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Posts posted by StellaRossa

  1. Looking for a guild which does HM Flashpoints and other endgame stuff (won't have time for operations till exams end in a month or so). Not looking for a 100+ player guild where nobody knows each other.


    - would prefer smaller guild

    -PvE focuss

    -mature players

    -based in Europe because of time zones


    My main (and only char on this server) is a level 65 Jedi Guardian (208/216 mix).

  2. I played SWTOR for probably around 1000 hours. For many here, that is probably not a lot. But for me it's my by far most played game of all time (second being probably Rome Total War with around 150-200 hours). I came back after a 1 year break. Got to level 40 or something in a few days. And it's just not fun anymore FOR ME at least. The game is way to easy. The companions are way too OP. There is simply no reason to even group anymore till at least level 65.


    It really looks stupid when some sith bad guy is telling me how he is gona wreck me, he has unlimited power and stuff like that, and then i just kill him in 5 seconds without losing 1% hp all thanks to my companions.


    I never excepted this game to be Dark Souls level difficult, but this is just boring. Whatever i do i can't die. I ran into an heroic 2 dungeon with my companion, as healer, aggroed half of the mobs, and went to make a drink. Came back few minutes later with still 100% hp...

  3. I like how people said that ESO will kill SW:TOR.


    31.03 - Tython - around 80 people online at around 1pm gmt ( +1 )

    01.04 - Tython - same server, same time, around 140-150 people ( middle of working day )


    I know it's just one planet, but i think that this clearly shows that this game is now dead.

  4. Queued up for an hm 55 last night as an healer, like always.


    Queue pops instantly... when we all joined the flashpoint, the 2 dps instanlty left. The tank stayed... then i saw why... He had 15k HP ( how do you manage to have 15k hp at lvl 55 as a tank ) and had lvl 45-50 greens and blues with accuracy rating stats on all on them. No tank gear at all.

  5. And posters like you just cry on the forums 24/7 and do nothing else in their boring and sad lives. It's just a VIDEO GAME. If you don't like it go and spend your time on something else. Life is too short to spend it crying like a spoiled brat on some forums.


    Same story year ago when GW2 came out - this game is gona kill SWTOR, the game is dead, me and my whole guild are leaving etc. And it's still alive. Even more than before GW2 came out.


    I just don't understand one thing... If someone finds Wildstar amazing, and SW:TOR a boring piece of ***** which can't be ''saved'', why don't they just go to Wildstar forums and praise that game there?


    I'll never understand the point on crying on some forums. If i don't like a game, i will come open a topic, write things that i don't like, so maybe one of the devs will see it ( which i know won't happen ) and leave for good or till i hear the game gets in a better state.

  6. star wars fans don't like tor.


    star wars fans want swg back. star wars fans will flock to wildstar as it offers everything that made swg the greatest mmo made. what does tor have to offer? gsf is being forgotten, the housing system looks bland and boring, pvp is a mess, pve is just re-releasing the same raids and hm content. the devs are down to a skeleton team.


    wildstar is the final blow to tor maybe disney will see what the players want and will give us back swg.


    Great. Just unsub and go enjoy those beautiful games. Why waiste your precious ( lol lol lol ) time on this broken game? Is your life that fun?

  7. Hey there.


    Rolling my second character today, after playing only with my sage for like 20-25+ /played time.


    He is gona be a Jedi Knight Guardian. Which crafting skill would you recommend me? I plan on mainly focussing on PvE aspect of the game, with some PvP here and there ( if that matters in makign a decission ).


    I heard that cybertech is one of the best professions out there now?

  8. Hey there!


    Just reacently ( a week or two ago ) i came back after a 2 year break. Got a few questions about the Hk-51 companion, which wasn't in the game when i played.


    When i finish the quest for getting him, will i need to do the same quest over and over on my alt(s) if i want to have him as an companion for them, or will i be able to just unlock him from the legacy tab...? Because i heard getting him was a real pain in the *** and takes a long time :)!


    Thanks in advanced! :)

  9. Hey there!


    Looking for an guild on the Republic side, mainly focussed on PvE. Don't mind doing the ocassional PvP match.


    Didn't play for 2 years, almost since launch... Nobody from old guild plays anymore. Only interested in a smaller guild, not those with like 100+ members where nobody knows each other.


    I am 22, from Europe. My main is an lvl 54 Sage healer.

  10. The planet is beautiful, at least in my opinion, but it's kinda hard to see the beauty of it when you get shot every 2m.


    Besides it being pretty, the dailes on it are very easy and quickly done. But the mob density really is insane. I wanted to destroy my monitor at one moment :rak_01: from rage.

  11. Who thinks that Makeb is the worst pos in the galaxy?


    Came back a few days ago ( after 2 years break ) to try out SW:TOR again. Many things have improved, but... Makeb... seriosly? Did Bioware make Makeb just too see people go crazy?


    Mobs every 2 meters... you can't move without getting attacked by an mob...


    And another thing, not related to Makeb. *** happened to the community? The first time i came back online after 700 days break i see comments in the general chat about Hitler, and ''fok u j*ws "? Gold sellers on every planet... Insults flying around in every general chat... The sub at the launch of the game at least kept the jedi baby gangsters away...

  12. Hey there. Came back to SW:TOR after a 6-7 month break.


    Interested in joining a more organized clan, mainly focused on PvE. I played from early access to late february on Trayus Academy where with my old guild we cleared all HM 8 man Opeartions.


    I am a level 50 SAGE, healer. Don't remember what gear i had ( lol still downloading at 167KB/s), but i think i had full columi with 3-4 rakata parts.


    Bear in mind that i didn't play a long time and that i will need a few days to get back into the routine.

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