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Posts posted by iGypsy

  1. This reminds me of any quality premise, unless you automate the entirety of any process there will always be a chance for user error. If there is a chance for user error people will find a way to make errors.


    In this case there are multiple safe guards to stop you from randomly clicking the wrong class.


    1- Two conversations prior to offering you the option to choose stating that your choice is permanent so you should be careful when making it.

    2- When you actually choose a short summary of what you are picking, including group roles, gear able to be equipped, and description of play style.

    3- If that isn't enough there is an extra option to view both available talent trees prior to choosing.


    If you choose to not pay attention to all of that and somehow still make the mistake of picking a different ac than you meant to, yes you should be putting in a gm ticket and waiting patiently until they have time to address the problem you created.


    Which I'm sure everyone of us are doing. I apologize for offending your overly-sensitive fan boy protector reflex by coming to the forums to find out if other people have had the same issue and whether or not that have gotten any feedback from customer support.


    It was my mistake, I thought communication was what these boards were for.



    Sometimes I get so tired of the internet's power to help people release their inner *********.

  2. I just accidentally choose the wrong advanced class on my BH. I don't know if i clicked too fast or just mis-read while i was going over the specs but that aside i think its utterly ridiculous to make people keep the same spec on their toon forever.


    This is really a deal breaker for me specially because I messed up, although there wasn't any "are you sure" box come up to warn me or anything else of what I was clicking on which would AT LEAST be something considering its currently a choice you have to live with throughout your play on that class. However, I opened up a ticket to see what the GM's will say/do and if they can't or won't help I think i'm going to have to give up. honestly, i enjoyed the game so far but I don't care for any games that are so unforgiving. Its like playing games without a save feature. This seriously needs to be addressed, and soon.


    Did you ever get a resolution on your ticket? I'm in the same boat.

  3. Do I really have to replay the last 10 hours of the same story because I accidentally brushed my mouse button while the cursor was over the "accept" button (was trying to select inspect).


    Anyone know if Customer Service can help with misclicked advanced classes?

  4. When I first was learning about crew skills, I was going to do something very similar on my smuggler for role play purposes: slicing / investigation / underworld trading


    However, I'm big on PvP and I dabble in end game PvE. Each of the crafting skills has innate benefits in the form of bind on pickup crafted items that you cannot get without being a master of that trade.


    In particular, biochem/cybertech have interesting, never-ending, consumables that as far as I can tell are better than the similar items you can buy from auction. It seems that most smugglers are doing one of these two, however, and that kind of turns me off. But whatevs ...


    Haven't had a chance to make my char yet, so I'm still undecided. Will likely go armstech or cybertech.

  5. Letting in more people would have fixed that...


    By giving them more accounts they need to roll back. Who knows if they even have an efficient system in place for sorting the characters who are exploiting this or not?


    It may not be as easy as ... kill all characters > level 30 (because its theoretically impossible to level that fast without a bug).


    What about those who achieved a legitimate level in no time by exploiting the bug?

  6. Thus, not all of you will be receiving your toys on December 25. Though we stress tested Santa's sleigh to ensure that it could successfully travel to each of your homes in a single night, we feel that it is in the best interest of christmas that we slowly ramp up the population of children who have gotten their toys over a 7 day period, based on the order in which you sent in your christmas lists.


    I understand that you all want your toys on December 25, but please note that on the official north pole announcement that the language used indicated that you "may" receive presents on christmas. Please try to remember that Christmas morning is just one day, and if you get your toys on the 26th, or even the 30th that its better for christmas.


    Also, I know that many of you were hoping to have your toys on the 25th so that you could play with your friends and their new toys. Just remember, if they are really your friends they will wait to open their presents until you may get yours.


    We will send you and email when we get to your house so you can know to expect your shiny new toys! So don't forget to refresh that inbox! Merry Christmas erybody!


    - Lil 'Ernie, North Pole Community Manager

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