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Posts posted by Vinzky

  1. It doesn't matter if they add end game later, what matters is how much they have when the game launches (when most people will try it out).. and that unfortunately is none.


    This. I had a blast playing with my Sage. I was addicted. I started 20th of December, and reached 50 about 2 hours before the year 2012.


    Excited that i had access to all of the endgame content, i couldn't wait to play more. After a few days of playing battlegrounds and trying flashpoints, it hit me. There really is nothing to do, the best part of this game was the journey to 50. Propably because of the new-factor. Everything was new and exciting. Reaching level 50 killed this game for me.


    I know i won't be coming back. I love Star Wars, and i sincerely hope they will make a game worthy of the saga sooner than later.


    Goodbye, may the force be with you.

  2. i agree. there are a bunch of things that are making me contemplate quitting and this is definately 1 of them. seeing black core yellow shelled lightsabers every few minutes but never seeing purple 1s is driving me nuts. i have a few minutes so i guess ill list a few others grievances of mine.

    -ghetto booty jedis, gj BW

    -no patch this week, my patience was spent when u guys were on vacation the first few weeks

    -sith corruption for non force sensitives, i thought this was a story driven game, r u aware this is lore breaking?

    -way too heavily instanced, the world does feel empty more so than not, is it ur servers or ur game engine? or both?

    -shallow character customization, too late to rectify this

    -pvp/pve specific stats, why is this a good idea? pvp should be based on talented gameplay not 'expertise'

    -pvp/pve specific skills, my sorc cant headkick other players...why?

    -jedi knight droid only cc, thx guys

    -fps issues, i have a high end rig, the game looks bad AND plays bad, winning combination

    -no ship customization

    -rather than fix this games lack of high rez textures they have chosen to mask its abscence

    -space content is solo only, its also painfully unimpressive

    -world of warcraft style shoulder pads

    -moddable gear system is only up until lvl 49

    -skill clutter, how fun is trying to find certain short duration buffs to empower a certain move while engaged in melee combat?

    -pvp minimap and player list blocks skill bars, gj guys

    -no chat bubbles

    lastly it was a ***** move forcing players to subscribe b4 taking advantage of their complimentary month. ive been a bioware fan since neverwinter nights. the first time my confidence in this company was shaken was da2. i want this game to succeed; so b4 u spout some mindless defensive rhetoric reread my list.


    I just went "yes, yes, yes." while reading this post. Fine post mister, great job! :cool:

  3. Mainly because the OP is already lvl 50. He must have powered through the zones and reached planets that are currently unpopulated, because the majority of people haven't reached them yet.


    It is all the players fault, if they won't do the group quests and heroics. Socialize goddamnit, this IS an MMO. The fact that you are unable to play it like one does not make it singleplayer. I don't feel bad for OP. It's his playstyle that really is at fault here.

  4. I'd rather go with a custom built PC. I put my own together for about 1000€, and i can run any game available on High settings. If you cannot build one yourself, contact someone who will make a parts list for you and assemble the PC for a small fee. It really is the most cost efficient way to go.


    I for one enjoy putting together my own gaming rigs. It's good to be aware of how your PC works and whats inside the cool case you picked :)

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