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Posts posted by DarylMusashi

  1. They altered server capacity to ease queueing. People play less when they hit 50.. some people unsub. The amount of each is unknown.. You are assuming that all decrease in acitvity = lost subs.


    This isn't my first rodeo in the MMO world. I've played them all at one point or another. This game is dying faster than any of them ever. You can try and dream and wish, and hope all you want. Its over man. The next quarterly report will bear this out. I'd stake money on it if it were legal to do so.

  2. Bull, dude. Why do people say stuff like this when it's verifiably untrue?


    7pm PST there were a couple very heavy, a dozenish heavy, about the same light, the rest standard.


    When the game started there were 41 US servers that were heavy, and now you yourself confirm just a "couple" heavy now. The game doesn't even have 750K active players IMO. We'll find out next quarterly report.

  3. Just something to consider, server population is dropping but sub numbers aren't. People are just waiting till the next patch arrives. They still like the game.


    No they don't. This game is breaking records for rate of fail. There will never be a major expansion. Get used to maintenance mode from here on out, continuous server merges down to the last 3 or 4. This game is already dead.

  4. Please supply factual evidence to support your claims.


    Because half of the so-called "Un-subbers," on these forums are lying.


    They say they do to get shock value, nothing more.


    I have a gut feeling that the real "shock value" will come when the next subscriber numbers are revealed. It sure does seem like the game is emptying out in a hurry.


    End game raiding is ironically the best feature the game has right now.


    PvP is unbearable for a number of reasons.


    I can't even enjoy soloing all the codex entries as has been suggested because there are so many problems with the Codex that you can't even complete one planet let alone the whole thing.


    Crafting in this game is weak. Too much RNG and Biochem or go home.


    End game raiding is all I have left in this game, but that won't last much longer.

  5. EA is rich because they're neither nice nor cool.


    It's called capitalism or "the most unscrupulous win".


    That's corporatism. The origins of capitalism predate the corporation concept. Capitalism isn't even really the proper term as that is a derogatory term created by Marxists. Free Market Economy is the proper term. You aren't forced to even participate if you don't want to under a pure free market.

  6. After watching the European trailer for the upcoming Star Wars kinect game, (Which is going to be horrible.) I remembered that particular part in the movie and have always wondered something. Episode IV takes place around 20 years after the fall of the Republic. Admiral Motti, the guy who famously says "Your sad devotion to that ancient Jedi religion" which is followed by Vader force choking him was alive when the Jedi were a common occurrence and everyone was saying "May the force be with you". Yet he acts like its been hundreds of years and the Force is some kind of cheap trick.


    Surely someone his age would know better than to mock the force especially in front of an extremely powerful force user.


    You've just discovered that George Lucas is a master of the force power called "Continuity Error".

  7. It was awful.


    People liked it for the relationships they had while playing.


    Also, certain Star Wars fans will love anything if you let them build a house on Tatooine.


    It wasn't a game, it was a big, empty world with very little to do. It just happened to be Star Wars. These are the same people that like the prequels.


    It's all rose colored glasses. SWG was terrible.


    I hate the prequels, but liked SWG. It wasn't a perfect game, but I had fun in my time there.

  8. This post will be amended over time as new ideas come to light.


    These are a few changes to the Codex system that I would enjoy seeing implemented:


    1) Organized differently. It should be simplified into the categories of Achievements and Planets. Place all non achievement categories into the respective planets of association. Rather than have a "bestiary" section, the planets would each have their own bestiary sub section as just one example. The other non achievement categories can all be folded into the planet categories. Each planet category would be expanded from what it is now to include each of these items.


    2) Included in the planet categories above would be statistics on each planet such as total number of pve enemies defeated, stims used, times revived, distance traveled, credits made from vendors, looting, and quest rewards, taxis taken, etc.


    3) Also included under each planet category above is a completed quest tracker. For example, I open up the Korriban category and can check on what quests I've completed there. Also include the total number of times repeating daily quests as part of both this feature and the stats feature listed at number 2 above.


    4) PvP stats should also be included that list total PvP kills as well as wins in WZs, total number of WZs played, Ilum stats, etc.


    5) A page that allows the player a few paragraphs of text to write a bio for their character which can be inspected by other players. This would be a big hit on RP servers.


    Other suggestions to come...

  9. I like this idea. I like it even more if it doesn't give Columi loot, but doesn't elsewise give gimped crap loot either. Tionese as a top end.


    Why would it really matter if the gear was just as good for the solo player? The solo player isn't going to take away your raid spot. Its also one more player with good gear if that player does decide to join a guild. I can't fathom any reason for limiting gear other than special snowflake status being reduced.

  10. Being that it's a slow day for this little boy, I've had a little time to do some forum creeping and I came across a thread where someone mentioned single player flashpoints where your party consists of your companions and I thought "What an interesting idea". I apologize for not having the actual link because I'm actually posting from my phone on an extended coffee break.


    I'd imagine that many players, myself included, only use 1 or 2 companions during the course of gameplay so it'd be pretty cool to be able to get more miles out of them since they are a major part of the SWTOR experience. Obvious adjustments would need to be made of course but I think it would add a nice, new dynamic to MMO gameplay and NPC companions is something Bioware is very experienced with.


    Now I imagine many people will say this is a multiplayer game, MULTI. I respect that position. Respect that my definition of a MMO might be a tad different than yours.


    I made this thread just to get a discussion going on the idea ( maybe even some Dev input...lottery ticket!) so please keep flaming and insulting posts to a minimum.


    I like this suggestion and support this as an option.

  11. you obviously havent played EVE have you, seen people playin since 2003 get beat by someone from 2010 because they build thier ship better and just straight outplayed em, and DAoC was meh imo


    Highly unlikely. It takes far too long to get the skills trained up, and then also afford all the upgrades unless you become the property of some mega corporation, but that still won't get you around the sheer time it takes to get the skills trained up. EVE pvp is nothing more than a griefer's paradise. If that is what you prefer then so be it, but the vast majority of MMO subscribers do not thus EVE is not a major player, and never has been.

  12. GW2 is so overhyped. Like any new game or MMO, it's always the best next alternative.


    It's Shiny it's New! It must be good!


    I guess GW2 is going to be the next flavor of the month game. I'm not defending SWTOR but seriously people are already looking at the next big thing.


    I remember a time when it was all SWTOR this and SWTOR that lol.


    Well, maybe one day one of these games is going to finally do it right. Its a long shot, but one can hope.

  13. Did you know that BW has acknowledged the issues with the Codex System?


    Why is this thread even in this forum BW? As it's the official "complain about the codex" thread shouldn't it be in General Discussion? It's a game system issue not a lore and story issue.


    Yeah right. They do seem to be taking their sweet time. Many of the bugs can be fixed in a few minutes of coding with a quick patch to implement. To date nothing has been done to improve the codex situation at all.

  14. Make you wonder why on earth did they include the Codex in the first place if there is no intention of updating it or fixing it.


    not a good start really, expect this sort of thing from a crap game maker not from someone like these people


    Yep, its baffling to me the budget spent on this game for it to be in such an amateur state.

  15. Hey ya'll! Having a pick of trouble and I wanted to check and see if anyone else is having this problem. I've been looking at my Codex entries and recently, I've finished all the end quests on Corellia but I was not awarded a title that the codex said I was missing... even though I've done everything. Is anyone else having this problem with their codex?


    The codex, like PvP and end game, is a sorry mess right now. This game should have delayed launch for at least a year.

  16. This thread is so pointless. If you don't like the game or don't play it anymore, then just don't! It doesn't matter to us.


    I don't like brocolli. I don't enjoy it's flavor or texture. What a piece of crap. My wife already bought some but I'm not going to eat it. WHY DOESNT ANYONE CARE :confused:


    If you don't care then why did you bother to respond to this thread? That is a whole lot of effort to "not care".

  17. dude, you have nice dreams...

    but be realistic, they can't even fix the most known exploits...


    as said, gimme 300mio$ ill give you swg2 + the swtor2...


    I believe I could design a hugely successful PvP MMO with a budget far less than that.

  18. i'll never ever buy a product where anyone from Mythic is involved again...

    WaR should have tought me a lesson, but this pile of crap is called pvp?!


    I too should have learned from Warhammer, but I held out hope that the Mythic PvP team would have realized that no gear grind leveling up PvP from 1-39 was by far the best, and most participated in form of PvP in that game. Those same devs came here and repeated the exact same mistake only making it even worse in many aspects. Why those people keep getting paid to make the same mistake over and over costing companies 10s of millions of dollars is baffling.

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