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Posts posted by VeggieRonin

  1. Well this quest is still a problem. I am a pyro merc. The room is completely black you can't see a thing and the guards 'pop in' when they aggro (they are invisible before you can't see anything in the room), and I don't see any pod to enter - nothing visible to click. My CC just doesn't work on either mob and my companion can't damage either Larrot or the other Crisis Response mob. I have used heroic moment and thrown down legacy lightning storm and orbital strike and they don't take damage. I can hurt the one guy with only a few of my attacks. I am in partial Black Hole gear, level 52, and all my armoring is 140 rating or better. Just spent over 15k on repairs running this thing - must be bugged is all I can think of. I've got 3 other chars level 50+ and I don't remember this much trouble when I did it as a powertech. Without question the least fun I've had in this game in almost 2 years. Frustrating. Hope customer service responds to my ticket because this is horrible....
  2. All Mac vs PC foolishness aside...


    I have a Mac but I totally understand that the computer gaming market is primarily PC based and I accept that. I like SWTOR and it's worth boot camping my poor old 2008 MacBook for - I have the bare minimum system and run it on low settings. My favorite game. I understand the issues involved in creating a client just for a smaller % of gamers like me on the Mac probably doesn't make sense, I accept that. My system heats up like crazy when I play Borderlands 2 and I don't have nearly those problems with SWTOR.


    Bootcamp and enjoy, moving on...

  3. Here's what I'm working toward: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GoMrdRroGZbsbro.2

    I'm level 43 at the moment. You do overheat if you're not careful but I love the Retractable Blade so I'm keeping it for now. I do overheat a bit and I'm not as tough as when I was full 31 points in Shield, but its fun. I seem to get more medals in PVP when I run this and attack more than just guard and taunt when I am full tank but it may be a play style thing. I'm not very good at PvP.

  4. I'm running something similar but at level 43. It's improved my pvp performance from being 100% into shield tech. I assume you are using ion gas cylinder?

    I do have heat problems (you add the 16 heat RBlade attack and lose Heat Blast) and I don't have as good a tanking ability with the top two tiers of shield tech not available but its fun for PVP and for PVE with a healer comp. I have about 50% DPS gear on usually and that helps. When I group and tank I put on my tanking gear. I used the WZ comms to get a few pieces of armor for both DPS and tanking which helps. I think you do have to maintain two sets of gear (at least helmet/chest/legs) of each if you are going to group with others though for PVE.


    I just think RBlade is such a cool animation I am keeping it for now. I try to keep up my IGC, combust, and the RBlade bleed on the target all the time and swap attacks to keep those three on without heating up too much. I use rapid shots a lot in between to keep the heat down. I still am at the top of the protection numbers while getting a lot more medals for kills. I think PVP seems to favor kills and offense over tanking but I'm not very good at PVP so it might just be my play style.

    This is a fun hybrid for now. I have a Tankasin and tried the hybrid using DeathField but didn't like it as much - but it might have been that I didn't use partial DPS gear and I was using a RDPS companion. Now that my healer is geared for my assassin maybe ill try to respec there and see what happens...

  5. Thank you sir! Indeed the terminal right in front of the elevator at the fleet gave me the crafting and social quests, and the NPC seated on the couch in front of the elevator gave me the advanced trainer quest. Appreciate the help! Just did the Esseles and healed up a storm while occasionally shooting bad guys in the back with my shotgun. What a fun class. Thanks again!
  6. My main is an assassin but recently rolled a smuggler and it is so much fun. I made it to level 12 on Ord Mantell and travelled to the Republic Fleet. Only current quest is the one for traveling to Coruscant. I'm trying to see my advanced trainer and get my advanced class (going scoundrel sawbones). The regular class trainer has no available skills, and the advanced trainer says he doesn't want to talk to me. What am I doing wrong? I feel like there's something I haven't done to get the advanced class trainer to open up? Completed the class story on Ord Mantell, just defeated the bounty hunters waiting for me at the spaceport. Any ideas? Thanks everybody-
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