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Posts posted by Zakiros

  1. I will agree with keeping the rancor mounts off the CM but I think that now and going forward these kinds of unique mounts should have a pvp and pve version. I however think that the PvE one should be removed after the next tier comes out to make it more exclusive similar to how the pvp mount will be this change would have to be accompanied with a more guaranteed way of getting the mount instead of a random drop. The idea though of keeping a mount entirely exclusive to PvE or PvP is a selfish idea and won't happen especially in this case where I believe the rancor mount was first planned for PvE because of the cyborg rancor boss. But I do see the desire and benefit of some exclusivity to mounts which is why I think the PvE mounts need to be obtainable for a limited time preferably not on the CM at all as exclusive and cool mounts like this that they can show off is what drives many players to play the game. Because the PvP mount almost my entire PvE focused guild has been doing PvP however those who have decided not to have decided this because they would rather just get it off the CM later which is not the kind of attitude people should have with content if the game wants to grow and have active players. I am doing PvP actively for the first time is over a year just because of this mount already sure that a PvE version would be coming as well but the CM kind of kills my desire for it because the PvP one will take time and a level of skill to obtain as will the PvE one but there will be a hundred rancors running around on fleet and at that point a unique skin doesn't matter that much because it gets lost in the sea of all the other mounts with the same model.


    TL;DR Have a PvP and limited time PvE version of the rancor mount without a version on the CM so that I have a reason to do PvP and PvE all day instead of sitting on my ship crafting endless augment kits so I can buy something only slightly different off the GTN.

  2. 40+ hours? Man the 8 man version is a complete joke then, didn't take half of that. I feel jelly that you 16s get to have all the fun:(


    Really? my guild's 8man NiM kephess kill took about 30 hours of attempts though we were far from the best composition for the fight.


    Anyway I'm really hoping the kill was legit word is there is an exploit that lets you do 16man with 8man health pools should be easy enough to tell once video is posted though.

  3. Yeah not server first two people in hatreds kill without tags are the alts of mains who were in the guild already at the time if you want they have since moved them into the guild as well feel free to check at anytime I don't even get what the big deal about guild tag is I could just invite some random people to the guild take a pic then kick them and apparently that would make all the difference
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