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Posts posted by Izichial

  1. it would be neat if a bounty was added to a player who ganks. something like 1000 credits per level difference over 5 levels. 50 kills a 30...instant 15k bounty on that player.


    Automatic bounties? I'd gank lowbies forever just to see how big a bounty I could get.


    Then I'd team up with someone on the other faction who did the same and swap kills to cash in on the bounties.


    Endless credits and endless carebear tears, perfect!

  2. Probably want to stick a spoiler tag in the thread title, OP.


    Just more bug confirmation but I killed everyone and Juda and still got a letter from her...


    Haha, I had to laugh at this. *disturbing mental image of her corpse lying on the floor with the lekku twitching alive to type out hate mail on a datapad*


    I let both the slicer (the "you have to disappear, FOREVER" line is getting a bit overused from letting people live by now) and Juda live and got the "we're all fine, both my mom and nem'ro has money on you winning, you're my hero xoxo" letter.


    Seems to be pretty random.


    Then again my SI

    has gotten the same three letter sequence of "this other guy is getting all violent and mean, my lord :'(" "but ISSOKAY, my lord, i got dis" "issokay nao, my lord, I talkeded to him and he's not mean anymore : )" from the cult chick on Nar Shaddaa like three times over by now. Maybe it's a lunar phase thing, hr hr hr.


  3. Torian makes me cringe. My female Chiss merc would dump him in the escape pod, jettison the pod over Hoth and then romance Gault in a heartbeat if she could.


    Mako is better, although I still find her implausibly innocent for someone who grew up as a street kid on Nar Shaddaa out of all places. What exactly did she do growing up, bake cookies with the local gang boss's kind grandma?


    • WoW arenas for small scale / reasonably competitive PvP (during better seasons).



    • WAR low level warzones were amazing fun and warzones (were they called that there as well? can't remember) in general were decent apart from the ability delay WAR suffered from.



    • WAR keeps / zones PvP when sides were fairly balanced and **** didn't lag to hell probably the most fun wpvp I've had in any game, discounting some obvious issues (cough, AoE on stairs). One of my guilds there holding the same keep for something like 3-4 weeks straight on a fairly balanced realm was an amazing experience.



    • Rift wpvp was actually fairly decent as well, at least in the start and when it happened. Warzone design had some interesting ideas but premades farming PuGs for gear/ranks took a lot of fun out of it. Spontaneous wpvp around invasion bosses / summoned rifts in high level areas is a great example of reasons to wpvp. No gimmicks, additional rewards or specifically labelled PvP zones required.



    • EVE deserves honourable mentions for many things but I don't think much of it can be realistically implemented in a modern big title style mmorpg.



    SW:TOR shipped without much of a vision for PvP (against it is more like it, looking at f.e. the way planets are separated for the two factions - this must've been a decision taken VERY early in design stages for the entire game and if they didn't realize at the time that this would basically kill off wpvp on any noteworthy scale there's not much hope for PvP anyway) and I'll be very surprised if they manage to come up with one and implement it in time to make the game more than a footnote in mmorpg pvp history, regardless of subscriber numbers.

  5. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure there isn't.




    There's an electrostaff but no techstaff. As far as I'm aware you can't even get hilts with aim on.


    You're right, I assumed they were one and the same.


    Thinking about it, it'd make a whole lot more sense if Torian used strength gear and electrostaves. Those are useless enough already (sins can equip them, but most of their abilities requires a doubled-bladed lightsaber, f.e.) without having techstaves as well.

  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't all rewards given at the end of the game? If you leave, you're not seeing anything for the time you spent in the warzone; I doubt consistently leaving early in obvious loss games is a net gain.
  7. This sounds like bug fixes and improvement to UI responsiveness rather than the communication between server and clients delay/issues which are far bigger.


    The second paragraph seems to refer to the issue where you spam an ability and it never goes off, but who knows. Can we have a more technical explanation please?

  8. As ridiculous valor gain might've been in cases, going to Ilum and engaging in PvP is not in any way, shape or form "exploitative behaviour". If Bioware did not intend for spawncamping to be possible they should have caught that in their testing - not punish players benefiting from their oversight. Too good to last? No one really disputes that. Exploit? Not even remotely.


    Yes, people getting massive amounts of valor for being able to spend the entire day farming Ilum is bad for the game, but arbitrarily reverting rewards and handing out punishments is a very, very dangerous road to take and in my opinion far worse.


    If valor rewards in Ilum were a fraction of what they are now, no one would have thought spawncamping was unintended. Annoying for the underdogs perhaps, but no one would go "guys, this is an exploit and you'll get banned if you do it!".


    And no, I don't even have a 50 that someone would otherwise accuse me of farming valor with all day on the basis of this post.

  9. The wording would suggests you did, but asking just in case: did you get Flyboy in your dropdown list of titles on your female inquisitor? The codex entry is "Flyboy" on female characters as well, even when the title granted is "Flygirl" as it should be.


    // :csw_destroyer: ~~~ Flygirl Cute ~~~ :csw_destroyer:

  10. My crafting has consistently been 1-2 levels ahead of the planet I'm on...


    That doesn't help anyone, least of all Bioware, without saying which crew skills, which planets / level ranges, which crew skill level ranges, which mats, how much effort you spent getting the mats and where you got them as well as what general kinds of items you crafted, etc.

  11. I've been playing quite a few chars to various levels by now and across all of them I've come to feel that gathering nodes of all kinds are too low level for their areas past the capital planets. Scavenging, Archaeology, Bioanalysis, Slicing to some extent (the nodes are as far behind the planet's level as other crew skills but it matters less because they're not used for crafts).


    Some crafting crew skills are harder hit than others because of mats being more or less skewed. In particular I found this to be a problem with Artifice where you'll have two to three with at least one shared between two different item types different Archaeology mats required for every schematic across a section of crew skill level of which one is the upper of two tiers of the same grade material - which is nowhere to be found on the planets that are the same level range as the crafts themselves, only starting to appear on the next planet and then only infrequently, something like 1:4 with the majority being one grade lower and being used at best for blue rarity schematics that are green skill level to craft.


    I haven't come as far on my Bioanalysis / Biochem character so I can't speak for latter levels here, but the problem appears quicker and far more glaring for these. Currently after finishing all of Balmorra including the bonus series, going out of my way for every Bioanalysis node I've spotted as well as strong and above beasts I'm lvl 22 and looking at crafting Bio-enhanced Med Units for skillups. These are lvl 16 req. to use and needs the Genetic Anomaly material - which I have never seen. The vast majority of nodes I've gathered have been grade 1 materials which are largely useless to me with only one craft using them still giving skillups and that's a blue rarity craft that also require grade 2 Medical Supplies (Molecular Programmer) from Investigation.


    Across every character with a gathering skill that I've leveled anywhere of note 95-99% of gathering node on planets I've just arrived at are green or grey and across all of them I've struggled keeping up to or up to a few levels behind my current level in crafts without using companions to level the gathering skill ahead of the nodes I'm seeing and using the returned mats with the crafting skill.



  12. Pause for the moment and consider how much time and hard drive space would be required to have an alternate version of every single spoken sentence which contains the word "sir" and "lord" where those words are replaced with "ma'am" and "lady".
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