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Posts posted by Sidiuz

  1. Current testing is showing that carnage damage is being significantly nerfed instead of buffed. Read the many threads on the PTS forums for more info.


    I've not actually read anything on it. Is it possible this is because they're wasting points in Malice, and not readjusting to the melee based dmg?

  2. When I said pick a spec that reflects your playstyle, I didn't mean ignoring 'staples'. There's certain talents you want at any cost, such is Dual Wield Mastery. You're a DPS-only class, so as someone else said, not using staples is gimping yourself.
  3. Honestly, I'd just go with whatever you're comfortable with. Your spec should reflect you as a player. Copy & Paste builds are over-rated. Think for yourself and get what you need, ignore what everyone else says if it works for you.


  4. Really, this is ridiculous. Ravage is fine, and it's getting a great buff in 1.2. Like everyone else said, Melee PvP is about movement. Knowing when and where to use skills is important.


    For example, if you see someone get overloaded into a root, or standing still and not paying attention to you, you should probably ravage them.


    If you see someone who's not rooted, and is paying attention to you, you probably shouldn't ravage them.


    That simple. :rolleyes:

  5. In defense of those mara's/sents doing "only" 200K is damage, the two classes are extremely gear dependant so before you go rolling out the whole im great cuz I have 500k damage, better check to see what gear they are wearing to compare properly.


    And to further add to the point the games only a few months out of the gate not everyone is going to have full battlemasters gear or rakata regardless of how fast it is to get.


    Exactly. Another thing, never think a mara is bad because of low damage. I've had games only pushing ~200k damage, with 15000 objective points. My damage can be through the roof, if I choose to be a ganking baddie ^.^

  6. Rage isnt easier than Annihilation. It's a matter of practice.


    I've been playing annihilation since a long long time. it's like riding a bicycle for me now playing this spec.


    I cant say the same for RAGE as I dont use it enough since weeks. I simply lack the practice with it.


    I guess it's preference. I think watching procs/debuffs is more difficult than 1,2,3, SMASH! lol Rage is definitely the easiest tree for me.

  7. Tionese, Columi or Rakata chest gears have hood, as long as you don`t display your helment. The hood would be displayed if you wear a respiratory like Malgus.


    So basically the hood is off when you get a helment that covers all your head.


    Exactly. There are hooded Chest-slot items.


    My concern, however, is that we need robes! I want a straight-up black robe for my Mara, that's all.

  8. Rage & Carnage are better for extremely low levels, but switching specs while leveling is stupid, plus Anni has better survivability, and you should be learning it ASAP. Stick with Anni, you'll be happy you did. I switched and didn't learn Annihilation properly, so now I suffer in PvP with Carnage and my 350k dmg and 10 deaths... lol. If it were Annihilation, it would probably be 400k dmg and 0 deaths, but I'm a derp and didn't learn how to play it properly.
  9. I doubt it was adjusted to increase the total amount of expertise reduction, I'm sure it will stay the same, piece to piece. Its just that you get more expertise now, so they had to change the cap, or you'd need way less pieces to hit it, making you wear more pve gear.


    I agree, and this mildly upsets me. I don't have the time alotment to raid regularly, so PvP is my only option, really. It's kind of stupid to make PvP players acquire raid gear against their will.


    But hey, what are you gonna do? We just gotta sit back and take whatever they give us.

  10. I've been playing Carnage for a few days now (I didn't really give it a second look after level 40), it's very enjoyable to play, the burst is really good, but it sucks on survivability. Prior to Carnage I played Rage. Not because I think Rage is better, but because it's easier (I know, I'm a baddie, blah blah). I honestly have trouble keeping annihilator up in PvP, and I panic when folks don't die quick enough. Annihilation feels clunky to me in WZ's.


    By far, Anni is the best spec imo atm. They are the hardest for me to duel, and I respect those who are good enough to play it. Who knows, maybe when I can see the procs, I'll be better at playing it XD. Right now my buff icons are about the size of a pea on my 32" screen.

  11. Well, it depends on the person's character (toon/avatar). Assuming there is no exploiting or cheating happening staying alive for a short time against large amounts of damage isn't impossible.


    • Cloak of pain = 30 seconds of heavy armor (20% increase to kinetic and energy damage) and 20% increase in resistance to internal and elemental damage.
    • Predation = 10% increase to ranged and melee defense.
    • Undying rage = 5 seconds of 99% damage resistance vs all types (Rage talent: increase damage resistance of Undying rage by an additional 2%)
    • Force Camouflage = 4 seconds of stealth that boost movement speed by 50% for the duration (Annihilation talent: 100% damage reduction during force camouflage)
    • Obfuscate = reduce targets accuracy by 90% for 6 seconds.
    • Then of course there is saber ward = 50% increase to defense chance and 25% damage reduction against force and tech attacks.


    (all of this is in the scenario that our mara is trying to stay alive not so much kill stuff at this particular moment.)


    So a geared marauder that doesn't panic sees they are about to be focused. They pop Force camo, Unleash, Predation and run or at least try to get away.


    Failing that they pop cloak of pain and use a medpack.


    Then with cloak of pain about wear off they use obfuscate and saber ward. If they are biochem they will be using a defense increase adrenal.


    If they don't get help before saber ward ends then they use Undying rage and stay standing another 5 seconds.


    Then die.


    So if the marauders you are fighting are geared (not panicked by being focused) and popping defense ability combos in an order such as this they will be harder to kill for all of 40 to 71 seconds depending on if they are using a defense adrenal to boost armor and which cool-downs they are stacking together.


    In pve I like to think of it [(Cloak of pain) 30 seconds + (saber ward with predation) 12 seconds + (Obfuscate) 6 seconds + (undying rage) 5 seconds followed by (force camo) to stay alive] as a 50 second tanking combo, in that for at least 50 seconds you can tank just about anything but after that you are a boulder in the ocean.


    Edit Annihilation spec: add another 10 to 15 seconds to that pve tanking and 5 to 10 more seconds to pvp tanking if the mara managed to get their dots going using berserk without using frenzy.


    ^ This. All of it. Any marauder can last forever, as long as you know how to choose your battles and pop your CD's.

  12. Force Pull and Heavy armor in combination would be too over powered for a so called "pure dps" class that we are.


    Since the only defense our enemies have is keeping us off them long enough for them to kill us force pull would negate that entirely and would tip us over in terms of class balance.


    I think the best option, is mirror jugg's force push, put it as a talent in the carnage tree in combination with the free crit force scream (i forget the talent name) allowing us to reset our charge, at the same time have gore be a passive ability when force scream is used on target. adding yet another button to an already bloated skill bar is unneccesary.


    In combination, I agree. However, our enemies can keep us off them far too long unless Unleash is up. I hate the feeling of standing there, unable to move, and getting shot in the face. The more I think about adding an interrupt or stun to force scream, the more I like it.

  13. Nope you get the class that takes pure skill to shine with...enjoy...


    This (^) is the truth, once you learn how to play the class and use your defensive cooldowns, it's much easier. However there are some discrepancies with how we operate. I believe we should have some tweaks, but no major buffs. I personally feel our class is pretty much up to standard with everyone else... except those prison-rapists... Knock you on your face then shank you in the back for a few seconds, then you respawn... lol.

  14. I agree that there are way too many stuns/knockbacks/pulls, but that's why you try to keep F-Charge off cd. I use it situationally (then again, I play Rage), so I normally don't have issues with knockbacks. The best thing you can do is just learn how you play the class. Everything in this game (especially Marauder) is directly relative to your skill. Learn how to use your defensive cooldowns, and you can survive a hell of a lot more. It took me quite sometime to get used to the class, and I still fumble every now and again.


    We need tweaked, I'm not asking for a major "buff", but I'd like to see some of our skills get a little more utility. For example, why not have force scream interrupt?. Not saying that should be introduced, but some more utility behind some of our skills would make up for the "lack" of CC.


    P.S. Intimidating Roar'ing half a team over a fire-pit in huttball makes me smile ^.^

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