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Posts posted by Olio

  1. Why are more and more items either being removed from the game or were in beta and worked fine but were then removed when the game went live.


    Part Bomb, Imperial Ace armor set, Lil Probeys Codec, along with a bunch of codex?


    Will you be adding any of these back into the game?

  2. Balance should be centered solely on PVE content, tweaking abilities and cooldowns and stats for pvp is just bad decision making all around.


    PVP will balance itself out as players learn to utilize their full repertoire of abilities and the gear gap is eliminated with time.




    I thought PVP was more balanced at launch of game to be honest.


    Everything is situational. But people do not understand that.

    They think there class should be the best at beating every class.


    Some do no understand there class is mainly support role, or tank role or dps role or healing role.

    Your not a jack of all trades and master of all.


    But as soon as someone dies to another class 1 vs 1, they come on the forums, complain. And in true MMO fashion the Dev's do not look at stats, instead they balance the game by who cries the most.

    Unfortunately the ones who cry the most are the ones who did not spend the time to learn the mechanics of there class and just come to the forums instead and complain.


    Oh well, whatever they throw at me I'll adapt and overcome.

  3. There are advantages behind a sniper/gs that many ppl can't see... ( which is sad for
    Well on my Sniper I'm always top damage by at least 100k ahead of 2nd person. But other then that I give no ulitiy. Ranked WZ will be about utility and teamwork..


    I beg to differ.


    You're utility comes from massive dps that makes people react differently.

    Waste CC's and cooldowns on you because they do not understand how your bunker works.

    A root that doesn't eat up someone's resolve... Ummm Yes please, may I have another. :D

    AOE orbital strike to stop someone from capping or to make people scatter, reposition which in turn stops them from what they were originally doing.

    A snipe shot straight to a a knockback and root. Hot damn! doesnt get much more sexy than that.

    As long as your hot keys are bound properly and you are using the right rotation you can burst some dps fast to drop someone who is just below 1/2 health.

    Ranged stun for 5 people at once. Umm yea super utility.


    Utility is what you make of it.


    Sure you can sit back and just use explosive probe, snipe, ambush, etc and DPs till the cows come home.

    But if you really think about what your doing rather than button mashing you have tons of utility that can help out a team tremendously.

  4. Only issue with the OP is the fact that someone leave a WZ because there losing. you now join into it with say 1 minute left in voidstar on your side, you switch sides and joy barely enough time to get one medal.

    So obvious choice is for you to leave the match because you will now get 0 points for playing 5-6 minutes or more.

    Why sit in a WZ and fight and waste your time when you will get nothing and its not even your fault. you joined the match very late.


    That's the issue here.


    It's a vicious cycle once one person quits the match. They screw the entire team, because now were not only playing short, odds are anyone who joins will leave instantly, thus continuing the cycle.


    I would be all for extreme penalty's for the person who leaves the match when they were there from the start. but to give a penalty because someone came late to the party and doesn't want to sit around for 10 minutes say getting farmed in huttball. Well hows that fair?

  5. Hell yea I'd take a sniper on my team.

    Mine is currently only lvl 32, but still wrecks in lowbie pvp.


    The ones in our guild who are 50 rock as well.

    Serious dps.

    It's like any other class. As long as the person has a brain behind the keyboard playing the class, they will rock.


    Each class has its place and role in PVP, it's just most do it wrong.....

  6. Hi,

    I´m a dissatisfied customer due to the blubber of patches and I would very sincerely like to receive a YOUTUBE or similar video apology of the Game Lead / Head of Customer Service and QA testing Bioware.


    By the sheer ammount of new threads (like this ) and the amazing volume of posts, I know there are other customers like me that are dissatisfied.


    1. By taking so much time to solve this issue, I ask myself if you have backups prior to this mess, and would like to have more feedback of Bioware. How is the situation developing, and bad is it? This is called transparency.



    2. In this sense I would like an apology uploaded to a video stream or similar, since i believe we, the paying community should use new media, and in the sense of transparency, if you made promotional videos of the content. I would like a promotional video of the issues with the patch and its resolution. I bet you have a video cellphone or camera, and if everyone is busy ask an intern to videotape it.


    3, I know it is weekend so if you are one of programmers working on this patch, it must suck, due to family, personal life. Best regards and much success.


    1. So you are not satisfied. Nobodys continung to make you play the game and pay your're monthly fee.


    You do Realize its your own free will.


    2. Really, use a cellphone to record updates and patches? ROFLMAO ****!!!!!!

    Would you rather no patches or fixes at all? (this must be someones first mmo ever)


    3. you flame them, and then in the same paragraph wish the same people who are the culprit behind your issues best regards and much success? You are a confused individual aren't you?

  7. I'm 37 years old......


    So not sure what the OP is talking about, there has always been a certain breed that was only concerned with end game, finishing it as fast as possible, and then saying the game was too short of lacking of content....


    Nothing new here....

  8. How about Bounty Hunter missions where we can go after real players.


    Give the players an option. If they are in a pvp server or on a pve server but flagged for world pvp, then allow us to hunt them down.


    The Bounty hunter has a chance to collect a reward, maybe some codec or stat showing how many Bountys he has collected. And in return give players a stat to show how many times they have fought of bountys on there heads and if they succesfully defend agains the BH, they get a reward.


    Could do it just like the Duel system currently works this way people would not cry about getting killed and sent back to a medical droid, instead have them go green and able to heal up at the end with it proclaiming the victor of that fight....

  9. So you rushed to lvl 50 and now complain theres nobody to do stuff with?


    You no longer enjoy the storys? Did you even pay attention to the story at all in your mad rush to lvl 50? No way you could have, especially since you say you have 2 other alts.


    Sounds like someone did nothing but game for days straight, ignored the outside world and real life and burnt themselves out already.


    I've been playing hours and hours on everyday and still am only at level 31 and two alts at lvl 11. And I'm loving it! the story line is awesome!

    I love searching around everywhere and finding hidden stuff, like new locations or lock boxes or missions that didnt show up on the map until I got right next to them.


    No way you experienced the whole game. You rushed, and thats your perogitive, but dont complain because the rest of the world decided to play at a normal pace and now your sitting at the finish line all alone.

  10. So when this whole EGA started I was getting about 1000 spam emails a day.

    I've spent so much time with it open, I now only get about 20 spam emails a day.


    Never spent so much time in my inbox before finally unsubscribed to a ton of this spam.


    See procrastination has its benefits my fellow Decemberist.

  11. Dec 13th will be 4 waves


    8 am to 9 am

    9 am to 10 am

    10 am to 11 am

    11 am to 12 am

    and so on just to make us wait a little longer


    Thats a killer time machine you got.


    But your doing it wrong. Your're supposed to go 3 days into the future not back to the 13th. :cool:

  12. Next wave should be soonish...I might actually take the time to get dressed for work...even though I dont leave for like another two hours...it would save me from having to do so later and thus ensure whenever I do get to to play it'll be uninterrupted.


    Ummm dont do it!


    Thats not keeping with the Decemberist procrastinators code.

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