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Posts posted by Ovanmaru

  1. these whiners are not able to comprehend the full picture of the story and the obvious development limitations.


    LOL, "development limitations". Thanks for that man, I needed a good laugh.


    -The game is low on funds because its unpopular

    -The game is unpopular because its ****

    -The game is allowed to be **** because its low on funds


    What? How in any way is this acceptable? Why are you ok with this?

  2. Bioware literally sells hotbars to their players. They deserve every bad review they've ever gotten for pullin **** like that at every corner. I've played hundreds of sketchy F2P MMORPGs and I've never seen such a money-grubbing F2P model. I'd like to add that this is coming from someone who lives a very comfortable life so money is not the issue...its the quality of the product that has me concerned.


    I can't even GET my friends to try another MMORPG because they assume its going to be another shill fest like SWTOR was.


    Focus more on making a fun game than your bottom line, then maybe they'll earn some solid reviews. But lets be honest, that will NEVER happen.

  3. I'm not sure when, but one of the last few patches seems to have gltiched out the Death's Claw Helm item and others like it. The tubes connecting to the mask to the back of the neck are missing.


    Here is a picture of the bug:



    Here is a picture of what it should look like:




    I noticed that this mask is bugged on my female IA but my male IA still has the tubes on the mask but only if hes using the outfit tab of the armor he currently has equipped (not the 2-5 cosmetic tabs).


    Please fix this small bug. I love this mask and set!

  4. Thank you for staying on top of this Scold (and everyone else actively involved with these issues)! I'm somewhat glad that the scoundrels got their questions answered before us. Hopefully the devs give us some better answers...otherwise I really don't see the point in this representative stuff. The fact that we only get 3 questions is in itself a bit sketchy. Now it turns out that some classes get amazing responses where as others just get shrugged off? This really says something about the devs.
  5. Okay I realise the intent with dyes was probably meant to get folks to keep buying the dye packs in the hopes of getting the dye color they want seeing as the crafted dye selection is so limited and the rep vendors selections so varied.


    BUT why are dyes not a part of the collections system like everything else? You would still get folks spending cartel coins on them in order to get the colors they want and to unlock them for thier account.


    PLEASe Bioware add Dyes to the collections system.

    I know this isn't a petition but...



  6. So what, not everybody is made to be a quaterback...


    Do you see what we have to put up with bioware? People who think they're entitled to an easy win just because they picked a specific class. That's about the dumbest thing I've read on here so far (and I've been to the suggestion box once or twice).


    Put up an anti-scrub wall and force these players to play your warzone properly.

  7. I hate Scamper. I mean I HATE it. I don't know if Op healing is too strong, I don't know if they should have stealth and cover, I don't know if <insert tree> is too strong for Operatives.


    I just know that when a mother F-er catches the ball at the top of the ramp by midfield and SCAMPERS to the goaline in 4 GCDs--I hate that ability.


    Hey, let me spam Dual Saber Throw 4 times in a row. Or let me spam Saber Reflect. Let me use it as long as I have 6 focus/rage, and that's fair, right? I mean that's HALF my resource bar that I couldn't possibly fill up by hitting, being hit, leaping, throwing, choking, or just pushing Focus.


    Spammable Scamper is complete *********. It's the most broken ability in objective based PVP.


    You're....trollin right? No one is THAT ignorant of SWTOR unless they just joined.

  8. I actually like Voidstar, but it becomes in ranked matches so often just a zergfest, while Huttball on the other hand could work pretty well as an e-sport, should BioWare ever want to go in that direction, they should not discard it now.


    Make huttball somewhat challenging for force users and I'll agree with you. There's nothing special about pressing 1 button and jumping (or getting pulled) across 1/4th of the map.


    Now, am I saying huttball doesn't require teamwork? Hell no! But it's stacked in the favor of force users too heavily to be considered....lol an "E-sport". At least add some kind of traps for them since most of the time they just walk under the fire pits anyway.

  9. How about with the removal of the normal ranked 8v8, maybe getting it back in the future just for huttball maps? So, that teams don't have to think about all maps, just about huttball and future maps that also be like huttball. I think that should have an ranked 8v8 option! Am I the only one who thinks that way?


    Speaking of bad ideas; they should also make a Void Star only queue too!

  10. I will definitely instaleave random arena pops if i can't opt-out of them. **** doing arena with random derps.


    ^This and only this.


    Arenas ruined WoW and it's community, even blizzard agreed with this. To think that your ****** 400,000 sub f2p game is going to be any better is just.... pure idiocy. Bioware couldn't even think of an original name for Arenas!


    This kind of **** is almost as staggering as War Z (the Day Z clone not the new movie). Please note that for awhile: War Z's TOS agreement was word for word copied from League of Legend's TOS....email and phone numbers...EVERYTHING. No wonder people get instantly expelled for plagiarism in schools, its just annoying as hell!

  11. Hello

    I would like to create a toon just for pvp and need advice which one is most fun to play in WZs?

    Not most OP/winrate fun most fun to play:)

    Sorc is out cause i got heal one with PVE gear and as heal i jsut dont like it and not gonna regear it for pvp.

    My bets:



    Tanky/dps Jugg/Guard?

    Which bring most fun endgame?


    Would you like us to tell you what to eat and drink as well? It's all a matter of opinion and no one is the same. Google videos of gameplay for each class that intrigues you and do some research. But no one on here is going to REALLY help you.


    Just my 2 cents though: gunslingers look silly in combat.

  12. They're just a bunch of smash monkeys who are upset they can't kill someone in 2-3 gcds anymore. Now they have to use *gasp* strategy and team work. oh no!!


    Remember when all they needed was force leap --> brostrike? That was SO MUCH FUN GUISE! Lets go back that please!


    People will ALWAYS complain about healers, no matter what MMO and no matter who gets nurfed to ****. Go ahead and nurf us, I'll still get top heals in 90% of the games I play.

  13. You have one of the stupidest moves in the whole game, you know that one where you leap in and mezz everyone around you for six seconds EVERY MINUTE and then do :rak_01: and you complain about resolve ? L2P.



    Sounds to me like OP either was out-geard, got 5v1'd or had a ****** healer. Play a squishy class, get stunned and THEN come back to the forums with your new found perspective.

  14. technically you are right if you speak about cover "state"


    But he is right when he speaks about cover mitigation,as it only works if you stay ducked, as soon as you use a gcd or a channelling ability the character loses cover mitigation for the duration of channelling / animation, but he stays in "cover state", so he is rooted has access to a useless version of sniper shot, and can throw his "explosive", but loses access to some other skills like backstab, but already selective mitigation goes away, until he stops doing things.


    also note that ops cover only work if there is actual "cover" to cover against, and only mitigate regular attacks IF they are not doing anything, it doesn't affect tech-force and dots.


    Operative 's cover is a gimmick and accounts for something like 0.2% damage mitigation over the duration of a WZ, operatives use it as such on very rare occasions, cause it totally negates their mobility which is a WAY better mitigation technique.


    People ranting about Operatives cover are really conceding their blatant ignorance of the class and should really play one for a week or two to get a better grasp of exactly how they work.

    ^Couldn't have said it better myself. I was honestly shocked to see that this was one of OP's main points lol.


    @People QQ'ing about the roll: GOOD pvp players know when to slow Ops. I'm surprised you haven't figured out why.

  15. I'm a little confused what Kolto Infusion is there for when I have Kolto Injection to provide more healing. Maybe Kolto Infusion comes in handy with a stack of Kolto Probes to provide good heal over times but I still see it a little useless. could someone prove me wrong and tell me it's uses because I can't see it.


    I only ever use it when my CDs are down, my target needs a burst heal or when I really need a tac advantage. It really just depends on how much damage the target is taking at the time; If you have enough time to cast it...save them AND keep everyone up around you...then you're using it properly.


    IMO it's kinda like every other "longest cast time heal" in other MMO.


    Btw it's also really nice to use as a "LOL INTERRUPT THIS!" ability...and if it you don't get interrupted just stop casting it.

  16. @OP


    Oh look someone other than me who plays Planetside 2 and was impressed with how they cared about the community so much...that they made them a part of their future development plans.


    Signed. Stop screwing around Bioware, SOE is making you guys look like some crappy F2P Korean company.

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