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Posts posted by rglaredo

  1. love the coomunity, but hate the pvp aspect of the game as of today. I just hit cancel sub 2 mins. ago. Good luck to all of you that like the SW lore and classes. Not a big fan ofSW myself but the BH class was nice disctraction from root and nuke mage class lol..it jsut does not feel right for me . Wish BW had another mmo cause i dont like SW theme lol ..good luck ..all :D:D:D:D:D back to my mage ...lol ..
  2. Good info to have bboudreaux. Can I ask what are you running for SWTOR? I guess my bro got the z68 to help his wife do photo editing for the the weddings and stuff (she has a photography business).


    This is turning into a great post for people doing upgrades for the game. I think this mmo attracted less trolls than the other hack , slash and nuke games ..thanks Bioware !!!! And thank you George Lucas for giving them a chance to make a better SW game than the previous one lol ...I know he is watching this game closely lol ...

  3. Wow thank you for all responses ..I appreciate it !!


    I will look in new egg ..I had bad experiences with tiger direct. Thats why I got a normal HP system that actually runs wow good ..but to old for SWTOR ..lol


    Any one using the new AMD's zambezi Chips ? I found this at new egg




    I been a fan of AMD but I'm thinking of going for a 2500k system ..I heard is an awesome "cheap intel chip" for the gamers on a budget ..

  4. I need help. I cant pvp because my computer cant handle the game at low settings.


    I'm running a;


    HP pavilion AMD phenom x4 9850 Quad-core system with a gt 440 card ..And every time I go to pvp or in a city my FPS drop to the point I cant move that well . I don't have the money to spend on a $2000 system. Can anyone recommend a 600-800 dlls. set up to run this game at low setting but no FPS drop ..I know is not my connection I have cable and its darn fast ..I think my CPU is to old and my card is not SWTOR certified lol ..please anyone !! I love the game I just don't know what minimum setting to be able to play decently ..if any kind soul wants to help me I a appreciate it .

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