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Posts posted by cieraa

  1. It's almost like today's McDonald culture is running amuck, and that as an employer its a miracle if they even show up to work every day. Does BioWare even employ devs? Or are they outsourcing there bugs in a 2 year backlog queue to ODesk to a 3rd world country?


    How about you stop your sense of entitlement culture?




    I actively made a decision to stop financially supporting this game four years ago, but I decided to bless you all with my return. Henceforth, I demand the Devs bend to my will.



    The OP


    This too.


    Why will bioware not fix this? i mean i've played since ALPHA and i'm on like my 3rd PC and it's still the same, i don't know how much longer i will sub but i think after the new expansion i'll quit and be done... I can play ESO on ultra with 90 fps running like butter and even in pvp it's smooth, swotr i get 20-25 FPS in a WZ and it takes all precision and makes playing a healer or ranged class such an annoying experience.


    Why is it always the crap company get the best ip's to make games from? i mean this crap would have been better off with an indie company!



    Exhibit #1 to the Jury, ladies and gentlebeings. I've got a Intel Core 2 Quad, at 2.8Ghz OC'd, with 8GB RAM, and a Twin Frozr II 460Ti on Windows 10, and I get about the same frame rates. The issue here is not the framerates. The issue is that the gameplay didn't seem to stutter, or freeze. The OP is going based on a number, not an actual quantifiable experience. He seems to think that unless He is getting 60-80+ FPS, the game must be unplayable. I have played since launch with an average FPS of about 40, even when Open World PvP was actually a thing and you had an unscripted battle of 20-30 on either side. Occasional lag with lightning storm going off every three seconds, but on the whole, totally playable. I have never lagged out of a WZ, and I DID play as a competitive PvP Sage Healer (pre-nerf). NO issues at all.


    So I guess what I am saying is appreciate what you have, and stop being a perfectionist? The game runs fine on your PC.

  3. Let's face it Bioware, the game becomes less active during the summer months.


    Prophecy of the Five's population is in terrible condition. My guild, along with another decided to form an alliance of sorts to help keep things fun and interesting, but that guild has now transferred to another server, and things are looking bleak. The server status is always light, and I often don't see more than a single instance for either fleet. Queues take too long, ranked pops are ridiculously infrequent, and you can pretty much forget about GSF. Even queuing for flashpoints as a tank I have to wait at times. During the rakghoul event it was even difficult to get pug groups for the Eyeless at times. I imagine things will be similar or worse once we get to the Gree event in two weeks.


    My guild has managed to do quite well with the situation, and we usually have 25 - 30 people on at prime time. We have put great effort into bolstering our numbers and keeping things fun, but I know of several other guilds that are struggling big time.


    A few months ago I agreed that cross server queues would be a great way to address the population issues, but the problem has outgrown that solution. I don't want to run around empty planets, and I love open world PvP.


    Honestly, as much as I'm going to hate renaming some characters, we really need a server merger. This has gotten out of hand and there is no other fix.


    Please read and take this seriously, I have a well established legacy of characters and I shouldn't have to spend ~$300 to transfer to a new server. I also like my friends, so that's out of the question anyway.


    You must not remember the Twin Spears server, where the most we saw at peak times on fleet was less than 50.

  4. Hey folks!


    The Epic Story XP Boost is set to go live at 8AM PDT, so approximately one hour from the time I am making this post. Who's ready to get their levelin' on?!




    I try not to be negative, but I've been ready since 7am EDT. Where have you been?

  5. One of the things we tried to be clear about with the Ravagers is that we are serious about handling exploits. With that exploit, the Ravagers we were open about our process and the action we were taking. For this issue with Ziost, we are going to do the same.


    If a player is bypassing the environment to access an area they should not be able to, and then killing a boss to get loot they should also not have access to, we absolutely consider this an exploit. We are investigating this issue right now, and will be actioning any player who participates, or has participated, in this exploit.


    If you ever hear of or find something that can be exploited, do not test it yourself. Please notify us immediately and privately. Some of you brought this issue to our attention on PTS and we thank you for that. We closed that opening, but it seems that there is another method of getting into the area.


    We would also like to thank those of you who did not exploit and who have brought this to our attention. Our goal will always be to create a safe and fair environment for our players.






    Thank you, Eric. I appreciate hte effort put into this game by the developers to weed out the ultra-hardcore raiders. They are the bane of every MMO game.

  6. Another BS move from Biofail. I am sure this was known from the PTS as the Rav exploit was last time. They will just give award plaques to their golden child guild at the next cantina for passing it along and 3 day ban the rest of the population...oh wait, they are losing too many accts as it is.They better fix this crap immediatly and remove loot. I am bout done with this game...ridiculous.


    The hate is strong with this one....:cool:

  7. i3 is garbage. That is the same dual core technology from 2003 LOL.


    If you are not using a minimum of i5 and 8GB RAM, you are doing it wrong.


    If you are serious about gaming, go i7, 32GB RAM and SSD


    Never use the onboard intel video, you need to get a good card with a cpubenchmark.net score of 3000 or better.




    Make sure you have a good power supply, plenty of cooling fans/air flow and a battery backup unit.


    Also, use a wired network connection, wifi usually is very hokey and has hella' lag.


    Running an Intel Core 2 Quad, OC'd to 2.8ghz, 8GB RAM, max GFX with an MSi Twin Frozr II. No issues, ever, with this game. If you blow your wad on an i7, you're doing it wrong. Build your own rig, use good parts that aren't bleeding edge and you can still take your woman out.

  8. Thoughts on the new expansion pack coming out? I for one will not be purchasing it any time soon due to financial issues at the moment. I was just wondering what everyone elses thoughts are, what are you looking forward to, what do you wish they would have added, ect.
  9. I just have a few questions for my fellow players about their feelings toward ganking.

    1. Do you feel that you get ganked more as a pub or imp?

    2. Do you feel as if when you were playing a certain class you got ganked more?

    3. What planet did you get ganked on the most?

    4. When you gank another player do you camp or kill and move on?

    Last but not least tell me your favorite and/or least favorite ganking expierence.


    Thanks in advance for any and all replies!

  10. Interesting debate? I think we're all pretty much on the same page here.


    The correct answer being commando/merc. While people have been complaining about certain scoundrel/operative specs I'd put tele/lightning sage/sorc in close second. The scoundrels/operatives can atleast play guards on their specs whereas tele/lightning players are sitting ducks with average dps.


    I dont do much PVP so I was un aware of what others were saying about the classes. Just thought i would ask. Maybe its only interesting to me and oh well I am fine with that. Thank you for commenting. :-)

  11. So instead of asking what everyones favorite class is for PVP, I want to know what class you think is the worse for PVP? This should be an interesting debate. :-)
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