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Posts posted by Tindahbawx

  1. At low levels, use ion cell with a shield for better survivability, or plasma cell with a power generator for more dps.


    Would you not use Plasma at least till you hit lvl 20 and get Gut, so that you have something that procs the DoT, enabling you to use High Impact Bolt?


    If you're using Ion and aren't Level 20 yet, the only way you can proc a High Impact Bolt is via your stun in PvP, as your explosive round doesnt knock enemy players down.


    You can use Ion in PvE of course, as then you can knock enemies down with Explosive Round, and use that to proc a High Impact Bolt shot, but you're still screwed vs the Elite enemies, as they don't suffer knockdown.


    Therefore, am I right in thinking, use Plasma Cell till 20, where you can get Gut and use Ion Cell?

  2. Why bother? Its not as if there's a shortage of people to group up with, you get the quests done doubly quick, and the rewards are the same.


    Sure, you could do it, but given the way the game throws credits and EXP at you for completing quests, its not exactly an efficient use of your time.

  3. As I said in another thread, from a PvP perspective: You're just like a wee normal soldier going up against lighting shooting, glow-stick wielding magicians, and you get to smack them in the face with the butt of your rifle and show them how a real man fights. Its doubly amusing if they've made their Sith character look like a drag queen, in bad makeup, on halloween.


    How could you not want to do this? :D

  4. Be nice if they give your class a shorter cooldown on the stunbreaker then other classes, like 30 seconds or so.


    I tried playing Maurader myself, but it does less damage than my BH, I have to be in Melee range to do any damage whatsoever, and a ranged class juking from side to side and kiting will be able to mitigate a decent portion of that damage, simply due to "you are not facing your target".


    I saw no real reason to play it over BH other than hitting things with glowsticks is kinda funky, so I'll stick with BH till theres some changes.


    Although, if its any consolation, in the looking good while killing stakes, Two lightsabers is definitely better than my wee blaster pistol. :D

  5. Ready? Here's the big secret to defeating an Operative/Scoundrel if they jump you.


    1. Use Control Break

    2. Turn around.

    3. Stun them

    4. ???

    5. Profit. Free kill.


    Just stay with at least 1 other ally. They wont jump you then. If you're wandering around alone, I can guarantee you someone is about to stab you in the face.

  6. Isn't Gunslinger the mirror of Sniper? Are they just as good?


    Yeah, but they've two guns, so individually the numbers seem smaller, even if they're the same amount, therefore people don't think they're as powerful.

  7. I do well enough on my Powertech BH, in PVP, and wanted to have a nosy at what the Republic side was like at PVP, so I rolled a Vanguard Trooper.


    And oh my god, republic randoms on LoL (EU) cannot PvP to save their life. Don't defend cap points, don't focus fire people, seem to be completely oblivious as to whats going on around them, and don't even seem to know you can throw the huttball. Like literally, I said "throw the damn ball" in /ops and the guy replied "lol". I gave up on that server after a loss streak of 20 matches.


    So I rolled on another server, cant remember the name offhand, again as Vanguard Trooper. Figured I wasn't loosing much, as it will only take me a couple of hours to do the 1-10 zones, if that. And what do you know, yet again, I discover that the Republic cannot PvP there either.


    Why are these people rolling on PvP servers if they cannot for the life of them PvP? They all (well, 90%) seem to be acting like its their first PvP match, and run around in big blobs, obviously inevitably getting creamed by AoE, not to mention the empire actually going for the objectives.


    So I give up for now. Its just not worth it, watching them running around like sheep was stressing me out, so I'm going back to my BH which I do perfectly adequately with, simply because the Empire on my server at least try and act as a team, and attempt for the objectives most of the time.


    If anyone wants to suggest an EU PvP server where the Repiblic at least puts up a fight (50/50 wins, not 1/20 loss streaks) please do let me know! Don't just say "well I do ok at PvP on my server" and not say what server it is. Put your money where your mouth is, name your server, so I can roll on it an stomp some Sith!


    If you made it this far, cheers for reading that semi-rant! :p

  8. Guys if I'm only lvl 16 at the minute, and going advanced proto, I want to carry on using CGC in PvP to get rail procs, and carry on doing so till I can unlock Retractable Blade, at which point I can use that for rail procs, and switch to ION for more survivability?


    Or should I simply forget all that and roll a pryo build till I have enough points to respec and grab retractable blade?

  9. Tbh, anything rage-based, simply because you can't mod the UI to better position your rage bar, and the audio cue's for your procs are somewhat lacking, I miss hearing them all the time in PvP matches.


    I think I'll leave the class alone till you can mod the UI a bit more.

  10. And you think that posting here is going to do any good whatsoever?


    did you not consider using the in-game help function?



    Get there right as it leaves, + ride for 40 mins


    So you saw it leave, knew it takes a long time and yet thought that the best use of your time was to just stand there waiting for it?


    Would it not have been a better idea to go do something else for 40 mins?

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