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Posts posted by Beatrasee

  1. Your F1 through F4 or F5 keys, by default, select you and your other party members -- this can help for targeting in groups. You should use portraits or names in Operation frames to target players, not themselves.


    The F keys don't seem to match the Operation frames, or am I missing something. They are not is the same order as the operation frames. On mine, I was 3rd from the top which to my way of thinking should have been the F3 or F2 key depending if you count from the top or bottom of the Operation frames. but it is not. Messed up I think.


    F1 selected me, but I was 3rd from the top, so that should have been the F3 key. Like I said, it doesn't seem right some how.

  2. I have lost my mouse after 1.1 update. I have tried 3 different mice, wireless, usb and ps2. Nothing works. I get to the page that shows my toon, but can not log in as there is no mouse curser. I even went and disable all non windows programs on load. Still nothing. Running win 7, 64. Was ok before patch 1.1. Oh well, back to WoW. :mad:
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