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Posts posted by Your_Ad_Here

  1. Ah, the age old question since time immorial (MMOs first appeared).


    Usually games have a way to flag yourself an RPer (like in EQ2, your name turns a shade of purple if I recall).


    Other games have completely designated RP servers.


    But that doesn't mean squat. In EQ2, Antonia Bayle is an RP server. Says so right on the list. But it also has tons of non RPers, trolls, raid guilds etc. People like to go where the population is also high.


    I guess over the years I've become so jaded trolls don't bother me anymore. I /ignore them. But I continue on. If they do something that truly interrupts my gameplay and others, like in EQ2, for Valentine's day, we were given a gazebo we could place anywhere - trolls went out of their way to drop gazebos on RPers to the point the instance of the place crashed -, that is when I report the person/people and move on.


    I know BioWare/SWTOR devs made it possible to transfer off servers that were closing some time ago. Even then, the servers were labeled but non-RPers when to RP servers.


    This is just one of those things players need to police themselves.


    Went on a little tangent there, but overall, just a way to flag yourself with a visible thing so others see it is fine for me.


    I did a Heroic 4 with my Commando DPS, and another player (Scoundrel, maybe?) with a CC. We used chat to decide on CC's. And, the other players were careful not to break the CCs. That was a smooth, and enjoyable, run.



    I think this is important, conversation.


    Sorry ... I'm not psychic. How do I know who you are CCing if you don't say? I never played all the classes so I don't know all the hallmarks of a CC yet or what does what.


    If I break CC, I always apologize and make sure I don't do it again. But it's not always the DPS's fault. If the CC just flings CC around everywhere, not marking targets, then gets a roid afterwards .... well ... then they suck IMO.


    When I play with my sister and husband (both not used to the game much), I tell them "I will tank mob X. Sis, stun the mob Y. Dear, take out the other mob then come help me burn down mob X" ... etc.


    Sure, it's not always perfect. But the point is that we shared a strategy. And 8/10 times it works well.

  3. So how do I file a support ticket?


    Inside the game, hit the ? on your bar (ususally at the top of your UI) which will bring you to a page where you can see known issues. At the bottom of the page there is a tab called, Create Ticket I believe. Fill that out then send it.


    Another page will come up with issues trying to match your problem. If it doesn't match, on the lower right side there should be something like "My questions wasn't answered, submit ticket".


    Hope that helps as I'm going by memory and not in game ATM.

  4. most armour have a level requirement set, I think, from the level they drop at. If you pick one up and it is min. lvl of 31, then even removing all mods and enhacements the piece will remain level 31. Even if you put a level 9 armour mod in it I don't believe it will drop.


    Correct, you can still only put it on being level 31 even if all mods are stripped and replaced.

  5. Can you explain this part?


    However, if you can remember to do it, you can spread conversation gains around all companions except for your ship droid by summoning them prior to initiating conversations with NPC's. It's awkward but an easy way to raise affection.


    Do you mean use one companion for one NPC, then going to another, switch them out before hand?


    Also, was there a change to Elara's affection? Strange question, but I stopped playing about 3 months ago in Chapther 2 and Elara would not speak to me anymore. I come back about 2 weeks ago as a sub and all of a sudden had 3 convos with her that never was there before.

  6. Two is the only decent one to me. The only time I do one is when I'm wanting it be more kid-like, sort of like where Anakin would have been between Eps I & II. Three just looks like Vin Diesel, and four just looks like Chris Farley.


    I always choose T2 for my characters. I might, if making a female, choose T3 for a body (like a Rattataki) to make them look more buff.

  7. I believe the Companion quests are tied to your class story progression instead of level (or maybe they are tied to both), so if, for example, you are level 32 but haven't finished the Chapter 1 of your class story yet, the dialogue won't trigger.


    Danyila is correct. So you'd need to move onto the next chapter of your story (just like how the romances in KoTOR the pc game worked) before she will continue her story.

  8. I know this post is kinda old but it brings up some good points. Note that I mainly come from RPing in EQ2 but we have the same problems.


    1. This is a problem on a personal level. This has to do with the person playing the Sith character and not the alien. Meaning you can't control what other people do. Besides, they are not worth RPing with (the Sith) if their OOC person cannot separate the line between IC/OOC. It might be something in their stories, but I suggest anyone to find other venues to RP. If a person ignores you, it's their loss on a great RP experience.


    3. Please see my comment in #1. But those people are also ones that enjoy god modding - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=god%20modding in theat what they see their character doing everyone should do. And not only is that wrong, that is just rude. You are in a game with different pele and backgrounds. Embrace that. There are some interesting stories.


    For those reading this, if you even try to say OOC to kill off my character, I will flat out ignore you. You can whine and scream all you want, you are just an attention w---- and you know it. You aren't making the game any more fun, you are making it worse.


    4. It's kinda sad reading this, as I have come across level 90s in EQ2 who still RP like a young soldier since level does not come into the RP equation for many. Another form I would gladly ignore.


    I think that's what makes it hard for some people, and to me, I think many new RPers or those to MMOs think "I'm Imperial so I have to act evil etc" which is not true. You can just be Lawful Evil and spend time working the strings of politicians, and gain more respect than a whacko Sith lopping heads off people.


    Communication is important in any RP situation. If one cannot separate IC/OOC or refuses to listen and stomps their foot for "my RP or no RP" then move on. It isn't worth the hassle or heartburn.

  9. Why does your post look so wierd? Hm ...


    Anyway no, don't agree.


    EDIT: Read post wrong .. my bad. Anyway you can see what you are making. So you need to reroll if you don't like it. This game isn't like EQ2 or WoW where such thing could be easily done. BioWare really seemed to make a split line between the two factions.

  10. BTW, I did a run through Korriban today to try and get all the codex inputs I could get there, except the title and Sith Acadamy, I'm also missing one codex input for the Tomb Raiders organization. I did not get this when I first started playing SWTOR, and as I can not pickup the mission again, it looks like I'll never getting that input either...


    So the Korriban list should include a note telling ppl that if you havent gotten it the first time, its too late.


    And there also seems to be Codex that if you do not pick the right choice in a quest you won't get a Codex either.


    Case in point, if you take he quest Buying Loyalty from Gizmel on Ord Mantell, but hand in everything and get the DS points, you do not get the Underworld Influences Codex. This is what happened to my Smuggler.

  11. The following list of missing entries has been updated after 1.2 patch using the information reported in this post as well as consulting the Codex entries and comments of the following 2 web sites:

    1. SWTOR - SPY
    2. TORHEAD

    so if you have some missing entries not reported in the following list and you're a Sith Warrior just check the two links to obtain the Codex entry as it worked for me.


    Part 1/2



    Persons of Note

    • Nem'ro The Hutt


    • Evocii

    • Ugnaught


    Nem'ro the Hutt, Evocii and Ugnaut are not bugged. They are related to quests that apparently only an Agent or BH can do. So it is more along the line if BioWare feels like allowing Warriors and Inquisitors to do the quests on Hutta to get the entries.


    Same thing that my Imperial cannot get many entries on Korriban.


    ADD: Here are the quests they are related to (as I have the Codex entries on my Agent):


    Ugnaught - Complete quest Subtle Sabotage

    Nem'ro the Hutt - The BH and Agent get this after meeting Nem'ro in their class quests

    Evocii - This is given when you do the mission from Morsel (can't find quest name ATM)

  12. I unsubbed 2 months ago but came back recently (mainly because EQ2 has had many 24hour downtimes since their latest Game Update)


    But the main reason I unsubbed originally was the p*** awful poor Customer Service. I won't go into details but many of you who have been around since Beta know what I possibly mean.


    SInce then they seemed to have cleaned it up a bit.


    I'm giving the game a second chance (mainly because I'm playing with my spouse and sister now).

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