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Posts posted by Blinkinsage

  1. i wonder if the agreement between Ea and lucas arts will be void now. Maybe disney will revamp this game. OR they will "lay off" everyone and shut the game down. Or a meteor will hit earth and wipe out al life. Or the sun will explode.


    Or maybe something good will happen.

  2. So what you are really saying is DPS is not doing their job? Perhaps your group should be in a parser and see who's not carrying their load? I think you are asking for trouble if you want to go down there and help dps.


    AGREED. We pugged a sage dps that said he was putting out 1400 DPS. We of course didnt believe him but we tried him anyway because the hybrid PVE spec is actually really good. Come to find out he wasnt even pushing 1100. Use the tools provided and make the necessary changes to down bosses.


    ( come to find out the sage was beating on the lowest lvl dummy, not the raid dummy. another reason for people to PROVE their dps)

  3. so you want to be a winner. Scrap the sorc and go with a smash jugg or maurader. And the win ratio on a server is based on the players. Your gonna get terrible players no matter what server you're on.
  4. In our raid group best dps is our commando and our maurader. we had a sage that was beating both of them, but he quit. If you absolutely NEED to play a sage go with the hybrid spec. Thats the ONLY way their dps will ever compete with others. (the rotation takes some getting used to tho) Tanking doesnt matter. I stayed away from a shadow tank for the sreason i already had a sage. Either tank class is good.
  5. Creativity.


    Recolorign stuff, i.e. speeders and gear.

    Where are all the staff that CREATE stuff. My guess is its all being saved for the cash shop, which i will say right now i will not partake in. It seems that creativity has been replaced with the lazy way out.


    Actual customization. a dye system or something. I want to be a beast hello kitty vanguard. A hairstyle system or something. (The facial expressions BTW are complete garbage. You do realize you cannot see our faces with all these rediculous helmets, and even then we are looking at the BACK of our character)


    A Loot system that has a rare chance of dropping something rediculous. An UBER weapon or something (that cannot be re'd) would make it worthwhile to run the raids over and over again. I would farm out SOA all the time if there was something that had a rare drop in it. If it dropped a 2 man speeder? PLZ.


    Make the abilities of our characters look like the class. My vanguard for instance. Buttstroke...rgr. got it. But shooting lightning out of a gun? uhhh what? If the vanguard is the front line "infantry" like soldier. I would be using feet, fists, (storming to someone should knock them down. If you run up to someone at full speed and shoulder them they are gonna fall down).


    Fun stuff to do while we are waiting around for something. Pet tossing contest or something. dont know what it is but pizzak (if i spelled it right)


    Dueling! omg pls can you put that in. It would make ppl be able to test their skills against each other while they wait for pvp to happen.


    Put dummies on Carrick. All this traveling to get to a dummy is garbage. (There was probly a reason to put them on the birdge deck casue no one uses it anymore but cmon guys.) Jus thought of this, Put the dummies right next to the skill retrainer. Would save SO much time.


    Theres other stuff but I have to try to pay attention in class. lol

  6. lost other screen shot with blaydes 800k+ damage and 100k+ guard in novare :(


    you might as well just put him on the top, of everything damage wise. He's gonna break the records pretty soon anyway. LOL


    and i'm guessing these are all pvp records?

  7. Just FYI, you're looking at your augments wrong. Looking at your first screenshot, if you add an augment to the Dread Guard gear you will actually be up 10 endurance. For your arguments if you compare both pieces of gear WITHOUT AUGMENTS, the Dread Guard has more Endurance + other stats.


    I may be worng but across the board, alosadding in augments i'm still losing 20 endurance. I may be worng tho.


    And as i've explained before i've goten rid of defense because the animation is either interuppting my abilities, or locking me out of them while the animation is happening. thats why I think defense is not worth it on a tank. If we cannot maintain threat because we are "bobbing and weaving" why use the stat.

  8. Here is my screenshots of how bad this new Dread Guard gear is for a supercommando.




    Why am I losing endurance (even with an augment)




    What is this denfense stuff you want on our Full "SHIELD SPEC" vanguards. and again without the augment i would be gaining 2 endurance. PLZ.




    ok cool some more endurance. But i COMPLETELY lose my absorbtion rating? and again defense.





    Why do i lose so much endurance? again absorbtion GONE? and WHY do i need so much denfense.





    COMPLETELY LOSE MY SHIELD AND ABOSRB. gain defense again /facepalm. understand that you want a little accuracy to be in there but i hold aggro just fine against a sent who is unleashing over 2K DPS sometimes.





    and this.... Why would anyone in their right mind spend 350 BH comms for this pathetic implant.


    Bioware pls... Look at which set you are working on before you put the stats on them. And on the idea of denfense. You guys do know that the animation of vanguards "dodging" completely renders our ability to use "abilities" useless right? You cannot get an atttack off while you're bobbing and weaving in front of a boss. Also, We have no skills that boost our defense rating. We are "SHIELD" spec.


    Take a look at how much stats you are losing guys. i looked at the elite war hero stuff for my sage. On the offhand i lose everything except some force power. Why do i want to get any of this gear if we are having this itemization problem again. This gear makes me so depressed for bioware.

  9. If anything it actually rewards mediocrity. Too many mediocre players QQ'd about not getting rewards instead of actually upping their game.


    And also theres too many easy ways to get your "full" rewards. Alderaan for example. Take a node, defend, go afk to take a dump, come back you got 8 medals.


    granted the other team doesnt have anyone that comes to attack you.

  10. @ thelonesage Yes, i tweaked my graphics card to make everything UBER SHINEY. the reflection in the floor has imperial banners on the walls.


    and i was hoping they would have a 16v16 map. :(

  11. So i was reading the SWTOR post about going to gamescon. The question i had was, ( as they have said 32 computers to play) if there are 32 comps set up to play, does this mean that the new warzone will be 16 V 16? If so, how will the severs hold up. Soemtimes during a 16 man raid it gets very laggy.



    Fun Fact: The reflection in the floor of the republic fleet is of the Imperial fleet

  12. Republic seems to demolish imperials. Well at least during the times i play. FYI: i solo'd an op on my sage in a novare coast the other day. Op's are NOT way overpowered. Are classes somewhat imbalanced? i could possibly go with that. But not to the point where they have an I WIN button. Going along with other posters, This original post is garbage and L2P.


    Edit: now that i saw the post above me, i saw a 27K health shadow in huttball the other day. Wearing NO PVP gear. So it dores sometimes boil down to who you get matched up with.

  13. what they should do is somehow differrentiate the founders from the people subbing while F2P. I would be fine with something in game that is NEVER gonna be given to anyone else, or is not possible to obtain. Title's to me are garbage. I dont wear any. Give me like full color customization or SOMETHING that makes us stand out of the F2P crowd. OR even in real life. Instead of a guild summit. Invite the founders of this game to a summit and have a sit down with us. Most of the players, will give curteous feedback when it is necessary.
  14. i think in that article it also said august is gonna be a new content pack. Who knows. Not tryin to get on the GW2 bandwagon but i think this game needs it before GW2 drops.


    (commence with the GW2 bashing)

  15. i've put in multiple tickets about this and a forum thread about it. Tickets dissappeared and got a generic response to my forum thread. Seems like theres more "pertenant" issues at hand. Like putting out new content, or laying ppl off, or hanging out underneath EA's sack.
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