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Posts posted by ShadowHntr

  1. I give up...no chance of me ever getting a taun fawn with the rate the codes are being taken...I'm better off just going to sleep instead of playing this refresh game...thanks for the work...but damn if it isn't disappointing....
  2. Can I have a code too plz? It's 7am and I've been up all night waiting for this maintenance and this backwards copy/paste game with no luck lol.


    I'm in the same boat...I work night shift and I've been up since this morning waiting for the patch...and now codes...I need to head to work soon and I'm gonna be as tired as a dog with a hangover if I don't get at least some sleep...I really just want an Tauntaun Fawn...but the chances of me getting one now are nil unless I stay up and play the game...

  3. Event will be hosted by the RCF (Republic Coalition Forces) and The 207th (Suurja Company)


    Prizes for this event are subject to change based on availability, but are always going to be a cartel market item or credits, winner gets to choose what they want from the prize list that will be posted once I catelogue everything. Let me know in posts here if you would like to see a specific item given as a prize for winning, items should be within reason so, if you want a specific item from the Cartel Market to be given as a prize let me know and I'll get it sorted, cartel coin limit will be 600 Cartel Coins. Winners can choose whatever they want that is available within that limit including a currently available Cartel Pack. Cartel Packs may also be given as the prize, if you receive a cartel pack you can choose what to do with it, take your chances with the RNG or sell the pack as a whole.


    Please post below if you want to participate and how, you can also send an in-game mail to Ahkrin'Suleyk on the Republic Side, or Mulaag on the Imperial side to register. Event is Cross Faction and open to everyone


    Event is planned to start next Saturday April 11th at 8 PM EDT if all 8 fighters are signed up, Any level can sign up, once we reach 8 fighters of a level range listed below we can get started. ANY level can participate in an RP duel Level ranges are there only for PvE and PvP dueling, if enough people in your range sign up you can enter as a PvE or PvP player. This event is open to everyone, but we would prefer RP duels as they are more entertaining and fun to watch.



    Pack Rewards are available for First, Second, and Third Place, but only First Place can choose what they get, Second and Third will receive a random reward from those available.



    Currently Available Pack Reward:


    Pilgrims Shadow Pack or a Pack from Shipment 1 of the Cartel Market


    Currently Available Item Rewards:


    Many items from the latest Cartel Pack, Master's Shadow Pack


    General Rules:


    PvE Gear only unless facing an opponent with an equivalent amount of expertise and PvP Gear


    No Trolling in the Arena, people who troll will be kicked from the stronghold and their entrance fee will NOT be refunded


    Spectators cannot interfere in the fight, this means no healing, guarding, or other aids are to be given during combat. Buffs are allowed if applied before combat begins, if you don't have all four buffs, they will be provided for you.


    Spectators who interfere in a fight will be kicked for a first offense, and will be allowed to re-join the arena after the fight they interfered in has ended, any subsequent violations will result in a ban from any future Arena fights.


    Special Circumstances are in place for RP Duels, a single spectator who is supporting a fighter can call a halt to the combat for 30 seconds to heal the fighter, if their opponent doesn't have a sponsor they can't be healed other then general timed out of combat healing, which means no using the healing ability of your class, doing this in an RP fight will result in disqualification. This stop to combat can only be used once per fight, so use it wisely.


    Rules subject to change/modification based on feedback from Fight Administrators



    Fight Categories:


    PvE Fights:


    8 Combatants, 3 tiers, 3 rounds each, best of the 3 rounds moves on to the next tier, winner of the final tiers round gets the prize



    PvP Fights:


    Same as PvE with the exception that you must be equal in power to keep the combat fair



    RP Fights:


    Special Rules Apply here, combat must be RPed out while still attacking, I know this is difficult to do. Winner will be based on both RP and the winner of the duel itself, I don't want rushed battles here, attack a few times, then RP out the fight however you want, after both combatants have RPed their attacks out, combat resumes, and repeats the same steps, a few attacks, then RP, this will go on until the duel is over. Fights must be contained within the Arena at all times, so no knocking people outside the boundaries. This type of fight is the main reason for doing this event, so while I don't think all fights will be RPed, I would like some to be at least. RP Fights will recieve both a portion of the nights proceeds as well as a cartel pack of their choice if available from the Cartel Market at the time of their win, an example would be if you want a Shipment 1 Cartel Pack, if they are on sale I would buy one and once the timer on it ends, and you have won all your fights you'd receive it in the mail or secure trade within 2 days of your win. Fighters will be grouped up with an Administrator, and will use the process outlined here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=591357


    Following these guidelines the fight can be decided fairly as who wins is determined by chance as well as skill.




    Spectator Entry Fee:


    25k - 50k depending on fights being presented as well as prizes to be given out, you are here for a show and possibly to support a fighter you may want to see win



    Fighter Entry Fee:


    50k - 100k depending on fight type, PvE fighters enter for 50k, PvP, 75k, and RP, 100k

  4. Event will be hosted by the RCF (Republic Coalition Forces) and The 207th (Suurja Company)


    Prizes for this event are subject to change based on availability, but are always going to be a cartel market item or credits, winner gets to choose what they want from the prize list that will be posted once I catelogue everything. Let me know in posts here if you would like to see a specific item given as a prize for winning, items should be within reason so, if you want a specific item from the Cartel Market to be given as a prize let me know and I'll get it sorted, cartel coin limit will be 600 Cartel Coins. Winners can choose whatever they want that is available within that limit including a currently available Cartel Pack. Cartel Packs may also be given as the prize, if you receive a cartel pack you can choose what to do with it, take your chances with the RNG or sell the pack as a whole.


    Please post below if you want to participate and how, you can also send an in-game mail to Ahkrin'Suleyk on the Republic Side, or Mulaag on the Imperial side to register. Event is Cross Faction and open to everyone


    Event is planned to start next Saturday April 11th at 8 PM EDT if all 8 fighters are signed up, Any level can sign up, once we reach 8 fighters of a level range listed below we can get started. ANY level can participate in an RP duel Level ranges are there only for PvE and PvP dueling, if enough people in your range sign up you can enter as a PvE or PvP player. This event is open to everyone, but we would prefer RP duels as they are more entertaining and fun to watch.



    Pack Rewards are available for First, Second, and Third Place, but only First Place can choose what they get, Second and Third will receive a random reward from those available.



    Currently Available Pack Reward:


    Pilgrims Shadow Pack or a Pack from Shipment 1 of the Cartel Market


    Currently Available Item Rewards:


    Many items from the latest Cartel Pack, Master's Shadow Pack


    General Rules:


    PvE Gear only unless facing an opponent with an equivalent amount of expertise and PvP Gear


    No Trolling in the Arena, people who troll will be kicked from the stronghold and their entrance fee will NOT be refunded


    Spectators cannot interfere in the fight, this means no healing, guarding, or other aids are to be given during combat. Buffs are allowed if applied before combat begins, if you don't have all four buffs, they will be provided for you.


    Spectators who interfere in a fight will be kicked for a first offense, and will be allowed to re-join the arena after the fight they interfered in has ended, any subsequent violations will result in a ban from any future Arena fights.


    Special Circumstances are in place for RP Duels, a single spectator who is supporting a fighter can call a halt to the combat for 30 seconds to heal the fighter, if their opponent doesn't have a sponsor they can't be healed other then general timed out of combat healing, which means no using the healing ability of your class, doing this in an RP fight will result in disqualification. This stop to combat can only be used once per fight, so use it wisely.


    Rules subject to change/modification based on feedback from Fight Administrators



    Fight Categories:


    PvE Fights:


    8 Combatants, 3 tiers, 3 rounds each, best of the 3 rounds moves on to the next tier, winner of the final tiers round gets the prize



    PvP Fights:


    Same as PvE with the exception that you must be equal in power to keep the combat fair



    RP Fights:


    Special Rules Apply here, combat must be RPed out while still attacking, I know this is difficult to do. Winner will be based on both RP and the winner of the duel itself, I don't want rushed battles here, attack a few times, then RP out the fight however you want, after both combatants have RPed their attacks out, combat resumes, and repeats the same steps, a few attacks, then RP, this will go on until the duel is over. Fights must be contained within the Arena at all times, so no knocking people outside the boundaries. This type of fight is the main reason for doing this event, so while I don't think all fights will be RPed, I would like some to be at least. RP Fights will recieve both a portion of the nights proceeds as well as a cartel pack of their choice if available from the Cartel Market at the time of their win, an example would be if you want a Shipment 1 Cartel Pack, if they are on sale I would buy one and once the timer on it ends, and you have won all your fights you'd receive it in the mail or secure trade within 2 days of your win. Fighters will be grouped up with an Administrator, and will use the process outlined here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=591357


    Following these guidelines the fight can be decided fairly as who wins is determined by chance as well as skill.




    Spectator Entry Fee:


    25k - 50k depending on fights being presented as well as prizes to be given out, you are here for a show and possibly to support a fighter you may want to see win



    Fighter Entry Fee:


    50k - 100k depending on fight type, PvE fighters enter for 50k, PvP, 75k, and RP, 100k

  5. I've got a question about this quest, does Scourge's dialogue change if you've made no darkside choices at all? I tried this but I chose the darkside option with Kira the first time I had it, but reset the mission afterwards, but I still got the points and likely that made me "touched by darkness", I'm just wondering if this changes if you didn't make any darkside choices at all before this event, and if so, what's the dialogue that is said in it's place? Is there a video of it?
  6. I don't see how Inqusitors are OP...we die pretty fast if we get aggro...and unless we spec for heals, we have to wait a few seconds for our most powerful heal and that eats up our force power...once my companion dies, I usually follow soon after unless it's the last enemy in a group and I have ample room to run away if they are melee...


    I think it's fairly balanced overall...if it comes down to it, simply give those who go PvP a nerf...but leave PvE survivability alone...

  7. Now, I'm now asking the restrictions are removed completely, only that the restriction on characters from the same account be allowed to send/receive items from one another, regardless of faction.


    Reason for this would be, I might find something on my Sith that he can't use, but my Jedi can and the only way to get that item would be to use the Hutt Market on Nar Shaddaa, risking someone else taking it

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