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Posts posted by Spritle

  1. If you see your second character on the left side, you have to click and drag in on top of your first characters picture, and while holding your mouse button drag it again to one of the options that pops up when you drag it on top of your first characters picture.
  2. If you think the servers are going to be empty, you should wake up from your dreaming....

    This game has potential but you players won't give them a chance...



    Yes, the game has potential, but making enough servers to host 16 million people is stupid.

    1)start with a lower number of servers, its easier to make more than to merge, transfer, etc.

    2)people log on and see 10 people standing around, it gives the game a bad rap, you will never reach 16 million steady subs like that!

    3)mmo=community. 10 people=/=community.

  3. Are you working on server mergers of any sort? There are far too many servers, and many of them are light-very light population. What can be done about this (if anything) to make servers more highly populated? ETA?



    Side note: server transfers would be nice, but I have a solid group of people I play with, and not everyone may be able to afford server transfers, if you need to pay for them.

  4. Out of all of the things the developers should be working on, I believe some sort of server merge between the light population servers should be a high priority. having 10-20 people on any planet at prime time, and only around 50 on the fleet at prime time is insane. I recently rolled a character on a higher population server and at a slow time of day there were 150+ people on the starting planet and 400'ish on the fleet, now I would love to just stay and keep playing there, but seeing as I have 2 50's and guildmates, friends, etc on my origional server, this wouldn't make much sense, and the general consensus on my server seems to be this exact same thing. Reset legacy names if you have to, if i dont get my #1 preferred legacy name, so what, at least there will be more people to play with, and it will actually feel like an mmo for once for the light population servers.
  5. Seriously? OP started an entire thread to complain about people actually being nice? Get a life.
    Guess he lost alot of games, was told gg, and that made him angry. Maybe he thought they were being sarcastic?
  6. I am serious when theyre in your pit and they jump up its abit silly and i know you're going to say well you should stand near the ledge but not all players are blessed with common sense and im not saying nerf these i ust dont think the ballcarrier should have super mobility.


    Uh, more knockbacks and stunlocks? I play a marauder and have one useful cc (a 3 second channel) how much cc do you have? do you have knockbacks? I dont. get used to it, our leap is rediculously underpowered compared to all the stuns/knockbacks of other classes.

  7. - Give bonus experience, valor, and commendations to the underpopulated side (mostly Republic). This could be an increase of 20%. This alone would help the suffering side to catch up in gear, and it will attract Empire players that are on the verge of re-rolling.


    Retarded idea. 'Nuff said.

  8. No need for a rollback. If these people get their battlemaster title from afk'ing, then they are bad either way, and the new gear wont help them. I know at any time today there were at least 130+ of EACH faction standing at either base using ranged aoe's farming valor. No biggie. Also the way I see it, thats one less thing for them to do with their time... Farming legit valor in warzones gives me an extra thing to do, and say I earned.
  9. Lies....


    Define "extremely fast rate"


    Then post video proof of said xp gain.


    Cause as someone who was part of that IMP zerg most the day, I still think I would've gotten more valor if I steadily played warzones instead.


    If you go from level 40 to level 55 valor in one day from warzones hats off to you. Most people just did it in 5-6 hours. "PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN" is what 10 year olds say when they are jealous. Ilum is tarded right now.


    Then comes the ok classes:


    - Marauder / jedi equivalent


    I personally think marauder is slightly gimped, considering we have nearly no cc, and despite our achtype class being the warrior (tanky) we are not tanky in the least. We do alot of damage to a single target given the opportunity, but not nearly as much as the other "ok" classes you mentioned. We have one really useful cc move for PvP which is a channel where we can not do anything during it. On account of the tankiness problem, if you want to call it a problem, we have activated abilities that make us very tanky for a short period of time... again useful in 1v1 pvp. No complaints here, I like the challenge of playing as a character that can only burst down 1 player given plenty of time and have 1 aoe attack (smash, and its jedi counterpart) but really.... everyone complains about all the other classes being overpowered/underpowered but most people overlook this. Marauders are also fairly useless before they have a good amount of gear. Again, not complaining in any way, I enjoy it immensely. Maybe not enough people play as marauder to care, after all (at least on my server) marauder seems to be the least played class.

  11. Depends on skill. But our Huttball grabber hasn't missed it in over 50 games.



    We both know how to electrocute people to stop them getting it.


    I'm sorry but when you have a 50% speed buff for 10 seconds (30% extra on top of that when spec'd) and the extra 10% on top of that for 4 seconds with force camo, you get there before anyone else is in range of you, unless you are against another properly spec'd marauder. strong speed buff for long duration>huge speed buff for tiny duration any day. I get to the huttball every game while the enemy team is still behind the acid. Only time I have been beaten is by another marauder that I know with a very similar spec. Also aside from using your force run right before the acid so you can jump over the pool, your personal skill doesn't make your character run faster.

  12. Games, just like everything else in life should be rewarded because of time spent and work put into it. As many posted before, everyone who has gear invested (most likely) more time, or worked harder at it (less time, more gear) than you. Just because the game is not how you want it doesn't mean you need to reset every other person who plays to nothing.


    You have a few choices here to catch up to other people:


    1) Join a good pvp guild, and start winning some games.


    2) Learn how the badge system works. Badges=commendations/valor. As we all know commendations/valor=better gear.


    3) Invest more time in the game, like the person next to you that is geared out.


    4) Any combination of the 3 previous options.



  13. Ok so that was a more subtle tweak instead of a nerf, but it just changed the game. Without force speed, we no longer have the advantage of getting to the huttball first ( which isn't really an advantage, because we have 12k health and light armor. )


    Properly spec'd marauders get to the huttball first, 100%.

  14. People need to realize I deal with jealousy on an hourly basis. I'm not trying to sound arrogant or egotistic here, but it's just the truth.



    How many losses to players of similar levels/gear did you have to delete while rooting out these gems of "pvp"? Do you even pvp your own level? Also yes, taking on 2-3 level 40's is quite easy as a 50 with pvp gear. As you can see in the video it is quite simple considering a troll only needs to run in circles while spamming a single move to do this. Kids, do not try this at home, Territo is a trained professional. Trolol?

  15. Well let's see I can pull 590k in a Civil War, imagine 30% more HPS out of me.

    I see this all the time in all types of warzones. Everyone seems to forget when they are talking about their level 30 healers being underpowered this game is made to be balanced at level 50.


    When you reach level 40 your dps/healing ability increases greatly, and at level 50 it skyrockets. Once you (properly) gear out your toon and learn to cc while healing, you will be fine. As it is if there is more than one healer that has the slightest idea what they are doing in a warzone it turns the tide of the game completely. I fully agree with a 30% debuff. Healers on average (in an all 50 game) that have low-moderate gear will heal 2x more than the highest dps on the team. How is this unfair?

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