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Posts posted by Exiled-Phoenix

  1. Best spec for assassins after tomorrow will be sorc.


    As someone who's been playing an assassin since launch, i am very sorry to see these nerfs.

    Granted, we do a ******** of damage in a very very short time, but after that initial set up burst, its just mediocre damage at best.


    If you didn't get your target in pvp on the first go, then you would just be hacking at each other until someone died.


    Who will stop the sorc healers now? who will save the galaxy?

  2. 'Ello


    I have been running some pvp games on my 55 sorc this weekend and i noticed that my trouble point is melee burst classes like assassins and marauders.

    They seem to take a good chunk of my hp before i can even react and i cant seem to recover fast enough.

    My main is an assassin aswell, so i know how they do it. (i pick off sorcs like this aswell)


    I just dont know how to counter it on a madness sorc (or sorc in general)

    i'm not the best at kitting either, since i usually play a melee class.


    Any tips or advice are welcome

  3. I don't have to work at Bioware to understand how to copy and paste lines of code and change a few little bits of it to fit another situation. I did it in a school project I was doing in college. Specifically I copied the PlayerBullet class in my game to make a EnemyBullet class that instead of killing enemies, killed the player. If I could do that in XNA while I was just learning how to code in C# than I assure you that Bioware, who won't hire me due to qualifications that I don't meet has coders who can do that to copy the cover bar code to work as a stealth bar.


    If you are copy/paste'ing code, you're doing it wrong.

  4. I've had a ticket open for 2 weeks now about cartel coins that i never received and i still havn't heard back from CS.

    This isn't the first time either, how can an automated system fail at granting something??


    On top of that, i cant even see my referral section anymore on my account and my referral link is no longer valid it seems.

  5. I just used some reputation items which should give me about 1500+- reputation, but my rank says i am only 229 points into my rank...

    I did not get a message that i reached a new rank and i know for sure i already had this rank before.

    This is the second time this week i use reputation items and nothing is added

  6. Ello,


    Speaking from the PoV as a casual player here;

    I like most of the events and i like the rewards they give, i dont have a problem with farming whatever u need to buy armor, deco's or mounts.

    But the rank requirements are very annoying.


    I don't always have time to log on every day and do the dailies for the event, let alone do them on multiple characters.

    So gathering reputation takes forever, especially on an event that only comes 3-4 times a year...


    So perhaps add some weekly missions that will grant some blue/purple rep items.

    This way casuals have a way to get rep a bit quicker and non casuals will get it even faster..


    People will always do events aslong as new rewards are added anyway

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