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Posts posted by Khalvarik

  1. There is a total of 11 crystals on the GTN on the progenitor right now.

    That's alot less than usual for a new pack.


    So I think they increased the rarity on the crystals (or at least on the +41 endurance one that used to drop like candy)

    How many of those 11 are Hawkeye?

  2. Always the most rare of types if I recall correctly.


    There are way more of these crystals on the GTN then Walkers right now.... so NO.. not as rare as.... just back luck for you is all.


    These are selling for a few hundred K on the GTN on The Harbinger... pretty normal pricing for the Hawkeyes in a new pack to be honest.


    Are you sure that we are talking about the same crystal? As other threads have stated this is not normal for the Hawkeye to be this rare.

    In other packs it was common enough but this is different.

  3. honestly world PvP on the PvP servers is nothing more tehn guys who think they are awesome going to tatooine and ganking level 30s.


    They do this simply because they could never dream of winning a fight on mekeb and they constantly lose every WZ they enter. They have to kill lowbies to feel like they are good at something...



    So honestly at this point there is no reason to play on a PvP server. The only thing to gain is a slight higher level of stupid as far as the overall player base and your low levels get harrased by guys too scared to PvP against playing of their own level.


    1000% True: as its just not good world pvp as on pot5 its always just a big gankfest:( If it was pvp like eve with loot drops and such then open world pvp would matter to me.

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