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Posts posted by Mikeflowz

  1. Hey guys we all know you are damn good, and all your team are almost unbeatable, but roaming in Unranks like you guys are doing is just killing the fun of ANYONE facing you.


    They have made Ranked Warzone for people well organized as you, why arent you in there, instead of rapping face non stop.


    Like I said you guys are good, really good, but maybe too good for unranked

  2. At every update I feel weaker and weaker, we are becoming to be meat for Juggs and Mara, that's what Bioware wants, no more "Trooper" as we are getting nerf patch after patch, less damage, less healing and armor sucks
  3. I am wondering what the criteria for transfers is? Is it based on population? alphabetical?


    On Anchorhead, there were 4 people in Coruscant, 5 on tanaris and 24 people on the fleet last night. It's hard to believe that there are servers with even lower population than this. Its been that way every day just about since 1.2, I make it a point to check before I log into Fatman.


    If you have a planned schedule could you please post it so people know what to expect? Reminds me of how early play was for pre-orders. Half of us got to read posts about everyone having fun while we waited for our turn. Wasn't very good feeling.



    Veela as a total of 20 players from both side online, and Imps are more than us giving you the total of Rep we were... 4. And we havent move yet.

  4. Noone said they were done working for the day.. Just that they weren't adding any more servers. My guess is they're trying to pace themselves so that they can go home around the normal time today. I'm an Apple Technician myself... and If I know a job is going to take an hour, I don't start it 30 minutes before I go home. I'm sure you'd logically make the same decision in a similar situation.


    Im really patient, but 3 months where I just send my 15$ a month well 2 since they gave us a free month, but the problem remain that for the past 3months I havent been able to play any of my mains just because my server is dead.


    I dont want to reroll, i spent too much time already on the toons I have, and they should clearly open more and expend their Open time, as they are in a new Transfer offer.


    We all pay, and as a company BW needs to be fair toward everyone who pays for their services, right now it is not that fair as only a few selected got the transfer while all other still wait and still pay.


    I can wait another day, but after that I'll start to be more aggressive toward BW, because I didnt pay to get treat like trash.

  5. My server hasn't been listed yet, but seriously, bravo to Bioware on how smoothly they have made it so far and how many they've accomplished in 2 days.


    Edit - and to everyone on here complaining.. Seriously.. Get a life. Learn that Patience is a virtue. They're doing what they can with the resources they have. Get over yourselves and deal with it.. You'll live. I promise..



    Im sorry but we already been patient enough, it makes 3 months that Veela is empty... I think we waited long enough already

  6. Hello everyone,


    We know that everyone is excited about the new server transfers and wants to share their thoughts, but will be closing this thread and asking that the conversation be kept to the following thread:


    Awnser from a Mod, im sorry im not EXCITED BOUT TRANSFER I can't transfert at all, I already wait 3-4months to be able to transfert on the 12th of June and now... I just have to freaking wait even more this is just plain ********.

  7. From what i have experienced (queing for pvp and looking for groups) i had some troubles finding players for most missions, but the few times i qued for pvp, i received entry after maybe 5 minutes at most. I guess it just depends on luck.


    Its bad to assume as it makes an ***** out of you and me. =]


    Your server is probably not Light...

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