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Posts posted by Duckduorden

  1. Obviously you don't know how companies work, they have the right to do whatever they want with THEIR products even after you bought it. Does it suck that they changed it in such a way that you are no longer happy with it? Sure it does, but they are well within their rights to do that. I'm guessing that a whole lot of people complained about how it sounded which is why they changed it, not trying to sell other blasters on the market. Consider that the Payday is still available. Now consider that IF all they wanted was to sell a new blaster they would have just have removed the Payday and all other blasters from the market all together. Going all tinfoil hat about it isnt gonna get you anything but angry and likely wont get anything resolved. As was said here before, try being polite and reasoned and contact Customer Service. Maybe, if enough people feel the way you do, they will revert the changes or even *gasp* work with the community to find an amicable solution. It takes more than one person being pissed about something to make a change. After all, the StarWars universe doesnt revolve around only you :-)
  2. Ya know, I might actually take your argument seriously if A. I could actually read it, your writing is atrocious and B. If you actually had a good idea.

    You have repeatedly contradicted yourself in your own argument. You say on one hand that the Credit Cap was put in place to prevent f2p and preferred from getting abused by credit sellers than you go on to say the cap is to prevent people from selling CM Items on the GTM. It really sounds to me like whining because you have to pay for a sub and/or you're broke in game and dont wanna farm to earn what you want. I also think you dont quite get how f2p and preferred works.

    You claim that not allowing a higher credit cap to f2p and preferred is gonna cost subs, yet cannot see how it actually promotes and encourages subs precisely for the unlimited credit cap (hell of a business model huh)

    You seem to think the game is dying, and yet, evidence to the contrary have been linked by people on this thread to show you the EXACT OPPOSITE.

    You claim other games but no where in any of your posts do you actually name them, provide evdence to your argument or just shut up and play.

    This is the absolute worst idea I've read on here.......but no where near as bad as your writng skills.

    Usually, you want to be clear and concise in an argument if you expect to change peoples minds.....and. um. learn to write too cuz it just hurts to read..........or maybe provide a translation?

  3. If General Chat offends you, shut it off.............or add players to your ignore list.......it is, after all, rated T for teen and they tell you there will be mild language sexual themes blood and violence......just saying, complaining about not enforcing CoC because general chat is "bad" is kinda redundant.
  4. TL;DR ..................


    I've read posts like this before and all I read is "blah blah blah, game too hard/boring/not how I think BW should do things (how dare they, right?) now, want free gear without working for it or earn it" CXP was DESIGNED for max level reward from quests that would normally give you nothing but credits at max so it makes perfect sense for RXP to also not be available til new max level of 75.......Play your way means just that, play your way........shells are available to you at level 1 with more powerful mods/armoring etc available as you level.


    With all due respect, all I hear is a RP/PVP'er complaining because they have to level to 75 and start all over with RXP... the whole point of any game is to PLAY IT. You're argument indicates you've forgotten that lil part.....just my 2 cents adjusted for inflation :-)

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