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Posts posted by Sakima

  1. MMO truths according to the internets...



    1) Every game launch is buggiest launch ever.


    2) Every launch is the biggest disaster of a launch ever.


    3) The devs of game X don't care about their player base.


    4) Game X should have stayed in beta for another year.


    5) The server population is declining and the game is dying. Any thing that says otherwise is just propaganda.


    6) Game A will die just as soon as game Game B is released, those devs really know what they're doing and everyone is waiting for it to be released. Then Game B is released and everyone realizes that it has strengths and flaws like every other game and Game C is the new messiah that will liberate gamers just as soon as its released.


    7) Server mergers signal death of game, even though every game including WOW has had them.


    8) No server mergers signal death of game.


    9) The game should have never launched without "fill in the blank feature that some other amazing game has". And because of this it will fail.


    10) The game is too much like WOW and not enough like WOW at the same time.


    11) The game is too hard and too easy at the same time.


    12) Why doesn't this brand new game have as many features as game X that has been out for X number of years and has had X number of expansions?

  2. A great fix that I'm sure has been suggested before would be to give us a button on our crew skills mission page that will allow us to refresh the page. If you're trying to grind crafting materials (or whatever mission type you're after) it can be a pain having to log out to the character selection page because none of your missions are listed.


    I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to refresh the page. Also sometimes it becomes bugged and only 1 mission shows up which can be frustrating. I've actually had to log in and out 2 or 3 times in a row just to get a mission to show up.


    It seems like an easy enough fix (though I realize what often seems like an easy fix isn't as easy as one might assume) that would help to streamline the crafting/crew skills process.

  3. It's hardly a secret to anyone, that today social points are gained much via Esseles sp runs, then via common grouping questing (which, I suppose, was the original idea of those points - to encourage players teamwork, to make them work together since the very beginning, and not just in some endgame).


    Game is JUST 1 month old and I already often see in Fleet something like "Esseles sp run, need to know how to skip movies". Imo, it just screws the whole idea of SP. I agree that system may and even must be somewhat improved, more usefull items etc....yet, I'm absolutely sure, that what we have now just kills the basic idea of it.


    Why not limit SP gain with just 1 run? Why not to put a level restriction(the MOST OBVIOUS solution)? Do BW so afraid of an angry ex-wow grinders army?


    You can't limit it to one run. If you did it would make it almost impossible for some people to level Social up past level 50 if they couldn't rerun flashpoints. Imagine if you didn't group much 1-50 and barely had any social and then at 50 you couldn't rerun flashpoints.

  4. There's a lot of negativity surrounding this game not on this forum... so uh...



    Not really. Most of the reviews are positive. Is there some negativity? Sure but the severity of it is over stated.


    In general this game is in pretty good shape compared to most launches. From a sales perspective the only NA MMO to sell more this quick is WoW. This game is a success thus far. Now will it continue to be a success 3-6 months from now? Who knows. If they continue to fix things at the rate they have been I would say yes. The recent patch with delay fixes was a good step in the right direction and happened much quicker than most expected.


    This game is only a failure if you were expecting it to surpass WoW's early numbers (its first month wasn't quite as successful as WoW's but it was close) or if you were expecting it to reinvent the wheel. If you were expecting it to reinvent the wheel you have no one to blame but yourself since that was never promised. We've known for well over a year what this game would be for the most part. And anyone who has played Biowares single player games should have known what this game would be since its basically just one of their single player games done as an MMO.


    They more or less delivered what they said they would. A story driven theme-park MMO that caters to the casual player.


    Its funny because this game was rumored for years before it was announced. I remember on the old SWG forums people would make threads discussing a potential BioWare SW MMO. And they said all they needed to do was just make an MMO of KoToR. Gamers would always say just give us an MMO version of KOTOR when discussing what they wanted from a SW MMO. Well thats basically what they got so they should be happy.

  5. That would have been brilliant, i know the 5 hour queues at launch werent long enough...................



    Yeah its funny, the same people whining now that there are too many servers are the same ones who begged them to open more servers and to cut down on the queues at launch.


    What they need to do is cut down on the phasing on the lower populated servers.

  6. First they want duel spec.


    Then they want Advanced Class Respec.


    After that they'll want to respec to the mirror class in the other faction.


    Then they'll want outright class respec.


    Next they'll complain that choosing between the two advanced classes sucks and they should be able to do both at once.


    Eventually we'll just be playing a game with one super class with access to all the abilities.




    (I'm kidding, I think.....hope)




    I'd maybe be open to respecs if they were limited to once, maybe twice (so they could respec back if they don't like the new advanced class). Anymore than that and you may as well just get rid of advanced classes altogether. I don't think the game needs it but if you limited it to once or twice it wouldn't ruin the game.


    Bioware should have made each advanced class have its own story and made you pick it at character creation. Then there would be 16 different stories and respecs would be impossible.

  7. None of those scenes were silent, with only one character running for a few minutes down empty halls, up elevators, through more empty halls, then through huge empty rooms, then into an empty ship (or a ship where a droid says ONE THING over and over.)


    That movie would have to be made by Kafka, not Lucas.



    Would it make you happier if there was music playing while you walk down the empty hall?


    Seriously you're whining that you have to occasionally walk down an empty hall?


    And not only that you're complaining about one of the more popular/requested features - player ships. Why put ships in the game at all if you never have to use them for travel?


    As I said you guys won't be happy until you have your own little map you can pull up and just click where you want to go and never have to walk anywhere or ride a mount anywhere.

  8. Running through empty spaceports isn't role playing. It barely qualifies as playing.



    Actually it is playing. Immersion adds to the experience of playing. Immersion is an essential element in RPG game design. Bioware as previously stated puts an emphasis on the story elements of an RPG. Designs that draw you into the world and or make it feel more real aid the story telling process.


    Space Ports and Star Wars go hand in hand. Hell half the prequels running time was taken up by characters arriving on ships and departing (Whether that's good or bad is debatable).


    I think part of the problem is that each generation of MMO has gotten further and further away from their RPG roots and has put less emphasis on story and immersion. So some are having issues with the RPG elements SWTOR. But that's a matter of taste and not a problem with the game.


    Its funny because you never hear people whining that they have to travel so much in Oblivion. Why? Because most of those playing it are RPG fans and not only expect that but actually enjoy riding on their horse and being immersed in the world.


    And its not like other MMO's don't have their own travel issues. There are long flights in WoW (or there was the last time I played which admittedly was several years ago).


    I agree that there are an awful lot of load screens. Perhaps they could eliminate the orbital stations. But overall I'd hate to see them streamline travel too much more than it already is especially when most of the complaints are downright ridiculous. Hearing people whine that they get bored riding an elevator is kinda disturbing (once again though that's a classic Bioware design, Mass Effect had tons of elevator riding). I mean it takes what, 20 seconds? Unless you have severe ADD you should be able to handle a 20 second elevator ride.

  9. Your post, like many of the others, is not identifying the proper issue. The issue is not so much the time spent as the time spent being boring. I can see you're a pure-RPG type of guy, who probably still thinks EQ is a great game and hates detracting from the purity of the experience, but there's nothing stopping you from getting that purity by doing exactly what you like AND having the option for others to not do that.


    Do you never use your Fleet Pass? Do you never use your 20-min shuttle port? Star Wars charaters never used local taxis to get from place to place - so why would you?



    If you don't like RPG design elements why are you playing an RPG? Especially one developed by a company that puts an emphasis on immersion (hence all the voice acting and emphasis on story).

  10. MMO whiners won't be happy until you can instant travel everywhere in the game world. Then we won't need mounts at all. Just click a spot on the map and instantly go there. Then they'll whine that opening the map and clicking takes too long and the game should read their minds. Then they'll complain that their mind doesn't process information as fast as their friends and that their friends brain should be nerfed.
  11. Its not that hard to get 40k credits. If you have slicing you can get that much just running missions and finding nodes in the wild or you could get underworld trading and sell resources. Even if you do neither and just run quests 40k shouldn't be that tough to get. Stop running crafting missions or whatever it is you're blowing money on for a few days.
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