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Posts posted by Tureelio

  1. I will have to say that you seem to be quite low, I play in the top of the BW guilds.


    Playing a hybrid(unless it's a healer) is just a waste, I've done the amounts of damage you're proud of as a hybrid healer(doing 200k+ dmg + 300k Healing) in games already, as a Madness sorc that's being sit on quite alot though, I still never fail to do more than 300k dmg when I focus targets and play objectives, in a game where I just do dmg on whatever appears within range with a pure build I'm well over 500k with ease.


    So all in all, I don't see all the whine about nerfs being anything important, we're a viable class for ranked now and we were before.


    Just practice playing madness in a good group and all will be well, dots is our strongpoint, and the added cc from our root quite useable(ye I know, but still, quite) so, we're in a decent situation, and there's nothing to complain about, play a pure build and be done with it.


    That is all.

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