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Posts posted by Edirani

  1. Hello, I just wanted to post my side of the story.

    As a Sage I feel really nurfed. And that's because of two things.

    1st: No matter what I play, whether it's Balance, Seer or Telekinetic in PVP there's always one bad***** who can oneshot me with no problem. I'm a Level 50 full WH gear for both DPS and Healing specs. As a DPS (maybe I haven't built my character as well as it could be build) I get no higher crits than 4.2k and that's against targets that have less than 600 expertise and 15k HP. But when it comes to same geared enemies I get squashed. I can't say I'm a huge pro, I don't know how to counter every class' abilities but it's frustrating when the biggest hit against a juggernaut I can get is like 3.2k when on his side the numbers go double. And they have a CC immunity for a period of time which means if he Force Charges you, first thing: Sweep, second - Slow, 3rd MS, and we never get to 4th. If I have a cooldown on force speed and force of Will (trinket) I'm more or less doomed. Because I cant outnuke him as I mentioned before, and he 3shots my little light armor wearing butt. Bottom line is: As a squishy hero you have no chance against a jugg/guard or comm/BH for that matter. The only classes this class can do anything about are the equivalent of Sage (Sorcerer) and Merc (sniper) and even then you have a big chance of loosing. So as the squishiest class in the game I beg of you NERF THEM HArmor wearing bastards. I'm not asking for a huge nerf but at least create the illusion that one can beat them. (It's like the mirror of trying to kill a Frost Mage with an Arms Warrior, it's not impossible, but you need to have a damn big luck) Thank you.

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