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Posts posted by Outlandished

  1. Unfortunately actual in-game "objective score" doesn't appear to involve accomplishing actual objectives


    True story.


    I love when I spend a whole warzone doing nothing but being completely un-team like facerolling and grinding out 10-12 medals, but somehow end up with 14000 objective points. Then the next warzone I tell myself I'll actually sacrifice 3-4 medals and ignore anything but objectives and end up with 0 objective points.


    Something BW didn't implement properly or with thought? Say it ain't so!

  2. I wish they would remove the "Unique" flag from champ bags and let us buy as many as we can while leveling up via pvp. It sure would help bridge the gap between max geared 50's and fresh ones, and take nothing away from anyone.


    If you want to pvp 1-49 and save up 40 bags, you did the work, just the same as you would have at 50. So whats the difference when you buy the bags?


    BW - REMOVE unique from the champ bags please!


    As it stands, at level 35 on my current "alt" I am valor 35, have every single piece of level 40 pvp gear I can buy (about 10-12 things), AND 1000/1000.


    What else do I have to pvp other then exp, cash and pure enjoyment?

  3. I had 2mil when I unsubbed on the 19th.


    Tried to log in later that day to send a friend all my cash... Couldn't, they had already removed game access, even though the first month was suppose to go to the 20th.


    BW is laughable, it sad when I would have rather had Sony launch this.

  4. Twave crits equally geared 50's in pvp gear for 3k, give or take 200 damage. Get your numbers right. That is the biggest crit you can put out with this spec... 3k, whoopie. So you hit 5 people, great, you just padded your total damage done score while the healers heal everyone but the person you are focusing on up in a few seconds.


    The ae is worthless damage in 9 out of 10 situations if you are playing any decent premade with a few healers. You can't focus down 5 geared people.


    Stop telling people nerfs are needed when you own level 15's and think you are a BAMF. Sage dps is a tickle to equally geared 50's, period.

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