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Posts posted by Daddyjf

  1. http://www.twitch.tv/razgrizthree/b/375801297


    there is the stream of all the matches casual played that day. The first 3 games me and thingone weren't playing thermal detonator. We lost to nostra domus, beat uncensored, and lost to you. We swapped to thermal detonator and went undefeated against you for the rest of the day.


    Here is the tally of all of casuals matches against all teams on 3/9/13


    nostra domas - civil war - 0-190 (loss) - you can verify this loss at 20:56 in the stream.

    Uncensored - ancient hypergates - 839 - 609 (win) - you can verify this win at 40:00 in the stream.

    the squirtle squad - civil war - 0-150 (loss) - you can verify this loss at 1:25:00 on the stream.

    uncensored - huttball - 6-2 (win) - you can verify this win at 1:37:00 on the stream.

    the squirtle squad - ancient hypergates - 708-494 (win) - you can verify this win at 1:58:00 on the stream. Kills 31-9 <casual>

    the squirtle squad - huttball - 6-1 (win) - you can verify this win at 2:25:15 on the stream. Kills 10-12 <squirtle>

    the squirtle squad - ancient hypergates - 684-458 (win) - you can verify this win at 2:51:30 on the stream. Kills were 18-18.

    the squirtle squad - huttball - 6-1 (win) - you can verify this win at 3:08:00 on the stream. Kills were 18-5.

    the squirte squad - voidstar - 1-0 (win) - you can verify this at 3:24:12. Kills were 32-21 <squirtle> (you beat us in kills because we capped the first door against you at the 4 minute mark and you never got past our first door)

    the squirtle squad - ancient hypergates - 680-322 (win) - you can verify this win at 5:22:18 on the stream. Kills were 34-2 <casual>

    the squirtle squad - voidstar - 1-0 (win) - you can verify this win at 5:39:30 on the stream. Kills were 28-22 <squirtle> (you beat us in kills because we capped the first door against you guys at over the 5 minute mark and you never got past our first door)


    according to the stream of all the ranked matches on that day, final tally against you was 7-1, with you getting one early win against <casuals> first day of rwz matches.


    Again i digress, you beat <casual> the very next week one game on voidstar where i played on your team, did the highest damage on your team, and 130k protection. Ballzballzballz did 25k less damage than me and only did a measely 46k protection and he's your best pt. You can verify this win where i carried you here:


    1:49:55 second mark.





  2. Everyone that I've asked from TOFN has said that they cba except for like 2-3 people.


    They have to DL the patch, transfer gear, craft for a day or two for the augments and augment kits so i can see the logic in it. Still, it's pretty bad.


    Worst reasoning ever, all other guilds that want to compete against each other have allready done it


    It is close to one day of work

  3. I just wanted to stop in and let you guys know that this is awesome and we're excited to see the feedback that you produce! Please be sure to post your thoughts in the PTS Forums. You can report bugs using the in game /bug system or by posting on the PTS forums.


    For any players who would like to participate but aren't already on PTS, this Test Center blog gives all the instructions you'll need to copy your character to PTS and immediately level up to 55 for the fun.


    Thanks for helping us test the new content!


    give us a tournament server !

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