importantly, this is the first time that I am aware of that the items are not tied to some way to obtain them. (And I don't mean with accidentally leftover tokens from 4 months ago). When they released new items for the Bounty Hunter Event vendors, you could run the Bounty Hunter Week event to get them. Why on earth would you release content which a very small percentage of people could acquire while frustrating everybody else? When frustration starts to exceed the fun of playing the game, what's the point?

  16. This issue has made me very frustrated. After all of the clamoring to have a Legacy Offhand, they finally relent and release one that requires "Currency" that has not been available for four months! I have 8 Gray Helix Components (6 on my Sentinel and 2 on my Commando), but they can't share. It takes 8 Gray Helix Components on a single character since they are Bound.


    They should have just waited to release the Legacy Offhand when the Gree Event came back. Somebody at Bioware is having a good laugh about this I think. (Hey, let's give them a Legacy Offhand that most won't be able to buy!) lol


    Please tell us when these events are scheduled to return.


    P.S. It's been long enough that you could at least reopen the original Rakghoul Tunnel again for a week. You could have put the Legacy Offhand there too. (Or anywhere that you can earn "currency" to buy it.)

  17. This bug happened to me tonight. However, it does not prevent you from getting the +10 ALL STATS datacron. After you click on the blue crystal and get the error, just continue as if you had the blue crystal. It will allow you to complete the +10 ALL STATS datacron when you get up there. :)
  18. Why would they do this?


    It is additional work for a smaller market which means less profit.


    They could create an item or set of armor, then make the code to turn it into a schematic, then sell that on the CM to maybe 5% of the people that would normally just purchase the items straight off, or they can just sell the item to everyone on the CM and make more money.


    Packs are by far the biggest money maker from the CM. This further enhances the desirability of Packs. The items crafted from these schematics are unique to these "tokens" and not available anywhere else. So ever a very small percentage increase in packs purchased would be huge. Any incremental profit is good.


    Despite what the critics say, not everything BW does is centered on the Cartel Market. They do continue to develop the game to retain subs and maintain interest. GSF was a free enhancement. Why did they create GSF? To make their subs happy and attract new subs. If they rework and enhance the crafter portion of the game, which would take a small fraction of the effort of GSF, then they further their goal to retain subs and maintain interest. They can't afford for the game to get stale for their monthly sub population. Non-crafters win too by being able to buy the gear and perhaps get some Legendary gear.

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