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Posts posted by MJHoyle

  1. What is the point in having 4-man heroics on Voss and Corellia? Nobody wants to do them. I've been trying on several toons to get them done but nobody is interested. If I could solo them I would, but I can't because they're for 4 people, and some of them are pretty damned tough even with 4 level 50s. It's pointless. Make them 2-man instead and capable of being solo'd by a well-geared 50 and a companion, because that's the only way they'll ever get completed now with there being no LFG tool, a useless LFG system that nobody uses, low pop realms, and people who don't care about doing heroics.
  2. Server populations are dropping again. Reason? Diabolo III. The "new content" that came with 1.2 is already completed and people are bored. Since Diabolo III release the active number of players on my realm just halved. Half my guild now plays Diabolo III instead of SWTOR because there's nothing for them to do in SWTOR other than rerolling because they don't need to do the dailys, they don't need to do HMs, some don't even need to do ops, and they're bored of doing the same thing again and again.


    It happens in all MMOs, it's not exclusive to SWTOR. People who rush through content will disappear as quickly as they appear, those who don't rush will eventually get there and they too will disappear until something new comes up. Until then we need a better LFG tool for the rest of us who are die-hard trying to still enjoy the game with dwindling and antisocial populations who only do class fights and pvp.

  3. Anyone noticed the lack of craftable mods and enhancements with defense/shield/absorption and alacrity? I was going to make some for my tank and healer companions since they needed an upgrade but then noticed I don't know any and the trainer doesn't teach them. I can't even buy them from commendation vendors, although I can buy an enhancement with alacrity from a commendation vendor but it's for much lower level than the rest of the enhancements. How else are tanks and healers supposed to get them? Maybe we can get some schematics or learn them from the trainer, or have a chance of learning them from some lesser versions if they exist?
  4. As the topic title states, I've noticed that the X-37 Oppressor Droid in Maelstrom Prison sometimes starts casting Punishment before he pulls in players, making it impossible to run away in time from Punishment. I think this is a flaw because in order to survive you must run from it or pray that your healer can do some awesome healing to keep you alive through it.
  5. I'm not the only one to struggle with this mission, others have also pointed out that they have struggled fighting the elite colicoid stingers alone. I've done this mission on different classes and have experienced different levels of difficulty in destroying the stingers. My commando trooper just about survived with Elara Dorne healing whilst using medpacks in emergencies, my jedi guardian struggled but just about managed half the time, my shadow consular struggled similar to the guardian, and my smuggler was incapable of soloing it at all. I tried dpsing the stingers with both tank companions, they died, I tried just healing the tank companions but they were taking more damage than I could heal, I tried using C2-N2 to heal me instead but I was taking more damage than he could heal. It's just not possible to solo this as a dps smuggler, although oddly enough I had no trouble soloing the elite colicoid queen at the final phase.


    Now I know that a dozen people are going to give their success stories and say it's not hard to do or that they did it 5 levels higher than the mission, bla bla bla, but hear me out and the others who also agree that this is a very rough mission if you are a certain spec. I've done this mission more times than I can remember on different characters, and depending on the class and level I've found the stingers to be very hard to kill. Either they need to be toned down or the mission needs to be relabelled as a 2-man heroic since in the end I had to get outside help for my smuggler to kill them.

  6. Vendor in Black k Hole sells several pieces of Legacy construction kits.


    Doesn't seem worth it imo for items that are gonna be useless after a few levels. If they were scaleable with the level then I'd be more interested, but as they currently are they're useless to me.

  7. If your tank was rakata geared and you were getting aggro.. your tank sucked OR you were hitting mobs which you shouldn't have been focussing on.


    What I was pointed out last night during one fp was that I wasn't giving the tank enough time to get aggro at the start and opening up with aoe abilities which was pulling all mobs towards me. I'm now doing single-target damage for a few seconds at the start of a pack fight before I do any aoe to give the tank a fighting chance of getting aggro. It's very easy at the start of a fight to think "oh look, mobs!" and immediately hit motar volley to take out as many as possible, and then panic as 4-5 strong and elite mobs rush at you with their eyes blazing and claws drawn. It takes a bit of discipline and self-restraint to know when it's safe to use aoe at the start and when the tank needs time for mass-aggro before using aoe.

  8. First off, you have a threat dump. Use it, early and often if you are having that much of an issue with threat. If you are doing that and your rakata geared tank still can't hold threat off you, it's because he sucks, not necessarily that you're THAT good.


    Ah yes, the threat dump ability. I forgot I had that. I'll bind it to a more accessible key and practice using it. Thank you.


    Most stats don't have a hard cap, but most suffer from varying degrees of diminishing returns. Go to this site for more detailed info about that stuff. Here's the link to the Trooper forums: http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/forums/Forum-Bounty-Hunter-and-Trooper


    Sorry, I'm in a crappy mood, hope that helps.


    Thank you so much, I'll go make a cup of tea and read it up.

    (Edit) Wow awesome guide! I'll post that up on my guilds' forum. Plenty to read there, and didn't know that grenades were worth using in a rotation. Something else I'm gonna have to practice using.

  9. Well, since focusing what I was told by others were the more important stats I've been able to clear hard modes with little to no trouble at all.


    When my guild leader mentioned the 50% damage increase on all heroic bosses again I asked him where he got his information from and he said it was on the developer forums, but I haven't see anything about that in the dev tracker.


    He also said that BW has said there are no caps on skills, yet other sites say for gunnery commando that it's advisable to aim for 108% accuracy, 30% crit chance, and some sites say 80-85% surge while others say 70% surge. Again I haven't found anything posted by BW that says there's no caps on skills, unless I'm missing something?

  10. The big problem here is that Bioware overestimated how many servers they needed. At launch almost all servers were full that there were queues to log on, and the same goes for 1.2, so having plenty of available servers for then was an idea. But now the server populations are inbalanced with some servers having a healthy population and most suffering with low population. Server merges would help for the low population servers but it won't solve the problem. This game has a lot of bugs in it still, there's not much in endgame to keep people who've hit 50 and got all the BiS stuff entertained, so impatient/bored players are not playing as much and playing other games inbetween, especially those who have been playing other MMOs for years which by now have had most if not all bugs fixed and have commitments to those games.


    Now, as for the name of the game that I won't mention, that one has survived very well for a lot of reasons. The UI is fully customizable that script writers can get creative and do more than just play the game but redesign the UI into the way they like it, there's been years of content and bug fixing to the game that it's almost flawless, and it's had a hell of a lot of advertising and not just in gaming/online magazines. I would never have known about this game hadn't someone told me about it because the only advertising I've seen of it so far was on Big Bang Theory.

  11. I think I'm not the only one to have the problem of too many tionese crystals and not enough tionese commendations, and for those who are wanting columi gear even the tionese commendations are becoming useless. Will we be seeing a change to this inbalance in the form of a conversion vendor to convert tionese crystals into tionese commendations and convert tionese commendations to columi commendations?
  12. Yeah, I guess with the wrong type of mods it would've made such a difference that the dps wouldn't be enough. We were all racking our brains wondering what was wrong as we were all decently geared enough. It didn't make sense that we were wiping every time and my only thoughts in the end was that 1.2 buffed the bosses too much and put it down to that. I honestly don't know where the guild leader got the 50% damage increase on all heroic bosses from and if I hear him chirping about it in vent again I'll ask him where he found his information.


    Today cleared 4 hard modes in a different group with just a few wipes due to first-time attempts, I died a lot since I was doing massive amounts of damage which was managing to out-threat the rataki-geared tank. I guess that's a good sign that I got my gear right and the other dps said I was hitting much harder than she was.


    I wouldn't go as far as leaving the guild unless the guild leader started dictating to everyone how to gear/play their classes during an ops and resulting in needless wiping. We got a lot of decent people in the guild, we're all working hard to start our first ops once we're all ready for it.

  13. Yep, switching mods was a massive improvement. That's the last time I take gear advice from him. :p Gonna try maelstrom prison next as this is the place we struggled on the other day. We couldn't down Colonel Daksh before he enraged.


    Update: Well, we downed him, but I died halfway since I was pulling loads of threat and ended up tanking him for several seconds.

  14. Well a few people kindly pointed out to me that the advice given to me by my guild leader was bad. He was insistant that I replaced my crit/surge enhancements with power/accuracy ones and replaced my crit mods with power mods. I've followed their advice, spent a load of credits in replacing them back to what they were, and seeing if it makes a difference.


    As for the gear I got 2x 124, 3x 126, and 1x 136. My rotation which I'm still trying to master tends to follow along these lines:


    3x GR, HS, FA, 2x GR, HiB


    With FA used when proc'd and DR when available and weaving in HS if ammo goes below 7.


    My spec is this one:




    I previously had all aim/power and accuracy/power mods, now I got a bit of a balance of those and aim/crit and crit/surge mods to keep accuracy a little over 100%. The mods in the 124 gear are from Belsavis/Ilum dailies. One of the 126 items has the Belsavis/Ilum daily mods in it too but it counts as 126 as the barrel was bought with the commendations. 2 of the 124 items are augmented.

  15. I suggest getting pvp gear to do your first HMs if you dont want to grind out dailies until you have bought every mod. Its not exactly made for pve but it is still better than under lvl 50 gear. Or you could get every imaginable lvl 50 mod from dailies and put them in your orange gear.


    I don't pvp and from what I heard pvp gear was changed that you do terrible dps in pve now whilst wearing pvp gear. I got the best I can get my hands on at this moment without grinding for days and days again for a 2nd rakata implant and buyable mods. It feels like a massive overkill that even the mods given by dailies are only good enough for 1 HM flashpoint.


    To the OP: people are not having trouble reading - you just said in your op that you were using lvl 49 orange gear. Dailies provide mods for lvl 50 gear.


    Only 3 of my items are 49 including a crafted earpiece. How can that be too bad?

  16. Dude me and my guildies just did this for fun tonight to see if your wrong, we all got our old modded gear on and we ran all the HM's no problem no enrage. Of course when we got to Lost Island we switched back to our full rakata cause that place is freaking insanity. But honestly get your gear modded all the way and check out the gear of people you group with. Odds are they suck.


    IT IS modded. Anybody else having trouble reading?

  17. Maybe you should get all your gear orange and do dailies to get the level 50 modding like everyone else had to do? Just a thought considering it makes things doable and a whole lot easier. BTW if your doing Esseles in your current gear no wonder your wiping. DON'T try to take the easy way out and skip straight to HM's do your dailies and get all your stuff modded before doing HM's and Ops


    I've been grinding dailys for a week already and have all the enhancements like everyone else had to do. Where else you think I got the mods from? I'm not trying the "easy way out" at all. You haven't even seen my gear to be able to judge it in the way you have.


    btw dragonfor, you mustn't have known about the 50% buff that was added to all heroic bosses. And also there's no need for swearing.

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