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Posts posted by etean

  1. Bumping shamelessly like the two dozen other people with identical threads.


    You know what I'm tired of? Hearing people ***** about this.


    What a tard lol.


    Yep cancelling because of Ilum PvP, but Ive been frustrated by this issue before as well.

  2. Honestly, I think Guardians/Juggernauts have the lowest survivablity of ALL classes and specs in PvP. They simply don't have much in the way of survival cooldowns since Saber ward isn't very effective in PvP and neither is Enure.


    I lol'd.

  3. Sadly DAoC is more than ten years old but it certainly was the greatest PvP MMO I ever played. The greatest thing about it was the three factions all having great pride in their realm and always defending their lands and attacking the other lands because having control actually mattered.


    Having the greatest portion of control opened up the best dungeon available (Darkness Falls).


    DAoC was amazing. Even when I was stuck at level 12 for days because I was just that much of a noob and the game was seriously that hard.

  4. The population imbalance has been a hugely negative effect on my enjoyment of the game. Its very disheartening being on the side that basically got screwed. Ilum dailies and weeklies were impossible to finish or even get started on. Empire players therefore had a huge advantage over all republic players, which allowed them to get better gear and farm valor.


    How is this fair? What is being done?

  5. I completely agree. This issue is nearly game breaking. Its completely unfair to be on the republic side of this game. Most Empire players have already been able to completely snowball to where they have a great advantage over republic players. Currently it is nearly impossible to complete the PvP Daily in Ilum. Its frustrating.


    I can accept ability delay, quest bugs, end game raid bugs, and a slew of other issues. What I can not accept is the PvP being completely unfair due to population imbalance. My group of four republic players can not compete against 30 imperials. Get more players? Get better? Naivety. There are not more players to play with and I'm sure we're just as skilled(more or less) than the empire players.


    This needs to be fixed Bioware. It's not fun.

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