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Posts posted by DMOMO

  1. Sorry, but you are misinformed.



    When you complete the Sith Warrior storyline, you get a mail from someone that talks about a Jedi coming and attempting to destroy the Emperor. In all actuality, its not the Emperor, but rather the Voice of the Emperor.


    I can't believe I'm still seeing this clarification after all this time.

  2. Lemme guess

    1.) Turned Exile into a Revan fangirl (the biggest reason)


    2.) No in depth on other characters besides Revan (The main character Scourge got less depth)


    3.) Downplaying the Exile's strength tremendously. The Exile whom defeated Darth Nihilus (the living black hole that would consume even Sidious if they met), Darth Sion (Cannot die unless he allows it), and Darth Traya (Revan's master, enough said) gets her butt kicked by a no name DC member (Nyriss) and has to have her damsel in distress butt saved by no other than Revan (Again Drew's biggest crime against a character just beause it isnt his own.)

    -This results in an influx of fanboys who claim Revan to be God in SW (most likely the case), and haters who claim Revan to be weaker than well pretty much everyone (less likely but still happens to some extent).


    4.) Giving Emperor Vitiate Mind Control powers (bad plot device? but i never understood why that would be the case) and making him look to be the God of all gods in power.

    -This results in an influx of SW fans to question and fight against canon about who really is the strongest sith lord out there (we all know this was being argued before Vitiate came around, but Drew's novel of him certainly didnt help things) also we all know its Sidious, Dark Empire proves it even without quotes saying he is the strongest.


    Am i missing anything, i think i got most of it for ya, you havent been here in awhile so your criticism on the poorly written novel would be fresh and welcomed!!




    All I have ever seen written by anyone who has beef with the novel.

  3. Fun fact! Metal actually takes more skill overall to be good and sound good. No this is not terrible. You apparently just don't know how to listen to music objectivley. For instance, I hate rap, yet I could easily point out a good beat/rythm etc. in a ap song and base my thesis of that song on that and call it good however much I hate the genre.


    Relax pizon, I liked almost every type of metal when I was younger. From 7 H. Target, Defeated Sanity and Wormed to Pantera, Twisted Sister , and Alice Cooper Personally the instrumentals don't do it for me anymore and I don't like the sound overall. That's why I said it was terrible. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion so don't jump to conclusions about how I listen to music.


    I hated rap almost my entire life and have recently taken a liking to the genre. I find that a good artist who raps about interesting or intellectually stimulating topics hold my interest far greater than any metal band. Eyedea and Abilities, Aesop Rock, and Atmosphere are some great example of intellectual rap. Some talk about Existentialism and others about everyday problems and the sort. I can also lay down and even sleep to the music.


    To each his own of course.


    Of course I don't strictly listen to Rap. I also enjoy various forms of electronic music, classic rock, and orchestral.

  4. My second favorite character and favorite non-force user! Awesome post, I feel you really hit the nail on the head with this one.


    I just learned a whole bunch from this post about one of my favorite characters and that's what I love about your posts. Just when you think you know it all, BAM! Aurbere pops in to teach you a bit more.


    I was re-reading this and was about to post this!


    Thrawn is second only to Kyle Katarn as my favorite character. I wish he hadn't died as I would have loved to see a universe under his rule. I have a feeling it would have been the most stable galactic government that ever was.

  5. I'll ignore Surinen's reply because he is such an obvious troll (or simply a very dark person).


    Could the Jedi have stopped? Probably. But the Sith were still strong and the Supreme Chancellor wanted to prevent another war.


    But technically, the invasion of Sith Space was apart of the Hyperspace War. So the Republic really didn't do anything wrong (besides war, but they were only retaliating).


    I don't know. If he actually believe the nonsense that he spouts then I would very much doubt his intelligence. Maybe he should live under a dictatorship and see how easy it is to gain power or be one of the higher ups.


    I certainly hope he is trolling. I can't or rather don't want to believe someone that ignorant can exist.

  6. he used popular, disfigured and based on propaganda model of Third Reich, not much connection with reality.


    Empire illuminates with infinite wisdom of the Sith while republic rots from the inside thanks to scourge known as democracy and jedi actvities




    Infinite wisdom of the Sith?




    The Sith would and have killed for fun and are not above killing subordinates or their higher ups for more power. If anything the Sith rot the Empire away. The non force users seem to hate and/or fear the Sith because of all the power they have.


    I must note that my troll senses are tingling.

  7. unfortunately my intelligence and coolness breaks formula of simple turn based games - I need both, actions and strategy to feel satisfied , and force unleshed was much more fluid and while playing I was feeling actually powerful. Kotor was slow and clunky - I would prefer fast paced lightsaber gore production and multiple force throws


    I have to disagree. I found TFU combat boring and repetitive. Besides force push and lightning you were extremely limited in force powers. Majority of the time I found myself using the same three combos and beating the game with little difficulty.


    Also what does the bold mean?

  8. Yeah, but if you play without the mod, it's worse. KOTOR 2 is an example of how a company does content wrong and leaves the community to fill the void.


    Obsidian, who in my opinion are one of the few true RPG devs out there, were rushed to release KOTOR 2. It would have been a much better game if they had more time.*


    Here's an article about obsidian where they mention KOTOR 2.


    * The restoration mod proves this.

  9. The thing is though. Bioware or Obsidian or whoever LucasArts got to make the game would have a huge amount of work cleaning up the mess left by kotor 2. Let's face it, kotor 2 had a great begginning, a good middle, then it dropped off a cliff into fire. It wasn't finished and left huge holes in the storyline. There would be more work than worth to make a game good enough to make people overlook all the problems with their previous game. In the end it all comes down to money both LucasArts and Bioware saw that this MMO would bring more money for as long as it was afloat than kotor3, simply due to the fact that people that wouldn't only be drawn from the pool who had played 1 and 2. It wouldn't draw in as many new customers as TOR and greed won out. It sucks yes but that's how life is. Honestly i've been able to go through 1 and 2 only once each due to the amount of bugs and incompatibility. I'm very happy with the way this game turned out and no one will change my mind otherwise.


    Have you played Kotor 2 with the restoration mod?


    Kotor 2>Kotor 1

  10. Tarkin?!


    Oh man, you already covered Thrawn (my second favorite character) and now Tarkin (my third)


    I'm very excited now.


    Wolf, your thread about IG-88 opened my eyes. I knew a little about him (it) and did a little reading. I had no idea how much he was capable of. I'm a little disappointed at the fact that they made him attempt to take over the galaxy. Reading what you wrote sparked my interest but once I read about his plot I knew they would quickly get rid of him.


    Thanks again, both of you! I'm looking forward to many more :D

  11. "I do not waste my teachings on the weak."- King Adas, the Sith'Ari


    It has been a while since I did a character thread, so here it is. I had originally planned to do Odan-Urr or Exar Kun, but I thought it would be nice to do a thread on the little known King Adas.


    Thousands of years before the birth of the Galactic Republic, a child was born on Korriban. The newborn Adas was far different from the other members of the Sith species, for his skin was charcoal-colored. The Sith considered him a "chosen" being, and raised him as such. The young Sith would grow considerably in size, intelligence, and strength in battle.


    When Adas had matured, he encased his body in powerful armor and used Sith magic to alchemically create a powerful battle-ax. Using these weapons, Adas led a brutal campaign across Korriban, slaughtering those who opposed him. When he was done, he had united Korriban under his banner and was named the undisputed King of Korriban. The Sith believed that his reign would be eternal, and worshipped him as a god. As such, they proclaimed him the Sith'Ari, Overlord, and first Sith Lord.


    Three hundred years in to his reign as King, the Infinite Empire moved against him. They sent scouts to gain Adas' trust, by teaching him how to create Holocrons. The Sith'Ari created his own personal Holocron to pass his teachings on to those strong enough to learn.


    But he was deceived. The Rakatan Infinite Empire launched a massive invasion against the Sith. In retaliation, King Adas led the Sith against the overwhelming numbers of the Rakatans. With his Battle-ax in hand, King Adas cleaved through the ranks of the technologically superior Rakatans, and led the Sith to victory.


    However, King Adas was not done with the Infinite Empire yet. His forces stole the hyperspace capable ships of the Rakata and marched to claim more territory. His armies claimed such worlds as Tund and Malachor and even the future Sith homeworld of Ziost. But it was not to last. During the Sith campaign, Adas perished before he could exact his full vengeance. He was claimed to be immortal, but even the great Sith'Ari could die.


    Without the true Sith'Ari to lead them, the Sith fell into civil war. Pretenders claimed the title for themselves, but none could unite the Sith. The great Empire of King Adas crumbled and the Sith capital was moved to Ziost.


    King Adas was feared by his people millenia after his death.


    King Adas' Holocron was passed down across millenia, it had even fallen into the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Jedi Order. Eventually, however, the Holocron came to the Dark Lady Lumiya and was returned to Korriban.


    King Adas was a god to his people, feared and worshipped by the Sith. His reign was said to be eternal, that his rule was annointed by The Force itself. As the Sith'Ari and first Sith Lord, Adas was the greatest warrior among his people. King Adas firmly believed in the strong ruling the weak and executed those that were too weak to serve him. When Adas killed those that challenged his rule, he would slay them and drink their blood in honor of their battle.


    King Adas was a practitioner of Sith magic, which he used to create two Battle-ax's. Skilled in battle as he was, when the Jedi Exiles came to Korriban, the Sith believed that they were far more powerful than the Sith'Ari. They called Ajunta Pall the "Blood heir" to King Adas.


    *What does Sith'Ari mean? (and don't wookiee it :))


    If you have a topic you would like to see in the future, post them below or PM me.


    I've spent the last hour going through all of these threads that you and wolf made. Very informative and well written. I love the lore and you saved me a lot of time going to wookiepedia to read everything :D. I was hoping there would be a new one soon and once I reloaded the page I was pleased!


    Thanks for taking the time out to write these. I enjoy them and I'm sure other do as well.


    Thanks again!

  12. Hello.


    So as i'm sure you guys know the best RPG of all time (my opinion) is finally available on steam. This brings plenty of fun memories for me as I played through both multiple times. So I am asking is anyone here going to play them at all? Recommend any good mods? Got any good stories?


    Please share.


    PS: I play TOR and all my other games on my win 7 laptop but when I launch KOTOR 2 there is a issue with the screen resolution. Even if it's stretched there are still black spots on the sides. Anyone who has played got a fix for this?


    Thanks for your time.


    I've recently rediscovered these games after not playing them since the original Xbox. Thanks to Steam I've been able to play both and have put a combined total of 90+ hours.


    Some mods I'd recommend would be:












    Kotor 2: TSL







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