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Posts posted by Chromedbustop

  1. I have at least one of every base class and don't mind jumping around between them so when choosing crew skills I look at who gives the best critical. In the case of Inquisitors that would be Archeology at +5 crit; slicing, scavenging, and underworld trading at +2 crit.


    If not basing on that then I'll always take slicing first as it's free credits. Then I'll consider biochem for a dps/tank alt, and even then only for leveling. Once I hit 55 I usually drop it for something else. Any extra spots are given to one of the gathering skills. Crafting skills get the lowest priority. They CAN be beneficial, but considering the numerous methods for acquiring gear they only do well if you're really willing to commit to them.

  2. Admittedly I've been away from the game for a few months, but I never saw there being much of a tank or healer shortage. At least no more than any other MMO I've played. Although maybe it depends on if you're talking PVP or PVE. I don't know anything about whats what in PVP.


    What I will say is that you should pick a role you want to play because you actually want to play that role, not just to get insta queues,

  3. Howdy dowdy.


    So I've had the game for awhile now and got plenty of characters and such, but I realized I'm tired of playing 95% of the game solo, since none of my friends are cool enough to play.


    Wondering if anyone would be interested in starting fresh and maybe teaming up on a regular basis, like maybe 2-3 nights a week for an hour or two.


    I like tanking, I like healing, and I'm indifferent to dps. For ease of doing heroics and flashpoints I'll probably play a tanking class, and almost certainly a guardian, so if anyone would like to be a sage for healing that would be best since we'll be able to start out right on tython. But play what you want to play, it'll be fine all the same! I tend to rush through the starting planets anyway so if we don't start teaming up until fleet that's no biggie.

  4. Thats the cool thing about the event. If the PVP side is not working out for you, just do the PVE side and you can still cap your rep for the week.


    Now players have a choice. You can do both but like most PVP events like this, you have to expect the ganking. Just like the HK event.


    Whats makes this better than the HK event is that I have a choice to never PVP and still get the event done, capping rep and when the event comes back around doing it again to get what I want.


    I agree with this. The only reason I even bothered with the pvp quests is because I wanted to get to newcomer quickly. But if it had been nothing but griefing I would have just shrugged and gone on to something else. Just so happened that the people on this particular server, in this particular instance, at this particular time all seemed inclined to cooperate, which let us all get the mission done faster.

  5. Seems to depend on the players. That screenshot doesn't show it well, but both imps and pubs were waiting in line the whole time. I think once everyone realized that they were going to get the mission done faster they had no problem going along with it.
  6. Can we please get a filter option for warzones such as there is for flashpoints?


    I hate Huttball, I suck at Huttball. I do more harm than good in Huttball. I don't want to play Huttball! I'm not going to ever get better at it.


    I know that we can just leave a warzone and re-queue but it would be nice to not even have huttball, or any particular warzone(s), in the rotation. Since it's been done for the LFG Flashpoint tool, why not Warzones eh?

  7. If you don't want to tank, then don't tank. If for no other reason than you'll be less likely to want to play, or be good, if you're doing something you don't enjoy doing. And the game doesn't need anymore bad tanks.


    Do I personally feel that everyone should have an idea of how it is to tank? Yes, if only so the complain less. But too many people roll tanks for the wrong reasons. They end up being timid and clueless.


    If you're not willing to actually learn how to play the role, and not the class [Dirty little secret: learning to tank, in any game, is not half as hard as people make it out to be] then don't roll a tank .

  8. I find questions like this to be silly. And I don't say that to be insulting.


    Who cares how many tanks you have. Hey, if you want to fill your legacy up with 12 Guardian tanks then you go right ahead!


    But if you're looking for permission to have more than one tank, let me just throw this at ya: I have multiple tanks, even though I didn't intend to. This is because I found that when doing FP's as a dps so many of the tanks I ran with were so timid and liked to linger at the back. I ended up respeccing my applicable classes to tanks simply so that it wouldn't take three weeks to do a FP cause the tank is hiding in the back.


    Regarding how long it takes to level a tank, about as long as it takes to level a dps, or a healer. Unless you're an absolute min/max type of player, does it really matter? How fast you level is going to be more dependent on how many missions you do, not how fast.

  9. First of all, if you're pvp'ing you shouldn't be looking for a rotation. Heck almost none of the classes or specs have an actual rotation (you could say that some of the tanking classes have something close). You should be using the best skills for the current situation.


    As far as healing goes, your healing priority is basically going to be the same as it is in pve.


    If you're new to pvp with your smuggler I suggest starting here: http://www.noxxic.com/swtor/pvp/smuggler/scoundrel/sawbones


    It probably won't make you an all-star, but it's a good place to start.

  10. Can't blame people for expecting vanguards to be tanks. It's basically how the AC was sold since people were first made aware of it. Not to mention you can tank just fine as a dps for the first few flashpoints.


    You're not the only dps vanguard, and you're welcome to do it of course, but don't be ignorant. You're gonna have to get used to explaining it to people. Choice you made.

  11. The voice thing kinda throws me off cause female troopers get a very popular voice too but I really haven't seen many of those. Some, but nearly with the ratio that you see with female IAs


    Part of my curiosity stems from the fact that I've made 6 toons to try out different classes and the IA is the only one that I felt like making a female. And not cause of the voice.


    I just thought it fascinating that with that class it seems to be such a shift from other classes. Then again maybe it's just me noticing that.

  12. Maybe you need to choose dark side options more?


    My quest turn in's tend to go like this:


    Questgiver: "Well done. You are incredible."


    Me: "I know."


    Questgiver: "Don't be an ahole."


    Heh you're probably right. Then it'll just be the extreme on the other side. Sometimes a simple thanks is all thats needed. And some credits... And commendations...

  13. As much as there is to enjoy in the game there's one thing with the story that keeps bugging me: How often my actions have galactic level consequences. I'm not just talking about the main story.


    Seems like every time I turn in a mission I'm told that my actions have saved countless lives. I've stopped lord knows how many Armageddons.


    Being told how great I am time after time really dilutes the whole idea of the compliment. I get that the dialogue is supposed to come off as rewarding. But I don't need to hear of my awesomness again and again. Trust me... I know :D

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