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Posts posted by eiekal

  1. I'm not going to go into great detail but I was in a bad accident and I only have one hand to use with limited dexterity so I use a mouse with many buttons.


    Frustrating as it is to try to play a game under these conditions but I'm extremely frustrated and emotional to be getting kicked from warzones.


    I realize I don't perform well but I enjoy the mini game of pvp and the excuse I get is that I'm afk but I can't be away from keyboard since I'm talking to them.


    For this thread I'm not interested in hearing how you feel you can kick a payed subscriber nor am I interested in comments by trolls or how you think I'm a troll. What my question is, is simply what can I do to fight this?

  2. I need help from those that max'd the legacy bank. I just maxed it and I need advice.

    I had more fun than I thought amassing my wealth but now that my legacy bank is at the 100 billion cap and all my alts will eventually max out as well, what are my options if I want to continue to amass more wealth?


    Character credit limit: 4,294,817,295.

    Guild bank limit : 4,294,967,295.

    The legacy bank soft limit: 100,000,000,000

    The legacy bank hard limit: 104,294,817,294


    I could keep making alts and maxing their wealth but eventually I'll max my character limit and its only 4 bil I can put on each character. I could create a guild and have a guild bank but that would only give me another 4 bil.


    What I really need is another 100 bil bank that I can work on filling up and the only thing I could think of is starting fresh on a new server or buying another monthly account. What are my options?

  3. /eyeroll


    operative roll should not exist. it needs to be replaced. period. end of story.


    however, it is so important to the class, that you cannot simply replace it. it's their primary dcd, integral to their escape and an invaluable closer.


    movement buffs are closers with greater utility. some classes have more of one than another and different abilities intended to compensate. lolroll does a ton more than buff mobility. you clearly went a long way (mental gymnastics) to argue that "gap closers" and "mobility buffs" cannot be compared for the sole purpose of forwarding your agenda to nerf roll, and that my friend, is horse ****.


    yes, the cd is too short. no, lengthening the cd doesn't address the core problem with roll. but you keep writing those walls of text.


    My response to you was long because I took the time to respond to all your points and address them. It looks like you dont want to give me the same curtesy and make a argument or agree to each of my follow-up responses. So it looks like our conversation is done. I enjoyed it. Thank you.


    We can agree to disagree.

  4. they're the best dueling class in the game and have been since the game's inception. ok. that's kind of relevant in stealing nodes or being the last man standing in an arena. that's a very specialized distinction and a very far cry from being the best pvp class. they were, in fact, nerfed to the ground for at least 2 years, more iirc.


    your intricate mental gymnastics in an attempt to distinguish a "closer" from a "mobility aid" is an exercise in irrelevance. all "mobility aids" are used as escapes, closers, and resists. the problem with nerfing roll is that it is the class' primary dcd.


    for example, blade bliz (sent's mad dash) is on a similar 45s cd. it's a closer, escape/movement buff, and a tool to resist big dmg. ops use roll exactly the same way. the big difference is that ops can roll 3x-4x more frequently. HOWEVER, you cannot simply stretch out the CD on roll and call it a day. sentinels have an entire bag of tricks to mitigate/avoid dmg that ops don't have. pacify, rebuke, saber ward, GBF, transcendence, 2 stealths ever 45s. that actually dwarfs what an op has. it's just that ~60% of an op's dcds are "rolled" into roll. so no. it's not at all as simple a matter as nerfing roll. it's a rat's nest to disentangle.


    and arguing over whether something is a "closer" or a "movement ability" is...I don't even know what? is irrelevant strong enough? a pointless tangent? I'll tell you what it looks like. it looks like you want to prove how smart you are and make a meaningless distinction so you can "win" an argument on the internet.


    I'm all for getting rid of roll. the game engine/maps cannot handle it. I'd like to get rid of it entirely. but that requires rethinking the class dcds and mobility entirely. furthermore, I'm conflicted about the "power" of ops because they're a bit of a plague in regs. but the thing that makes them so bad in regs isn't why they're popular in arenas. yeah, they can move and escape but honestly, they're just a good stealth class in arenas. in regs, they bug out on half the maps.


    edit: the power creep for mobility especially but dmg abils too is very noticeable in 6.x. between the set bonuses, amps, and tacticals. I think it went a bit overboard.


    Hold up now.Lets not make the mistake that being the best 1 on 1 class in the gamedoesn't play out in being strong in groups. Just because it holds true for being the best in 1 on 1 doesn't mean they aren't strong in group fights as well.Put a group of all operatives together and they aren't weak. They're damn strong and have always been strong. I say they're the best pvp class in the game and have held that position \within the games life span over ANY OTHER CLASS. Now if you have the opinion that there is another class that holds this distinction over operative, please let us all know because my pvp friends want to know.


    I made an argument and backed up my argument on how a gap closer is significantly different from a mobile ability and I included how they are different from eachother. The difference between mad dash being a moblity ability and force charge being a gap closer is significant and certainly not irrelevant simply becase you can, at times, use a gap closer to escape a danger to go to another enemy target you deem to be of lesser danger. Nor is it irrelevant because you can use a mobility ability like roll to close the gap to an enemy. The significance is more apparent with the low cooldown of 12 seconds for roll. I'm not sure if I can explain it differently without repeating myself. We may have to agree to disagree? Because I fail to see how you can't see they are significantly different and therefore relevant in making the distinction between the two. I still think the best way to make you face up to the fact that the distinction between a gap closer and a mobility ability isn't irrelevant and that you can't chuck every ability that moves your guy as "mobility aids" is to place yourself into someone else's shoes. If my rage jug's force charge was changed from a gap closer to a mobility ability like roll, it would be huge and certainly not irrelevant. This is If I could move like an operative with dash,I think I'd blow your mind since you haven't grasped that there is a significant distinction to make it relevant. I wont ask you if you're sincere but I dont understand how you can't see that its so significant that its relevant to make the distinction between a gap closer and a mobility ability.

    In your mind, is the difference between the two so irrelevant and insignificant that you would change your operative roll from a mobile ability to a gap closer that requires an enemy target? If you're honest with yourself and you're not willing to do that, then there is a significance and it is relevant. I wish I knew how to underline my next sentence. Establishing a basis on how powerful roll is with its mechanics and 12 second cooldown is the first step in choosing if thats what should be changed on an operative and in my opinion it is.


    Now you brought up sentinals and about their bag of tricks and you compare them with operative. The discussion we are having is on the topic of operative roll. I want to stick to the topic and not go off topic so maybe make another thread so you can explore fully the difference in strengths between the two.


    I think I was clear that nerfing operative was going to make operativs cry so, no minor thing. At least the strong nerf I'd like to happen wouldnt be a minor thing. DidI ever suggest it would be easy? If we dont want things to be the same, there needs to be a change. Will it be messy? You bet. Will it take more than one patch to adjust them after a major nerf? yep. Do we need a minor nerf bandaid fix where the problem will creep up again? Hell no.


    Please keep your emotions in check. Are you going to start name calling soon? "mental gymnastics" and you feel I just want to win an argument. I can't control whats in your head and only you can do that and put yourself in check. Otherwise if its not just in your head, point to exactly what I said that made you think I'm just here to win an argument and lets see if you're doing the mental gymnastics ;)

  5. you should stop. you're not helping the cause of rational class re-balance. ^this statement is patently absurd and would get you laughed out of any pvp channel/room/pb/discussion. concealment in particular has had quite the roller coaster ride of nerfs and buffs "since pretty much game has started."


    I disagree. You even suggesting otherwise makes me think there is a misunderstanding. Operatives has been a top 1 on 1 class longer than any other class in the game. Are we in agreement with this added clarity? Because if you still say I'm wrong, I'd have to suggest to whoever your friends are that they should stop being casuals and pvp more. Maybe its their first mmo and they all are operatives and they down play the class so its not nerfed.


    CheesyEZ, I made a rationial argument about the different between a gap closing ability and a mobility ability and how they arent the same and gave evidence on how they differ. I'm contributing by dispelling the smoke being blow up my butt when I read that a gap closer ability is comparible to a moblity ability. I'm also suggesting that if a nerf be made,it should be with roll. Let roll be a gap closing ability that needs a enemy target and you will see operatives come to the forum and say how they're quitting. Now with this established that a gap closer ability is significantly different than a mobility ability, we can talk about how far of a nerf is needed to roll.


    I'm sure that many operatives wont like any nerfs other that a wrist slap to get people off their back. I put forth my contribution to the thread on how I think operative should be nerfed and thats to make roll require a target. Having so much mobility is rediculous. Think how people would scream of a jug had mad dash on the same mechanics as operative roll. We dont even have to add on the damage immunity and we know that jug have a 12 sec with the option to double dash every 12 secs would be crazy strong. If you're willing for roll to be nerfed, would you be good with adding 10 seconds more to the cooldown of roll?


    Many classes were nerfed into the ground and were readjusted with future patches. Operatives would survive my nerf suggestion just as well as any other class that get hit hard with a nerf bat. Operatives need to be hit hard, make no mistake. They don't need their wrists simply slapped iwth a nerf. The very presence of this long thread is one example of evidence that this is true.

  6. operatives are NOT one of the most mobiles classes in the game, in fact they are one of the least mobile classes in the game. concealment is the only spec that has inherent movement enhancement other than roll, and even concealment is slow in comparison to the other dps specs.




    this is completely nonsensical. there is no comparison between mad dash and roll, if you were going to try to logically compare roll to any of the movement enhancing abilities on warrior it would be force leap that you're looking for, not mad dash.




    put the only movement enhancing ability in existence for two specs on a 45 sec CD, f**king genius.




    you don't understand anything.




    again, warriors do have a movement enhancing ability that is equatable to roll. it's force leap, not mad dash.




    whatever, not even going to acknowledge the rest. your entire post is utterly ridiculous, and incorrect on nearly every single point attempted.


    Of course operatives are one of the most mobile classes in the game. They have a mobility ability that is on a, what, 12 sec cooldown? I forget but its something like that. I play a jug and my mobility ability is on a 45 second cooldown called mad dash.

    These two abilies are what you compare unlike force leap which is a gab closer and requires a target. So yes, absolutely, operatives are one of the most mobile classes in the game since they have a mobility ability that is on a 12 second cooldown unlike mad dash which is 45 seconds.


    I realize that ppl try to muddy the water to make it that their class isn't strong but

    but please dont ever compare abilities like roll and mad dash which are mobility abilities and force leap that is a gap closer that you need a target to leap too. Mobility ability and gap closer that you go to the target. Think hard on this and maybe you'll understand the difference. HINT: mobility ability doesn't need a target.


    So now that we establish the difference between a mobility ability and a gap closer, make the mobility abilities comparable. Put roll on a 45 sec cooldown to match jug mad dash mobility ability. I'm certainly flexible about 45 sec since I know that operatives will cry like hell because with the change, there will be as many operatives in rank as there are now with jugs.


    But if you still dont see the difference, then please help me to start a campaign to change leap so that it doesn't need a target. I'll be happy with that. We can rename it to, leap to where ever the hell we want.


    Everyone knows operatives have been the top dog class since pretty much game has started. I'm talking pvp since I never pve and even leveled by pvp.) Search your feelings. You know this to be true. Or you can research the forums and ask people that have been around pvp since the game started.

  7. The primary jugg gap closer is force leap. Force leap has a 15 sec cooldown. With the the first tier utility (Warmonger) you can reduce the CD on force leap to about 5 seconds. If you are playing vengence, everytime you jump you get a 20% movement speed increase, 20% DR, and 3 second immunity to roots, slows, and hardstuns. Add that to enrage movement speed, jump resest with force push, and a 30 meter root from vicious slow and juggs have an awesome mobility kit to help kite.


    Mad dash is the mobility ability and force leap is the gap closer. I'm all for making roll into a gab closer like force leap. This would make them comparable. Make it so that roll has to go to a target and so is a gap closer just like

    force leap instead of being like mad dash which is a mobility ability. Anyone else have a good idea on how to nerf operative to bring them down to everyone elses level? I like septru's suggestion of making roll into a gap closer to a target just like force leap but we can have other ideas too so keep them flowing.


    I recommend you practice all of these tools. As a jugg, you can easily reach a second, third, and even fourth ED with a healer, tank, or any other form of peels as long as you are using your mobility to kite. I am no expert, but if you need more help with mobility on jugg feel free to reach out to me or look at these helpful guides for beginners::



    Thanks for the suggestions on kiting but as a jug, my mobility ability, mad dash, is on a 45 second cooldown

    so unlike operative roll, its on a long cooldown and so you become an expert kiter, side straffer and circle straffer when you play a jug, which you dont need to do as an operative so their skills will be subpar with movement since

    they rely on the low cooldown mobility ability roll.


    You missed a whole lot in that quote bud. Here, let me help you out and quote my whole comment.





    Next time, maybe try not selectively selectively pick and choose the words in a quote. You might make a whole lot more sense and earn yourself some credibility, instead of essentially lying to make a self serving point.


    Mad dash is the mobility ability and force leap is the gap closer. I'm all for making roll into a gab closer like force leap. This would make them comparable. Make it so that roll has to go to a target and so is a gap closer just like

    force leap instead of being like mad dash which is a mobility ability. Anyone else have a good idea on how to nerf operative to bring them down to everyone elses level? I like septru's suggestion of making roll into a gap closer to a target just like force leap but we can have other ideas too so keep them flowing.


    Thanks for the suggestions on kiting but as a jug, my mobility ability, mad dash, is on a 45 second cooldown

    so unlike operative roll, its on a long cooldown and so you become an expert kiter, side straffer and circle straffer when you play a jug, which you dont need to do as an operative so their skills will be subpar with movement since

    they rely on the low cooldown mobility ability roll.


    If you're really concerned for my movement skills we can have fun demonstration to put your mind at rest, I'm willing to meet you anytime to show my movement skills where I'll circle strafe you and you can circle strafe myself and we'll see who looks more clunky.


    Can we keep the ideas flowing on how to nerf operative mobility. Septru's suggestion of making it a gap closer like force leap where you have to have a target to roll to is a good one but I'm sure we can come up with other good ones as well.

  8. Operatives are the most mobile class in the game and the top 1 on 1 class in the game since... forever?


    The worse part of it is its an ability that moves the operative and the operative doesn't have to rely on their movement skills like other classes have too. What is roll? On a 12 second cooldown I mean? The movement ability for jug is dash and its on a 45 second cooldown.


    Here is how you put operatives in line with everyone else and they'll have to rely more on their movement skills rather

    than on an ability that moves them. Put roll on a 45 second cooldown just like jug.


    I understand why operatives are fighting like hell not to get this nerfed because they want to keep the status of top dog. I get it and so does everyone else that reads your posts where you're trying to not get nerfed.


    If my jug has dash on a 12 second cooldown, I'd be probably saying that its a class defining ability and it will ruin the class if its changed etc.


    operatives have held the top dog spot since the game started? Pretty much. Other classes had things nerfed to hell and they are still around with the patch changes. Operatives will survive a roll nerf just like other classes have survived their nerfs. Time for operatives to let another class have a turn as top dog.

  9. operatives are the top offender of extreme mobility. I think everyone has experienced the desync when an operative rolls on a ramp and disappears for a time and he didnt stealth.


    If you are an operative and you are losing in 1 on 1, you need top stop fighting like rank and pve where you lean on others to take someone down. Operatives are the top class in 1 on 1. You're the top dog in 1 on 1 of any class. You guys can take out more specs than anyone.


    I agree about the whole movement thing. Operatives are the worse in this regard. They dont have to rely on movement

    skill since they have an ability that moves them every 12 secs? Set the refresh for 45 secs like jug dash and operatives would be fix.


    If my jug has a 12 sec dash, hell, I'd call it a defining ability of the class too. Not to mention I'd call it over powered.

    Lets give them immunity from damage for a second after dash too to top it off.


    I get why operatives want to keep their top dog status and they don't want anyone messing with their roll because of it, but how long have you had this status? Pretty much the whole time the game was up?


    Regardless how you feel the class would be ruined if you increase the cooldown of roll, time for you to take the hit like others classes have with patches and they'e still around. Time to give another class a turn at being top dog.

  10. if you refer to "skill" as spamming your 6 button rotation over and over again, then you are right. every utility and ability in a classes toolkit was being utilized back then aswell, they just had to be way quicker and more careful with them.


    you cant react to burst anymore, you have to play proactive instead of reactive and predict bursts and cc´s or youre dead. this punishes bad timing and picking the wrong global cooldown for your circumstance way harder than with current ttk. heals have been way stronger aswell - a healer could burstheal you for 50-60% of your hp in a single global cooldown.


    just because the pace of pvp is way faster, there is not less skill involved, if anything, even more because one bad choice can lead to your death.


    let me give you an swtor example: immortal jugg pvp guides tell you to switch your guard on whoever currently gets bursted, to mitigate as much damage as you can for them. with the old swtor ttk there was no time to give anything to someone who already got bursted, you predict who gets bursted next via e.g. watching enemy movement or burst cooldowns or your mate is a cold corpse.


    now let me give you an example from another mmorpg, with a gigantic esports scene, retail WoW:

    their last big expansion reduced the overall TTK extremely hard because they saw how much people enjoyed pvp in the classic version of the game. this led to lots of players coming back to pvping not only in instanced pvp, but also it absoloutely revived worldpvp, because its just more fun to see a decent impact of each of your gcd´s. the esports scene enjoys this new meta aswell, because it doesnt unnecissarily draw out fights with inflated ttk anymore.


    I'm surprised I'm getting opposition to this thought that the faster a fight, the less skill that will be used. This should be a given. My experience in mmo's goes farther back than the beginning of swtor and goes back to Meridian 59 and AOL never winter nights and Ive seen extremly fast fast and long tiresome fights in different mmos.

    Its a simple concept. In each mmo, the faster the fight, the less skill that is used on both sides. Lets put things into extreme to get the poit across.

    Going from fast to slow fights:

    100 vs 1 little skill is used here in this blink of an eye fight by those attack the one person and the one person getting attacked

    50 vs 1 a little more skill here

    25 vs 1 a little more skill here

    10 vs 1 a little more skill here

    5 vs 1 a little more skill here

    1 vs 1 a little more skill here


    In the context of going from a fast to a slower fight, the 1 on 1 fight would use the most skill.


    In context to the thread of how fast a mmo should make a fight last, an mmo doesn't want to short of a fight where a rogue type class bursts down a glass cannon nor do they want the fight to last on forever like two healers fighting eachother.


    This holds true regardless if you define skill as a pve person would, in getting your rotations off or hitting the right ability every 1.5 secs, which is fine if you pve but I dont pve. This holds true if you see skill as a reaction time in hitting the right handful of instant cast abilities or regular abilites or how dire the consequences of not hitting them fast enough. This holds true if you have to be proactive and anticipate they'll go after the pt first and the jug second. etc


    Multiples bursting someone down or lets say a rogue type class bursting down a glass cannon class means there wont be much skill used by anyone and an mmo has to consider this in determining how fast a fight should be.


    The bottom line is an mmo should err on the side of a longer fight if they're pro skill.

  11. If you are deciding between a short and a long fight and you want skill to matter, you want to err on the side of a long fight. Bursting down someone, even if you are the attack or the one attacked, you will use less skill in both cases than you would use if the fight is longer. Since I'm pro skill, I see nothing skillful in melting someone down in rank or regs with multiples on one person nor do I see much skill in an operative or sin that can burst someone down fast. The victim has limited chances to use his skill. Let skill flourish and keep fights long.


    Remember the shorter the fight, the less skill that is used

  12. Just ran into a jerk in unranked who told me to not que anymore because apparently they judged me to be sub par and unworthy of having fun in a video game that they control (sarcasm)


    I've been pvp'ing for a few hours on and off tonight on different characters and it's actually been an unusually fun night with fun banter even when not winning but then this edge-lord walks in.


    Just don't be that person please and thank you.


    You're absolutely right. Anyone that tells you on this thread that you are wrong are socialists. You paid for your sub, and not them. Don't let them tell you how or what to play.


    I have a handicap and can't play rank because of it so I'm exactly where I should be when I play regs and ppl that complain to me in regs I say screw off and if they do it more than once, People tell me I should report for harassment.

  13. Major nerfs to the game mechanics of stealth, op self heals, and/or op CC would be required to unseat ops as the best 1 v 1 class. Not likely to happen and maybe not possible. Because they have been good for so long, you could argue any class and spec other than op deserves some love. However, if I had to pick one, it would be rage jugg. It has been one of the squishiest, least effective PvP specs for a long time, despite wearing heavy armor and using the “balanced” lightsaber form of Shii Cho. Nothing is balanced about rage jugg in PvP IMO. Also, doesn’t make sense to me that imperial spies with blaster pistols and stealth cloaks are superior to force using Sith lords and Jedi. Most other specs have been FOTM one time or another, or at least competitive, but not rage jugg.


    How you do that is another matter. Fury Mara gets cc immunity and force camo, so a new PvP oriented discipline skill is in order. One that specifically counters stealth but only for rage spec, like making chilling scream reveal stealth within 30m, but only to the jugg and not to teammates and on a 1 min CD. Or could just raise the rage jugg’s passive stealth detection level by a huge amount, like 30 or something. Because a rage jugg is using a balanced lightsaber form, imagine they are so in tune with the force that they have a heightened sense of the battlefield and can see stealthed enemies. Combined with the grit teeth tactical you could have a competitive class. Maybe need to nerf their dps a bit in exchange, but without impacting pve. Maybe you suffer - 25% dmg after revealing a stealthier for 10 sec. So you’d have tank spec be hard to kill (skank still needs a nerf to dmg though) vengeance be the best damage dealer, and rage have the most utility. All three jugg specs would bring something unique to the table. I think that would be cool.


    Rage jug having a turn sounds like a great choice.

  14. Maybe I should post a new thread with the above. Also occurred to me that while skank jugg needs to be brought in line with the other tank classes, needing its dmg may not be the best way to do it. Idk, I’m no expert. But TLDR: skank jugg needs a nerf, veng needs a buff to survivability, and rage needs a BIG buff so it is a viable alternative to veng.


    Immortal is not the top 1 on 1 class. Operatives/scoudrels just dont hit them during their heal ability and roll away hotting themselves or whatever. Operatives/scoundrels kill them along with the rest.

  15. As Ahavery said its unrealistic that ops will ever be dethroned as the best in 1v1s because of how they work.


    What is more interesting is that 1v1s for all other classes are generally balanced well.


    That is interesting that all the other classes are generally balanced well. I assume that tournaments are set up then to fight their own classes including operatives because otherwise if in tournaments you fight other classes, then operatives shouldn't be allowed.

  16. Its true that operative/scoundrels are very formidable. I've been told that they're the best 1 on 1 class and have been since the game started. I doubted this and questioned if at no time there was no better 1 on 1 class and they said that one thing for sure is for the majority of time that the game has existed its true. That's a long time.


    They should give another class a turn. Does anyone have a class they think that its time for their turn?

  17. There have been posts about striving for balance in regards to the classes and even if is possible to fully achieve balance and posts about how individual classes strengths or weaknesses should or shouldn't be examined in striving for class balance. This is not the topic of this thread.


    For those that have a interest in 1 on 1 fights and disregarding a players skill, what I want discussed here and what this thread is about is simply do you think operative/scoundrel is the best 1 on 1 class and if so, would you like to see another class given a turn?


    Let me remind you to stay on the thread intended topic or go make your own thread.

  18. Let me start off by saying, why should we want to give up our premade when we can destroy those that aren't?


    I'm no fool. I know first hand that not being in a premade is getting the crappy end of a stick. When I had to PUG, I learned fast I wasn't much better than those with me doing the same. I got destroyed like the others that solo queue.

    Once I got into a steady premade, no matter the size of it, it made such a huge difference. I later discovered I could make a discord premades where we can get together and communicate and they weren't the wiser that the reason we were destroying them was because we were a premade.


    You may argue that its a social game and you can be with your friends on the game and play with them by fighting against them in a warzone by getting in the queue separate. If you said this to me, you would be absolutely right. I play with friends in my competing games and its alot of fun here and in other games.


    You my argue that I can form premades and do ranked and have premade vs premade, and you would be right.


    But here's the rub. Why? Why should I do all the above when I can just premade with my friends and destroy pug. I don't think there is anything wrong about feeling good about dominating others even if I have an advantage. It feels freaking great doing it and its so much fun. I had to pug for a time so let them take their turn and go through the agony I went through.

  19. Let me start off by saying, why should we want to give up our premade when we can destroy those that aren't?


    I'm no fool. I know first hand that not being in a premade is getting the crappy end of a stick. When I had to PUG, I learned fast I wasn't much better than those with me doing the same. I got destroyed like the others that solo queue.

    Once I got into a steady premade, no matter the size of it, it made such a huge difference. I later discovered I could make a discord premades where we can get together and communicate and they weren't the wiser that the reason we were destroying them was because we were a premade.


    You may argue that its a social game and you can be with your friends on the game and play with them by fighting against them in a warzone by getting in the queue separate. If you said this to me, you would be absolutely right. I play with friends in my competing games and its alot of fun here and in other games.


    You my argue that I can form premades and do ranked and have premade vs premade, and you would be right.


    But here's the rub. Why? Why should I do all the above when I can just premade with my friends and destroy pug. I don't think there is anything wrong about feeling good about dominating others even if I have an advantage. It feels freaking great doing it and its so much fun. I had to pug for a time so let them take their turn and go through the agony I went through.

  20. I'm reading this thread and I see a tank assassin enter and comment that he understands the hardship of fighting a tank assassin because he cant kill a sage healer.


    Am I to understand that he gets killed by the healer? Does he want us to think that he doesnt stealth away and lets himself be killed slowly?


    The sniper says he dies to the tank assassin class. The tank assassin says he cant kill the sage healer. These two things are NOT the same.


    The tank assassin derailed you into thinking they are.


    The tank assassin also asks if the op feels he should be able to take every class 1 vs 1. I find this funny as hell coming from a tank assassin.


    Mr tank assassin, I just wanted to say that I'm a altaholic so I play everything atm so I dont care whose op at this time. However, if you dont feel that you are the strongest 1 vs 1 class atm, I dont think you know your class as well as you think you do or let on. I say this while being mindful of you asking the op if he thinks he should be able to kill every class.

  21. No capes!


    Do you remember Thunderhead? tall, storm powers? Nice man, good with kids

    November 15th of '58! All was well, another day saved, when.. his cape snagged on a missle fin!


    Stratogale! April 23rd, '57! Cape caught in jet turbine!


    Metaman, express elevator! Dynaguy, snagged on takeoff! Splashdown, sucked into a Vortex!


    No capes!

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