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Posts posted by sixstarfool

  1. So I'm guessing I'm going to get a bit of grief over this but was curious if I could get some insight on how to best deal with guarding a node against a stealther. My question is when and how to deal with a stealthy when I'm sitting on a node defending and I get stealth cc'd.. how should I be using my stun break. As it is right now as soon as I get cc'd I'm calling Inc and then using stun break and interrupt cast but the problem is stealther just goes back into stealth and reapplies cc and if team hasn't made it in time I have now lost the node and my team is harassing me that I just let him cap. Any insight on how best to handle this would be great!
  2. Blood Bonds is a PvP PvE guild on the republic side currently recruiting all levels and classes of players! We have a vent server and we page up and running! We are a friendly active group looking to expand! We have ops groups and PvP groups currently forming but are looking to add some members! Please shoot a pst to chaxil, jatt'zobi, vaitheryn, starc, or tyranzel for an invite!
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