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Posts posted by Cleverist

  1. I'm an oceanic player and as a result we were all online when the server went back up after patch.


    We all immediately went to illum and started getting our kills. We too noticed that after a little while and a few kills they stopped counting.


    We then realised by suiciding into their base or simply dying it reset the kills so they started counting again.


    Now whether its reset by dying or a timing issue, it fixed the problem for us.

  2. If you are American you might find that your "wierd" playing hours actually match up with the Oceanic players. You should consider rolling on Swiftsure for a PVP server or check out the unofficial oceanic server for PVE (unsure of the name sorry).
  3. Agreed! I play an Operative on Swiftsure during Oceanic time zones predominately. Having long queues is usually the main reason someone would reroll to the opposite faction. At the moment there is a group of about 10 of us in my guild who are going to roll republic alts simply because we don't like being the zerging side, its bloody boring.


    Now the other issue with same faction queues is it allows the zerging side to effectively gear themselves regardless of having a factional enemy to fight or not. While this is good for player experience it is terrible for balance.

  4. I would like to see a system similar to WAR's system later in the game. After being CC'd you were given complete immunity. The immunity was based on the length of the CC ability used. It was split into two types of immunity, KD/Stun/Mez and Knockbacks. Knockbacks gave a static 20sec immunity while the others you were granted immunity for 10x (I think) the duration of the CC. What this meant is for MEZ's that are LONG but broken on damage, if it was broken after 1sec you still had the full immunity. This means players become more selective with their CC and don't just spam it constantly on every target.


    Now my issue with resolve as it stands. I play an operative in concealment spec and most of our damage comes from melee abilityies. We have no gap closer either. So when I have full resolve and get rooted, im screwed. I will have likely already used my Trinket to break the last CC that resulted in full resolve and now im stuck (usually in the huttball fire) just holding my dick.


    Also, 100% agree with opening poster.

  5. Definately bonus to XP but not valour or comms. The number of comms you get has nothing to do with population balance because Wz's are always 8v8 (minus bugged games) and there are just as many Pub premades as there are Imp premades. So even solo Qing your chances for a win are decent. If not, spam region till you have a premade with dedicated heals at least.


    Valour is more complicated. At the moment the farming Ops on Illum reap massive gains of valour and the out numbered side simply can't compete. Perhaps Valour bonuses upto Valour 50 would be a good idea, that way the high end Pubs don't suddenly start powering ahead, face rolling in every WZ.


    The real problem is the lack luster design of design and the lack of design thought. There is no where for the underdog side to hold up and get some kills, there is nothing to really stop base camping (yes they can use the speeder to get out). I think adding a useable turret at each base would make the zerg think twice about just sitting there pulling people. Alternatively, NPC guards that get pulled and will wipe your zerg if you get too close, like in WAR.


    Illum is a problem because of how Valour is rewarded. There is no deminishing returns for the number of people involved in the kill and the Valour rank of the player has no effect on the gains. You should be rewarded more for a 1v1 than a 20v1 but you aren't. WAR did this well, introducing bonuses for the outnumbered side granting bonus Valour (Renown) and WOW did it with stats I was told. If you ran around in small groups hacking at the zerg you would gain MUCH more than running mindlessly with the zerg killing people that are hugely outnumbered.


    That said, Illum now is a vast improvement on what Illum was and continued development will make it alot better.

  6. Are the number of comms and the cost of gear actually what you state or are you just making **** up? If it really is 3comms per bag and you need 50 or so for a piece this new system is no better than the existing one. Everyone with BMer already will be pissings themselves at all the new 60's grinding for months to get to their gear level.
  7. This is the EXACT issue that ruined Rift for me. Loved the Beta and played it as much as I humanly possible. Problem was come release all the issues we had been raising went unaddressed and it just killed it for me. This game I made no effort to play beta at all so as far as I'm concerned BW are doing a great job addressing all these issues in the first major patch lol, even if in reality they have had months.
  8. Incorrect, its not just sub lvl 50's that think that the damage is high.


    I run 400 expertise, and 15k life. I get burst down to 3k life or lower regularly by similarly geared and better geared ops.


    That is too much.


    and your opinion on my suggestion is?

  9. I feel like scoundrel would be balanced if there was no stun on HS. Prolly get a bunch of Ops in here QQing, but a 6k hit out of stealth doesnt need a 3 second stun


    I would agree but I have been hit by that much (or close) many times from classes that don't need to be in stealth to deliver the same damage.

  10. To add, as a player and not specifically an operative, if I see the glimmer of a stealther while they are stealthed I move back and wait for them to open on someone then immediately CC them OR just CC them before they leave stealth. Operatives are great when people aren't paying attention or don't get help. We are completely shutdown by team play and preparation. Hell if you are going to a Gun on Alderran that is "unattended" pop your shield or defensive before you start the cap because you are pretty certain there is a stealthed character just waiting there for you.
  11. Firstly, I play an operative and have around 400 expertise.


    Our opener is OP but I don't think it is the damage itself that makes people upset, just the fact they feel helpless while they watch it happen. Stun locks and CC in this game are ridiculous and Resolve needs to be fixed. If your CC break is on cooldown it takes till the end of the THIRD CC until you are immune.... you are dead by then 90% of the time.


    Now I believe that if you split Hidden Blade into a KD and a seperate opener (dmg) it could alleviate the problem. Make the knockdown off GCD and not break stealth but give it a longer cooldown than the damage component. It will still give full resolve and it will mean operatives will have to be more selective about who they use the KD on.


    I personally think that most of the OP/Scoundrel QQ will vanish when the lvl 50 brackets come in and people realise that the majority of OP/Scoundrel aren't geared enough to cause the damage people have been crying about on the forums. The weakness of the class is once they are out of stealth, they must either vanish or try and leave combat to come back in stealth OR learn to assist other DPS. Fortunately for most the majority players have alot of trouble at picking what target to hit or who to assist.


    If there is an overall damage nerf to the class opener, there will need to be a buff to survivabilty or utility to balance out the loss because anything that survives the opener can kite/stun-lock the OP/Scoundrel into submission without too much hassle.

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