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Posts posted by AdakiasX

  1. L2level slower. You cant power through the game then complain that you're the only lvl 50 for miles.


    Power through the game? Dude...I log less than 2 hours during the week, and probably 10 on the weekends. I'm leveling all 3 crew skills, i do space missions, pvp, world pvp, exploring, listen to most of the storyline, etc. And I'm reeeaaallly close to 50. It doesn't take powering through this game to be 50. The only reason you shouldn't be 50 or close to it yet is either multiple characters, you rarely play, or this is your first mmorpg.


    Anyone with any mmorpg experience knows leveling in this game is a joke...doesn't take "powering through the game" to be there.

  2. Wouldn't have anything to do with you only facing all 50's now instead of face rolling everyone who was below 50? Pretty sure it is as thats the major change since last night. 50's were given easy kills and now they have to figure out how to play properly. Stop QQing.


    This. You're bad and now facing people your level.

  3. I had none of the bugs you mentioned...at all....and in regards to Mako's sisters, did you bother to check your level vs their level, or what registers when you attack? Because I have a feeling it's constantly saying "resist" for you because they are such higher level.


    Point is...I think most of the "bugs" you are encountering are user error, not game mechanics. Does this game have bugs? Duh. But I've never had an npc be "super" as you stated, unless I attacked a champion without paying attention...Nor have I never been able to attack a target, or had had an elevator instakill me.

  4. Unless it changed yesterday, you will always be able to see your lightside/darkside earned for each side. Even if your gross is 10,000 dark side, you should be able to see the light side earned no matter what you do. I was dark II and started doing all lightside diplomacy missions just for fun. Now I'm neutral and when I look it shows i Have dark 5,500, light 6000. The dark has never budged since the second I started doing all light side. So I don't see any reason that would change at 10,000.
  5. And question for the public to prove my point. I would like anyone here who is having these issues to post something intellectual you understand about computer hardware/software programming/hardware drivers, just so we can judge your computer literacy before trying to help.


    Apparently I'm ADD, just keep thinking of things after I post. Another thought is your sound card drivers. Most people laugh, but it's amazing how much it can affect your performance and it always looks like it's a graphics/processor issue. Never heard of a computer overheating from it, but in the right conditions I could see it, especially if the user *cough idiot* just keeps playing through obvious performance issues.

  6. I got through page 3 before realizing how fail the OP is. Three pages full of real, intelligent discussions telling him what is wrong with factual statements to back their logic up, and he only comments to the very few troll posts in between. And still blames bioware...so pathetic.


    Ph, and UPDATE YOUR DRIVERS. ALL OF THEM. Just going to nvidia/ati site and updating your graphics isn't enough...take care of your computers and you won't run into these issues. It's not a console, you actually have to spend time and know about your parts. Chances are your computers are overheating because of some process SWTOR is running that YOUR computer isn't running right. Not biowares fault, they build games on computers with updated, accurate drivers.

  7. Training costs are not too high...anyone that thinks so is doing something wrong. When I was 25, I was 10k short of what I needed for my speeder. Halfway through 25 I had it. At 26 I couldn't afford one skill, but less than an hour later I had plenty. Since then, at 39, I have 250k credits. When I ding 40 it's all going to speeder and I'll be back in the same situation I'm sure.


    I have three crew skills, one at 400 and two in the upper 200's. I've purchased three companion kits (two by accident..). I've purchased a number of things on the market, total around 40k. I've never sold anything anywhere except to a vendor. My bank is FILLED with mission items and 20-30's purples to sell. Oh and I've upgraded my inventory three times, so that's what, 20-30k?


    Point being, as someone who spends a crapton more money than they should, I still have ZERO issues with credits. If I sold anything useful, didn't buy anything useless, I'd have more money than I could figure out what to do with.

  8. Question on that build. Is the 4% shield chance with 2 points that noticeable, versus the speed bonus from jet charge? I've never been anything but a pyro, but I've been in some huttball matches with a ST that had those talents. Seemed really op, being able to jet charge up ledges and speed through the goal line. But again, never been a ST to know how much shield chance benefits, just inquiring.
  9. Sure it's contributing. But it's not to your full potential. Perfect example, early on there are a bunch of enemy's running with the ball carrier, and you're stopped right in front of a raging furnace. Instead of grappling the ball carrier and stunning him in the fire, you grabbed the lowest level player and slaughtered them while the ball carrier scored.


    It wasn't a bad video, but there are definitely choices you could have made that could have contributed more to the match than your 500k damage.

  10. Your opinion (emphasis on OPINION. Because nowhere in that article did it say what happened. I remember reading the "Why RTW failed" article written from one programmer of RTW APB. Then I spoke with my very close friend who transitioned from RTW to G1, and it was really funny how hearing two scenarios from two sides of the story lead to such different conclusions.


    Point being, unless this engineer transitioned with the engine to work for BW, IDGAF what he says. It has been heavily modified since they purchased it. You're only making assumptions on why the game feels that way to you.

  11. And please stop calling speeders mounts, for cripes sake!


    Except this game calls them mounts too, ever take your MOUNT where you weren't supposed to go? "Mounts not allowed here. Turn around or you will be demounted"..for cripes sake.....thank you come again.

  12. Were you leveling crew skills or something? I think I had 40k by 20 or so, then spent about 10k of it on crew skills, then was back to barely 40k by 25. Took a level or two to get the extra 8k to buy a speeder, but overall it wasn't that bad...


    Really though, I haven't had any money issues in this game. My recommendation - pick up slicing (all of you who are going to jump in and say slicing doesnt make money, just be quiet...), send your crew on only lockbox missions till your skill is about the level of areas you are in. Then ALWAYS loot the slicing lockboxes/lockers around you as you level. Right now at 31 I get anywhere from 200-800 per lockbox, and they are everywhere. Plus right now at 400, the 30min lockbox missions yield 1500-2500 (costs 1400 per mission), with about a 33% chance for an epic 340 gathering mission that sells for 2-10k.

  13. Oh and one last thing...she detests the empire/republic war. You will be asked a LOT of questions about your stance. She wants you to be a mandalorian bounty hunter, not an empire bounty hunter. As often as you get a chance, renounce yourself as independant and that it isn't your war (typical answers are "im just doing a job" or "this isn't my battle"). TONS of affection points to be gained there.
  14. She's a bounty hunter/slicer, but kind at heart. She wants you to act like a bounty hunter, so always after more credits, the job, the mission. She also likes confidence, but not ******e cockyness. But the kind part of her heart wants you to care about peoples emotions, and be considerate to people when you have the choice.



    Go for money.

    Care about her emotions.

    Be confident but not ******e.

    Let people live (only one + rep with her on a murder darkside choice so far at 31)

    Always be trying to avenge Brayden and win the hunt.

    Ask slicing/techy questions

    If she has some "interesting things" she starts talking about, always pick the one that's wants her to elaborate.


    In other words, she's a typical woman. Money, confidence, emotions.

  15. This entire post is laughable. If you think WoW was "bold" or "groundbreaking" in any way whatsoever, you should just stop playing mmo's all together. WoW invented nothing, created nothing, idealized nothing. They took an existing system (an mmorpg), and tailored it to their warcraft 3 lore and storyline. Then they made it easier for the "casual" gamer to play, but that didn't happen for the first two+ years.


    Had you never played an mmo prior to WoW? I guess that's not a valid question, because regardless of the truth you won't answer truthfully, because it's obvious you have not.

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