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Posts posted by Arsonn

  1. Some of Luke's first lines were whining, and it didn't stop until he left Degobah.


    Anakin's whining was even worse in the novelization of the Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. If I could have used force strange, I probably would have.


    And Darth Emo really did provide one of my favorite moments in the movie with his tantrum. I loved the troopers walking in the hallway, then turning the other way because he was having an episode. I laughed. But still, he destroyed stuff with his lightsaber because he didn't get ice cream after dinner. He did it a couple times. Come on, who was more intimidating? Darth Vader strangled you because he screwed up and you told him the bad news. Darth emo just cries like a baby. I really hate this guy as the villain.

    Dude you're drama.

  2. In a New Hope, and ESB, Luke was a little whiner. Whether it was to his uncle, or to Yoda, it was pretty bad.


    In Phantom Menace, Anakin didn't whine, but in the 2nd and 3rd, he whined a lot. My master just doesn't understand. Or any of the other tirades he went on.


    In the Force Awakens of course, we have Ren's 3 year old temper tantrums. It caused me to laugh, but really not like the guy, even less than I did his grandfather. Seriously, after working in a nursery, he puts every child to shame on their emo abilities!


    Is this a sign of generations growing up? In the 70's, people wanted change, but lived with what they had. In 2000, younger generation felt misunderstood. Now, kids are just whiny little !@#$!@$#! that needed to be spanked more growing up? Maybe that is Ren's problem. Han seems like a father who would be a distant father emotionally. Leia, with the whole rebellion and stuff was probably pretty busy. C3PO raised their kids in the books, no reason to doubt he didn't do it here too. So maybe if Leia had spanked him more often, it would have been better for the galaxy?

    People are emo about people being emo in movies. That's the hipster thing to do now. And it's complete drama queen behavior. Showing emotion isn't being whiney. It's being a human and not a robot. People that bottle their emotions up are the ones that are usually the most emo. Because they're too insecure to express it. And then they explode in a totally inappropriate and cringe worthy manner.


    You're whining. About whining. And talking about how now kids are whiners. While whining. Relax, it's entertainment. Not a psychology thesis.

  3. This happens all the time. Click hide helm and it doesn't work. Helm still displayed. I'm a subscriber as well. Spam click it, and nothing. Log out, nothing. Look for the repair on launcher and it's greyed out. Make hide helm available to non subs as well. Obviously this is somehow causing the bug. This has been happening for years. It's time for a fix.
  4. Or just plain wrong.


    The only defense you've mounted is, people are stupid, learn to read, buyer beware, you got what you paid for.


    The thing is there is a very real problem here with the way Bioware promoted early access to this expansion:


    1. Early Access should never have even been mentioned after Aug 10th as it was no longer possible to obtain.
    2. The placement of Early Access on the far right of the timeline was out of chronological order.
    3. The present tense verb "choose" clearly implies a choice is still possible.
    4. The phrase "choose to subscribe" is a single action event, therefore when presented with a time frame it is quite logical to conclude one must merely complete this single action event in said time frame.


    So for you to continually state that people had no reason to believe subscribing would allow them early access is merely your own foolishness.

    Wait...what?? "Early access should have never been mentioned after aug 10th as it was no longer possible to obtain.".


    Yeah, but it was still possible to lose. You know that you still had more dates that you needed to be subscribed after Aug 10th right? So taking it down after august 10th would make what? Zero sense?


    "Choose to subscribe" is not a single action event. Not unless there is an option to pay a one time fee and be subscribed for life. You still need to continue to choose to subscribe. I play plenty of games that I cancel my sub, and reactivate at a later time. I choose to subscribe each of those times.


    And the verb "choose" is absolutely a choice. Or are you forced to subscribe?


    A lot of straws were grasped this day. You're trying way too hard to sound like a lawyer. I think you've seen too many movies.

  5. You're still here yet you didn't have any response to my post that made the wording of the promotion more clear?


    Here's you: "I'd welcome any suggestions on how it could've been worded differently to make it more clear."


    Here's me: "Start by putting the early access perk in chronological order on the far left of the timeline. Then after Aug 10th change the present tense verb choose to the past tense verb chose to denote it is no longer a possible choice. Then change the wording of the early access perk to read, "Those that chose to become a subscriber on or before Aug 10 and maintain that subscription through Oct 19 will be granted early access to the game on Oct 20.""


    Here's someone else: "^ this is much more clear."


    Here's you: :::crickets:::

    It doesn't need to be more clear. There are a lot of people who understood perfectly fine. Should they have personally called you up to remind you? That would have been "much more clear"
  6. You proved my point before I even hit submit. You have absolutely no way to support your contention or refute what I have said so you ignore it and opt to personally attack me instead.
    Stop. Just stop. You're not a lawyer. Stop pretending. Seriously. It's insane. You lost. You imagining scenarios in your mind like "you have to have the word "to" in there cuz range" because you think it's supports your argument is childish. They actually have lawyers that look over these things. You're not a lawyer. You're just talking out your b-hole.
  7. I don't really care if people think its fair or not.


    I'm making the point that "ALL SUBS" should get early access it just makes more sense.

    It's easy for someone who already has access to sit and say "Ohhh but it's only another week."


    F*** off with that sh**


    What's the point of having early access in the first place then if F2P arn't even getting KOTFE or better yet,

    why arn't all subs getting early access if F2P arn't getting the new expansion anyway?


    My point is, I've been a sub since august, but because I paid month-by-month I don't get the same benefits?

    It's horse sh**

    Stop nerdraging. You sound ridiculous. It's a video game. They put qualifications up for early access, you didn't get it, and now you're crying and throwing a fit. It's only a week.
  8. This has been an ongoing issue. Why is it so difficult to fix? No matter what I do, click hide head slot 100 times, log on/off, unify colors, turn on/off dark side corruption, I still have the same dorky helmet on. I can even unequip it and it'll stay there. How is this so difficult to fix?


    And I tried repair from the launcher. Repair is greyed out.

  9. If we're losing primary stats to one stat for everyone, change the way adaptive armor works. All armor doubt be adaptive. Moshe only cartel gear adaptive. Or cosmetic. I mean, why even have different classes of the only thing that is different amongst them is a weapon.


    Homogenization is a terrible thing for mmos. Look at WoW.

  10. Mastery is going to work exactly the same as the Mainstat, only instead of being called Intellect it's master, instead of Strength it's mastery, instead of Cunning it's mastery, instead of Aim it's mastery. All gear is being made Adaptive, now everyone can use everything.


    The raider in me is rejoicing because I don't have to worry about not having a chance at a drop in an Ops now. I can't tell you how many times in a raid in WoW, ToR, Aion, FFXI, Perfect World and all the other MMO's I played that I spent hours doing something and walked away with nothing but a repair bill.


    Taking class diversity away? Pretty sure my Sorc can't use a saberstaff, and my agent can't use a blaster pistol, and I'm pretty sure my Bounty Hunter can't use Orbital Strike, and I can promise my Warrior can't use Death from Above.

    Yeah. And like I said, it's taking diversity out of classes. There should be clothies. There should be classes that wear heavy armor and nothing else. It's stupid that you can have a trooper running around in robes.


    And walking away with nothing but a repair bill is fine. And you're going to be doing that now in Ops. Do you think now that you can roll on something that you're going to win it? Now you have competition with everyone else in the OP.

  11. It was like that in the old days, but as with all things times change, Age of Empire matches evolved into starcraft matchs which evolved into other mobas, FPS went from being lan party to what it is now, MMO's may have started out group focused but they moved away from that model thanks to the accessible options WoW introduced, which introduced an entirely new type of player to the MMO scene, that turned out to be a much larger much more reliable client....the casual.


    While I loved FFXI and even met my wife playing that game back in 04, I was one of the ones who despised WoW before I even tried it because it was causing my game to lose people that I played with daily. I eventually got tired of the raid bucket days and settled quite nicely into the role of a casual gamer. Now I no longer have to have my phone charged waiting for a call at 4am cause a boss spawned, I no longer have to have TS3 or Vent on my computer so I can be told how to do a boss that we've done 50 times before. Now I can pop into pvp and get my facesmash on before hoping back out and continuing to enjoy the game the way I want to and not the way someone else tells me I have to.


    I seem to recall another MMO that recently came out that was designed for hardcores.....I heard that game has gone f2p in record time.

    Swtor went free to play pretty quickly too. Is a game designed for hardcores? Absolutely not. Exactly the opposite actually. Whether a game is "casual" or "Hardcore" doesn't have much affect on how well it will do. Wildstar didn't do well because it was just a bad game. It was cheesy, cartoony, and just bland and not good. That's why it went F2p. People need to stop with their passive/aggressive agenda against people who play games more seriously. Or as a *gasp* hobby. Because it's transparent.

  12. Did you actually read the op? Or just enjoy looking down on things?


    #1 Stats Crush

    Not really.. the primary stat is incredibly dumb already, if you think its a meaningful challenge to work out which one is for your class dumbness is not with the game. For the secondary stats, most of them are still in tact apart from crit+surge right? As long as they don't remove any more it should be good.


    #2 Companions Auto Scaled, no gear

    This is a million times just quality of life. When you're gearing your characters at the mod vendor, its fine for just you.. but add your companion in and it literally takes close to a faffing hour.. not at helped by all the rightclicking, switching to the companion tab you have to do. This is a GRIND to keep your companion in blues.


    #3 Letting people buy 60's

    .... That's up to the person. All other the changes you take whether you like them or not. This means squat since it doesn't change anything even to the player next to you. Even if the person sucks in group content they'll learn just like EVERYONE does in hammer station, its just somewhere else in the progression.


    #4 Skill Trees squished even further

    Really? I hope not. I was initially hesitant to 3.0's changes, but now i strongly prefer them. The best path forward though would be adding more options, not less, to these customization to make it really interesting. Allowing for screwups if you inputted in the sequence you copied from the google search is backwards gameplay, allowing some interesting customization with real choices is a much more fun use of talents.


    #5 downscaling-upscaling

    This makes the game MORE DIFFICULT. How is this dumb?


    #6 Bolstering, why does gear even matter

    Hopefully they're making the bosses harder to compensate? Without bolster they would have to design boss mechanics to be easier to support a wider range of gear. No choice otherwise gearscore wars. Here they can make them as difficult as they want without the gearcheck. Yes??

    Taking things away that give classes identity is not a good thing. In mmo's, I enjoy seeing intellect on my gear as a spellcaster in other mmos. And seeing cunning on a piece of gear that drops.


    Yes, there was nothing difficult about stats. So why remove them? Yes, they're removing them and replacing them all with a single stat. That's taking away diversity, and it's taking flavor away. And with adaptive armor, everyone can just use anything. They may as well just put a single stat on gear. Damage or Healing. No secondaries, not primaries, just Damage or healing.

  13. I'm really, really happy with all changes coming in 4.0 and I believe I am not alone. How can you be upset? Because you'll lose ways to cheat other players, which make you feel better than others? I can't find any other reason.

    SWTOR community is very toxic, so I'm really happy that BioWare is finally doing something about this.

    Any online community is "Toxic". And how the hell are you "cheating other players" by having things like stats in a game? You aren't. BW is going to realize just like Blizz is going to with WoW, you remove flavor from the game and initiate homogenization, and you're going to decline.


    They may gain short term success with it, but like any change, if it's bland, it'll set in fast. You can be happy, but there are plenty who aren't.

  14. Not true. The way forums function, the most flame-filled argument threads stay at the top. Because everyone keeps replying and arguing in them.


    Those aren't good, informative threads.

    This. Anytime a thread deals with something someone doesn't like, it attracts people who feel the same, and people who feel the opposite. Put the two of those together, add in that people always want the last word, and you'll have a 74 page thread. Just the way it goes.

  15. So, I got my sith assassin(DPS) to level 44, and I just..Can't bring myself to play anymore. Everytime I log in to play I'm just like.."Meh, wahtever" and log out again. The same thing that happened on WoW before I quit, the only thing is, On wow, I could atleast manage my dailies. But this game I can't even get to end game.


    So, is it me? the game? any remedies?


    It's you. This game is fast to 50. If you can't push the next 6 levels, then this game may not be for you. If you can't bring yourself to play, why pay? Find something else. Or, it could be that you aren't into mmo's that much to begin with.

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