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Posts posted by dougstacy

  1. One thing I always, always wish for in these games is to be able to craft my own personal style. I want to have my own palette of colors, to choose from a series of outfits on each area of my body, patterns for the clothes and whatnot. Just tons of options. I know these are tough to program sometimes, but a good character visual is important to a lot of players. The ability to express your own sense of style and appearance is helpful for creating a sense of belonging. By the definition of the way these games work you're already cloned into a relatively small number of ability configurations, providing a sense of persona helps alleviate the sense of 'sameness' that can pervade the game. If they wanted to make certain appearance items, styles and patterns only obtainable through questing, PvP rewards, ops and flashpoints that would be fine. Hell, another reason to play all modes of the game.
  2. This is someone who's had a bad experience with one of these classes. Probably, sadly, under-geared against a battlemaster. The problem is and has been the battle of geared vs. un-geared and getting gear is really hard, frustrating and daunting. It takes weeks, maybe months, of playing every day because of the inane lottery system. Trust me, from personal experience, an ungeared marauder gets obliterated by a geared healer. Its true, you need skill to be really good, but simply having champion or, god forbid, battlemaster gear makes you a walking force of nature against anything that does not have similar gear.
  3. Choke, Ravage and Intimidating shout sometimes fail because the Resolve bar. Watch you opponents pictures or health bars. There is a white bar, when it is maxed out that target cannot be controlled, stunned or held. Period. No one can.Your choke will still damage, but you can't hold them in place. Ravage will still hit and damage, but they can move. PvP is actually pretty complex and playing a marauder early in the PvP grind is really hard because you are so fragile without your PvP gear. Suck it up, tough it out. At the end you will be as good as anyone if you play regularly and learn the ins and outs of your class.
  4. I don't have a problem with 'farming'. Each scenario upgrades you to projected stats at 50. Are they still better than you, sure. You can still win (I have, and without playing in a premade). My problem is that I keep getting funneled into Huttball. Huttball is crap. Its garbage. It isn't fun. I want the ability to choose which warzone I go into.
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