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Posts posted by AugustusD

  1. Many percieved PvP imbalances are because of the crappy Hero engine. The engine is so CPU intensive that many peoples computers just can't run it fast enough to get the response they need in PvP. No offence to hardcore players but people who's lives revolve around their computers tend to have better computers. People who are casual tend to have worse machines. (This is not always true obviously). In near full champ gear I have been pwning battlemasters often since I upgraded my PC. For me this is just a fact. I have never been so good at PvP lol. Why? Because as I circle people it seem to take them to long to start fighting back. So while you might think I hit you once I really hit you like 5 times. The lack of combat logs doesnt help either. So there is no way of telling what kind of damage I really did to you. Combine this with a 12% advantage for Battlemasters and you get major QQ. The difference between full champ and battlemaster isnt big at all(sometimes its a slide backward). Add expertise pots and artifacts and champs should compete fine. It doesnt take long at all to get champ gear. See where I'm going?


    If the game engine was better people would see this but as it is you need a heavy number crunching cpu like a i7 3930k to PvP with a good frame rate at all times.

  2. Well, then its not a big deal for me. Like you said its the nature of the game to have lvls of 40s being to well equipped for 30s and cant do the same content.


    Part of the frustration is probably from hitting lvl 50 and expecting that to mean an even playing field but lvl 50 is misleading as it being the final stage.


    When someone hits lvl 50 it more like 50.0, and when they do their dailies to get better mods its 50.1, and then they get centurion and champ items, its 50.2, etc


    Well, at least now I know whats going in. I think its normal, but I hope it does not mean i have to spend a lot of time to raid, or what not to equal the playing field. That would be a problem. As it is now, the grind to BM is not that bad at all, but the advantages seem a bit too much for my liking. I would prefer the playing field to be a bit more even, and more about options of play, or immersive options of play like sand box.




    Tons of MMOs are setup this way from DAOC to Everquest2. In DAOC hitting 50 was just the start. Now you needed to farm RR. In classic you had 50 regular levels and then 10 realm(pvp) levels. Everquest2 was 50 levels and 10AA levels. SWTOR is even more... Its what 50PvE levels and assuming you were PvPing some while leveling by the time you hit 50 you got 30 PvP levels to go. These games are timesinks. Now a days hitting 50 is just the beginning of an even more arduous grind and regular MMO players should know this by now.


    To the guy who said he doesnt understand why people dont understand that some people like to PvP for PvP sake. I do understand that. I love to PvP but doing the same warzones over and over against the same people (you know who you are) gets boring after a while even for the most hardcore PvP lover. Now, I'm not judging you. I don't know you and you could love to PvP and never get bored as long as you are playing against another human but others need more motivation than that. This is an MMO. The "average" hardcore PvEer and PvPer are looking for the same thing. You dont see people telling PvEers "Hey man can't you do this zone with just skill? Just equip the most basic gear in your inventory for your level". Most PvPers want gear that helps them kill players just like PvEers want gear that helps them kill mobs.

  3. Well, i think the issue is how BM is suppose to give around 12% more dmg but overall with more armor, and higher dps weapons amounts taking a lot less dmg, and of course dishing out more that BM is more than just 12% increase with expertise compared to champion around 10%.


    So according to rumor, the new ranking warzones ignore the expertise bonus of normal warzones?



    Is that the problem?


    It is still BM armor, so the stats are better than other regualr items and the armor rating is also higher. Also people dont have 100% BM gear since they optimize with PVE gear with other parts for more stats.


    So the advantage of those who played more should still exist, but without the 14% increase in dmg.


    However, it seems those who raided might have an advantage with raid gear doing the ranked WZ.



    This is part of the problem. Just like a ton of PvEer's never want to PvP a lot of PvP players never want to PvE. PvP players tend to not want to have to PvE to compete in PvP. Ask Mythic how people in DAOC felt about Trials of Atlantis(I loved it but I like PvE too). This is shown to be historically true and I think its true here as well.

  4. Hardcore MMO PvE and PvP players are similar. For PvE players it's about capping and getting all the best loot as fast as possible. This way they spend the next few months enjoying all the content with ease until the next expansion comes and makes everything they did worthless.


    For PvP players its about capping out and getting all the best loot as fast as possible so that they can kill the average player with ease and enjoy PvPing till the next expansion comes out and makes everything they did worthless.



    You can never please both the casual crowd and the hardcore crowd. The crowd a company caters to depends on how much new blood the game is attracting. If you have enough casual players coming and going you dont have to pay as much attention to the bandwidth hogging hardcore players who will subscribe longer.


    I just don't buy the PvP for the "challenge" thing. The first 10 times you PvPed might have been for the challenge. The next 50 times was in the chase for something otherwise you would have been bored by now. Hardcore players both in PvP and in PvE do the same thing over and over and over again to be better then the average player. Not just through skill but artifically by time invested like Goku after the Hyperbolic time chamber. Otherwise Experience points wouldnt exist. Its just my opinion but all MMOs ive played have been setup this way.


    People seem to have no problem with this when it comes to PVE. Level 1 players dont stand a chance in level 50 content. When a level 45 player starts forming a group and a level 30 asks to join hes often told something like "your level is to low and you'll die to fast". But when it comes to PvP everyone expects the playing field to be even no matter how much time you have invested. This is an MMO not a FPS or fighting game... You have to give PvPers something worth playing the same content over and over and over or they will get bored and quit.

  5. Processor is a i7 3930k , 32GB RAM, OCZ solid state HDD, SLI 2x GTX 580's. I see ~60FPS on Ilum solo or with other imperials. When the zerging happens (rare though it is now-a-days) my framerate drops to around 25-30FPS. I think its because the game is very CPU hungry. The i7 3930k made a huge difference over my old core2. Zerging on Ilum is definately playable for me.
  6. BH/Commando is so gimped that they are FOtM at the moment. Whole war zones with nothing but Commandos and sorcs. Heavy armor, heals and good damage... Sorry not seeing the downside here. I just deal and manage to kill my share cause half the people playing them dont know how but the ones that do are beast and you guys know it. The commando class should get some looking at. Ain't saying nerf um but I'd say maybe buff some other classes up to their level of "balance". Problem I see is that healing as a whole is OP in PvP in this game because of the interrupt mechanics. If your jolt or whatever misses the heal your screwed. Most other games you could hit a caster to shut down the spell cast and interrupt effects were attached to more abilities.(DAOC comes to mind). Here it takes watching and knowing the animation to shut it down. Ooops you missed it and they just healed to full lol. Can be pretty tough to spot too with half a dozen other effects going on around you. IMHO the interrupt mechanics need some looking at and it would solve a ton of "balance" issues.
  7. Wow, I'm sick of all the L2P posts I see on these boards. This isn't a L2P issue. Healing really is overpowered right now because of game mechanics. Let's compare to other group based PvP MMOs for a second like DAOC. As a DPS class you don't need to use a special ability like jolt to interrupt them. If you are hitting them they can't cast. This is most of what makes all casters slightly overpowered in SWTOR PvP. The cool downs on the interrupt abilities for some classes is to high. If you interrupt the little heal to bad here comes the big one. If you get the big one they use the little ones or pop a shield to absorb damage till the heal is available again. Personally, it takes me as an assassin literally minutes of beating on healers to kill them. Matter of fact just tonight (jolt is part of my rotation so the healer got hit with it everytime it was up) I beat on a healer till my 75k medal popped up. Now, I doubt all the damage was to that one healer but the majority of it was. Bottom line IMHO is not to nerf healing classes but to look at interrupt mechanics. It should be easier to interrupt classes. A lightsaber jabbing you should do something to your concentration. Either that or interrupt abilities like Jolt need thier cool downs reduced drastically. Doing this would fix the sorc problem and the general healer complaints while still forcing people to use skill to succeed. It shouldn't take more than one person focusing a healer to take them out if the right abilities are being used.
  8. I don't think this problem exists on all servers. Last night on LA we had a huge 40+ vs +40 battle on Ilum that lasted most of the night with a. Constant back and forth struggle for the bases. It was awesome. It made my computer crunch to a halt a few times but it was fun regardless. I do my dailies all the time and sure we(Imp) normally control the CA but the repubs come and kick but on a regular basis. Fighting them off often requires a ops group to be formed so we can come back and steamroll. God I hate BigTime Lira or whatever her name is (repub dual wielder). 5 good republic PvPers can beat twice thier numbers. The good republic PvPers on our server know when to attack and when to disappear. Numerical superiority only matters in set-piece battle and even then strategy is more important. So my solution is to do what these people do. Learn the terrain, develop a strategy and pick your fights. If your conserned about gear it's even easier now to get equips then ever.
  9. deception player here i put out 300k-400k a game, learn how to play were fine


    Love quotes like this. You in full BM gear vs lesser geared people is not a good indicator of what the class can do. Let's see you get half as many medals without "dark charge". Why don't u backup what you are saying instead of just making a blanket statement. Ie. prove your doing that against equally geared players... You're not.


    BTW: *IF you are not *Deception spec-ed this does not apply to you.

  10. ok, so the only thing that keeps this light armor class alive "Dark charge" is getting a nerf. Before anyone jumps on that let me explain. This is basically a lifetap that can not happen more than once every "x" number of seconds. (not logged in now to check but believe me it's balanced). This is getting removed from deception because BW doesn't like hybrid specs. Well fine... I can accept that you want us to go to 31 in a tree and that you don't want pure dps having access to tank skills. I can even agree with this because that was never my vision when using the class either. However, you guys need to make the assassin dps spec do...well...actual dps. Deception has the lowest dps of any dps spec in the game + light armor and the need to be in melee range. Dps needs a boost if we are expected to have zero survivability in close quarters. I've played rogues in many MMOs and all had light armor, stealth and some sort of vanish. Thing is that in pure dps spec they could all dish enough damage for the fact they are paper. Deception assassins only do enough damage if they are allowed to build up charges. You'd need to be a very bad player or afk to allow an Assassin to do this. Who doesn't know that after the second pretty VS attack the big attack is coming and put up a shield or other invulnerability?


    Before you mention maul be aware of it's severe restrictions. If weakness has not proc-ed it's 50 force per maul and it must be used from behind. Latency makes maul fail almost as much as it succeeds and the damage isn't even all that great. With no restriction Mercs can do just as much damage with one insta cast of tracer round.


    Anyway, without making this a novel I ask that before you reply and flame me you lookt the spec i'mtalking about.


    Why am I posting here and not in the Assassin forum?? Because this is a major PvP issue. I not want to be pigeon-holed into tank spec. I doubt most people were thinking "tank" when they chose an Assassin.

  11. Not sure if this has been said but you guys do realize that one of the best PvP games ever made( IMHO) DAOC had *both a face and /stick command. It was impossible for others to run around you or bunny hop over you if you used those commands. The major differences though was

    A) you can't turn even while stuck to someone while stunned which allowed others to use thier positional attacks

    B) You couldn't cast while being hit. So melee when they got in range could own you. Even instant PBAOE was interrupted if you were being hit. That really suprised me in this game where I'm beating on a nuker And they are still casting on me. I have to jolt someone to sort of shut them down for a cast.


    I think they just need to examine interrupt mechanics and this problem is solved. You can keep the auto face as long as I can hit you and shut your nuking and HEALING down.

  12. Bumping this. These bags need an overhaul almost as bad as Illium. Actually I don't dislike illium that much but it's to big for the number of people fighting there and the stuff going on in the sky is to flashy. PvP areas should put a premium on PvP performance not environmental beauty or story telling immersion. For people on lower quality machines Illium is hellishly laggy where as they can play warzones and all other zones fine. You know what's beautiful in PvP? Your lightsaber going through the chest of your opponent. No one cares what color the sky is or what's flying up there and if they do they only cared when they first looked at it till they noticed its on loop.


    Fix champ bags!

  13. Work hard and you get rewarded. That old saying seems true everywhere but in SWTOR. I've been grinding and getting ground for days. 50Valor levels and only 2 champ items to show for it. All i managed to get are Helm and boots. All the rest has been nothing but centurion commendations. Look, I expect to suck till I get geared up. I expect to have to work for my gear but seriously let's drop this luck crap. People I started with who don't Pvp nearly as much as me are nearly fully geared and can go up against the people who I wouldn't show my champ title in front of. All I'm asking for is some fairness. If I put in more work I should get more of a reward not more centurion tokens to buy gear which is inferior to what my less hard working but luckier friends are getting. I don't mind grinding for hours or capping bases or whatever...just give me a clear path for progression not the lottery. Guys like me never win th lottery....


    Ok, sorry for the rant but seriously I couldn't be more frustrated. I just did my daily. Spent hours waitin around and helping scout out the center base while I finished my weekly. Opened 4 champ bags and nothing but tokens. No worries I say... I go to the WZs save up 800 more WZ point(was fresh out since the last disappointment) bought another champ bag and guess what? Tokens.

  14. The simple solution is to increase the number of centurion commendations per bag to 10. For 800wz commendations, a bag with nothing but 3 centurion commendations is both annoying and frustrating. It would take about 60 hours to be able to buy your weapon with that. If you raised the commendations to 10 someone who opens 7 bags and gets nothing can still buy something with the commendations instead of feeling like they have totally wasted their time. Just think about the time it took to get 7 bags! 800WZ each bag...10 minutes per match + queue time. Let's assume this is a new 50 getting 70wz commendations a match. This equals... A long time lol. For this much effort there should be a reward. There should be no chance to get nothing but 21 commendations. I think 21 commendations can only buy you the artifact. You'd be 3 commendations shy of buying anything else.
  15. I'm equally unlucky. I'm valor level 47 and I've opened 12+ champ bags and only got the helm. All the rest are commendations. Wouldnt mind much if I was going against people in the same boat as me but most seem much luckier. Cept in my guild. Latest 50 saved 1000 wz and merc cons to get no champ gear at all. She got all commendations. I agree system should change or you should get more commendations per bag.
  16. oh dear....yet another post from a PvP-er that hasnt bothered to read the parts about STEALTHED players or FLAGGED players running into AOE abilities done by yourself or your companion and getting flagged AGAINST thier wishes


    Read the whole thing and play on a PvE server. I like these options. I love the option to PVP and would be pissed if whining got it taken away. Also he was in the imperial side... People may try to kill you there. It's suprising he wasn't flagged for PVP when we went by the imperial side.

  17. The Sith Assassin ability maul either has a messed up animation or some other lag causing problem. This ability constantly resets the animation even when directly behind the opponent. I think this might be because the client and the server are not quite in sync so the server thinks you are standing somewhere you Are not causing the positional requirement to fail. So while you think your in position and spam this ability the server days "no your not" and resets it. This wouldn't be to much of a big deal if the animation did not take a second or so to run through before it resets. If the server doesn't think I'm in position the ability animation shouldn't start up at all. this is a big cause of frustration for this class because this is one of our biggest damage abilities and it seems hindered by this problem. Ask the Assassin community and some will even tell you they have given up on using this at all. By the time it goes off (if it does so)your exploit weakness proc is gone and it costs you 50 force to use.


    Until this issue is resolved I suggest removing the positional requirement for this ability to make it usable.

  18. I'm currently 45 valor levels and I'll tell you my key for consistently topping the war zones. I have 31 points in deception at level 50. First, I guard someone. In the beginning I am prepared to take a death and here in why. I guard the person who I think everyone will jump. The next thing i know it I have 10k guarded damage and hopefully a kill blow. 4 medals right there. Force cloak often let's me slip away just before I take a death but if I do no biggie I'm ahead of the game in the first minute or two of action. Nows time to rack up kills. Respawn or heal and look for a kill. Pop some expertise pot and willpower stim and curb stomp someone one on one. VS, VS, shock, VS, Vs, Shock. Try to position for maul the whole time by backpedaling over the person I'm fighting. Believe me this works and you drop people quick. Know your targets. Leave the healer for the gang bang and if you must attack him use jolt over and over. Go for the squishes and try to alway open with spike since knockdowns disorientate people. Spike, maul, maul, VS, VS, shock, assassinate. Speed out or force cloak. Just get away from the kill unless your in a group gank'n. Works for me so far. Next thing you know you got 25+ kills, 10k protection, 75k+ damage done, a kill blow, solo kill and At least a 2.5k hit medal.
  19. I notice this in PvP with my force cloak. Very important for me to know when it's available. The first few times I clicked it and I didn't go off I thought it was ability lag. Then after dying I moused over it and saw 10 second left yet the icon showed the ability available. This *is a bug. Not sure why people think it's a QQ. In EVERY MMO i've played CDs stay gray then flash back to normal when they are availabl again. I know that's shocking to some here but its true....
  20. Operatives don't seem so tough if I get the drop on them. Yeah, they hit hard EVEN out of stealth without that opener but that what my stuns are for. Still right now I don't seem to put out enough damage to drop them before they use a stun of their own and escape. I'm reserving judgement about them till I get fully geared in champ/battlemaster stuff. Be careful calling for nerfs before your fully geared. You might just be getting rocked by someone who way out gears you and some classes do better with less than other more gear dependent classes. Just my opinion.
  21. Hide and seek games are an important part of both Assassin ( deception) and Operative gameplay. I think some feel that some classes just wouldn't work right in 4 on 4 matches and this would lead to more whining. Similar to DAOC and War the classes here seem to be group balanced not balanced 1 vs 1. 8 Vs 8 would likely be better than 4 on 4. Just my humble opinion.
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