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Posts posted by Idexicon

  1. Hi everyone. I'm a returning player who is just about to hit the AC wall and I was wondering if I could ask for some advice:


    Just to give a bit of background to frame myself as a player regarding choice: I've almost always played a healer in MMOs and I do enjoy it, but I would love to go a little into DPS. I also almost exclusively PVE. So here are my questions:


    If I go Sorcerer - Is their DPS OK for endgame (I don't care about being faceroll, just good enough)? I'm sure I'll always run into people who say "LOL Y U NO HEALZ" but being able to pump out good DPS will at least temper it a bit.


    If I go Assassin - basically the same question. Is there going to be the "why are you not a tank" spam all over the place.


    Any help would be much appreciated.

  2. Thank you very much for the replies. It's good to know this game doesn't pigeon hole you like some other not to be named MMOs. I have the definite feeling I'd stink as a tank.


    I went a little into Shield last night (first tier) but moved over to Pyro and I'm loving it. Nothing is more fun than being able to run and gun!

  3. Hi everyone. I just came back to the game after some time off and I've started working on a Powertech BH. I have been searching around for some basic advice for a leveling spec but I haven't found much.


    Basically my questions are:


    Should I go Shield Tech to 30 then what delve into Pyro?


    Is pure Pyro an OK build into?


    Basically I'm going to PvE till 50 but try to stay as DPS (I've never leveled as a tank and I'll probably suck at it). Any advice would be much appreciated.

  4. I


    If you come here looking for a spec, just know that there are different builds you can use...



    It's that other MMO bleeding all over us again. They made the game so cookie cutter everyone expects there has to be a "perfect build" This game doesn't really work like that. You can go healing until Rejuv then go Balance or TK and still heal pretty damn well.

  5. In my experience I find that game economies tend to go in waves. Biochem will be huge for a while until no one is doing Armstech (for example) then suddenly everyone will need/want some specific pattern and suddenly Armstech becomes the skill tree of the month.
  6. I'm 25 right now and I did my last 5 levels pure Seer. I had no problems leveling and going toe to toe with anything.



    Yes you spend more time healing your companion but you are almost guaranteed to outlast any mob between force armors and rejuv.


    Plus you always get priority in groups cause Sage healing is the best.

  7. I've been running as both DPS (I switched to straight seer last night) and I was not having issues with keeping people alive or running out of Force. (I'm only 25 right now).


    Most of the times I got low happened when other classes (cough cough DPS) would take a nap in the AoE attack zone or were 2+ levels below the minimum. We had one guy run Hammer at 12 just for fun and it was tough keeping him alive.


    I also think if you want to heal go straight Seer tree until you get rejuvenate. Once you have that + Force Armor healing is a blast.

  8. I started out Artifice/Archaeology/Treasure Hunting but I quickly regretted it. I feel like you spend a FORTUNE to get gems and 1/2 of the time you never have enough mats to get everything you need.


    I tend to find in MMOs unless you get some hella-rare recipe weapon crafting is just ever as good.


    I'm definitely looking to switch maybe Biochem or Cybertech.

  9. I have been on the forums for a while and I'm seeing two schools of thought. One is give us some saber including attack animations and the other being we need a freebie melee attack. I really disagree with the melee route. It just goes against what the idea of a Sage is. We're a ranged class not melee. I just would cringe at the idea of staying at 30m then running in.



    Having said that I wouldn't disagree with adding some saber work into our ranged attacks. Maybe instead of TK Wave we add a saber throw on the GCD to cause the effect, or something along those lines.

  10. I think giving us a free ability is nothing more than adding a wand into the game. Why don't we just get blasters while we're at it Also if you add a saber throw we should just change the AC from Sage to Juggler since that's all you'll see and maybe I'm wrong but watching that animation over and over would take the coolness out of it really quick.



    Do sages ever really run out of the force? 25 and I haven't come close yet.

  11. If you talk to all the Crew Skills trainers and look in your Codex (Press L and there's a Codex tab on the bottom) You can read about them. It will tell you which ones are connected.



    Personally I went with Archaeology, Artifice, and Treasure Hunting.

  12. As I'm working towards end game content (Still new to the game). I had a short question about not going through the Seer tree for endgame content. I'm really enjoying DPS/off healing as a Sage, but I'm worried I'm going to be expected to be a healer no matter what.


    Just out of curiosity are there any Sages who stick in the Telekinetics tree and run endgame. I know it's something of a silly question, but it's going to bum me out being stuck in a niche forever.


    Any replies would be much appreciated.

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