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Posts posted by Tradieus

  1. Next you're going to tell me that there should be limited numbers of Jedi/Sith allowed to be made on each server because they are supposed to be rare. That most of the people on the Republic side should be Troopers because they are the mass army. Riiiight?
  2. If Jedi using red sabres en mass bothers you that much, don't play.


    Are you on an RP server? Are you part of an RP group? If you aren't, you really shouldn't care that much about what people playing Jedi characters are doing if you are not interacting with them in their personal stories or they in yours.


    Cut it out.

  3. It's a tax.


    When I was buying things on the Origin website I was kinda shocked that there were taxes included on the items. I've never before been charged sales tax on an online store of any kind before, just the shipping cost.


    I personally use game time cards, which I purchased off the website and was charged tax for. My boyfriend on the other hand uses a credit card for his sub and was charged a small tax on top of the 14.99$. So I just assumed it was the same deal as my purchases being made on Origin through EA.

  4. So let's play a game, a fun happy game where trolls and haters are not invited. It's called What do you think is? How you play is you ask a question that starts with 'What do you think is' and ends with the question you want to ask. It has to be TOR related or even just Star Wars related.


    I'll start.


    What do you think is the most popular class in each faction?

  5. Not sure if this has been talked about before, most likely, and if a moderator as said something on it.


    I made a mistake earlier trying to see the equip difference of a skin for a companion. I'm level 14 and don't have a whole lot of money to waste on things like this and they do cost quite a bit. So I accidentally hit shift+right click instead of cntrl+left click or whatever it is to see and that right click bought the item. I QQ'd slightly until I figured hey I can get my money back.


    Wrong. :<


    Out of the 12.5k credits I spent I got back 1.5k credits. Perhaps some form of sell/buy back timer for large purchases like this, this goes for credit purchases and commendation purchases too. Of even like 5 minutes would be greatly appreciated for us clumsy folks that sometimes click the wrong button.


    I know I'm going to get flamed into oblivion by trolls and fanboys...so bring it on. Just thought this would be a simple quality of life improvement for a rather enjoyable game.

  6. I don't mean to be a jerk and a sour ****, like I mean it's great that they are devoted to pushing new content and updates out...but...


    Things like the UI scaling and moving around as well as guild banks should have been out with release and are really standard in every MMO released in the last few years.


    So, yay for these things coming out in the future!


    EDIT: I just realized I am most likely going to get attacked by standard fanboys and or trolls. Well I got my battle girdle on, bring it!

  7. http://store.origin.com/store/ea/html/pbPage.SWTOR_NA#optional-game-add-ons


    You can order the 60 Day Game Time Card from that link.


    Good luck and happy gaming. :)


    EDIT: You can also go to a 7-11 and purchase a prepaid Visa/Mastercard/Amex with a set amount of money on it to purchase the time card if you don't have a credit card to order things online. There is usually a $3 activation fee, so a $25 card will cost about $28 to buy.


    Just some options for ya.

  8. So far my level 13 juggernaut has done exactly the same quests as the marauder I had during beta. Someone in this very thread told me that changes when I move on to the next planet, so why not let people change their AC up to about level 16 since Dromund Kaas and Coruscant are the same for paired ACs?


    The class quests are still different. The quests on my Sage at level 12 had different objectives than my boyfriends Guardian at level 12. If all quests were pointless as the side quests, then yes, go for it. But even at level 12 the class quests are different with different characters and objectives.

  9. ALSO!


    You all know that there are different stories for each and every single advanced class in the game.


    So what would you like the game to do for you if you decide to switch from Sage to Sentinel or Powertech to Mercenary?


    Would you like the game to somehow calculate your progress in the Sage story and put you at the exact same spot in the Sentinel class quest line?


    How about if you want to change back after you decide that nah Sage wasnt really for you. You would then like the class quest to figure all that out for you again after you did some Sage class quest stuff?


    And don't say "Level 50s should be able to because they are finished their class quests"


    BioWar has stated that they will be adding more to each advanced classes story quest lines in future patches.


    You were told in game and by the developers that what you pick will shape how you play the game. If this game had no directly tied in stories to each advanced class then I'd say sure. But you made the informed decision to choose that advanced class and you should have to live with it.

  10. Let's go to any other MMO and all makes mages. For those of us who hate mages are we going to sit in the forums and scream at the devs and demand they gives us the power to change our mages, because we're level 40 and hate them, into warriors?




    The game developers, yes BioWare, has STATED that your Advanced Class is your CLASS.

  11. The people that want the ability to change their advanced class on whim seem to be missing something...


    advanced CLASS. Now Advanced Spec. It says CLASS. As in, Sage CLASS, Assassin CLASS, Powertech CLASS.


    In each of those CLASSES there are SPECS. Sage CLASS has Heal SPEC, Telekinetic SPEC, Balance SPEC.


    Since I'm assuming most of you are people that have played WoW let me put it to you this way.


    There are 10 classes in the game. Warrior. Paladin. Rogue. Mage. Warlock. Druid. Priest. Shaman. Death Knight. Hunter.


    Those are all CLASSES. In each of those CLASSES they have three different SPECS. Mages have Arcane, Frost and Fire.


    The same goes for TOR. There may be only four classes at level 1 to pick from at the beginning, you truly pick your CLASS and not your SPEC at level 10. After you pick your CLASS you then pick your SPEC after you pick your CLASS.


    You do not cry to Blizzard or NCSOFT or ArenaNet or SOE or any other MMO company out there to allow you to change from magic classes to sword wielding warrior classes do you? No I didn't think so.


    Don't make me repeat this message or I'm turning this car around and no goddamn Disney World for you!

  12. I'm not going to deny that when I started playing on the 15th of December until about Tuesday the 13th of January I was completely bug free and loving it.


    As of Tuesday I have been hit full force with FPS issues and the spinning cogwheel of doom a few times. It takes a few hours of retrying to get past the cogwheel and I don't mind the odd FPS and lag issue.


    Though what does bother me is being told that my computer, which I built myself, is a low end machine. All the drivers are indeed up to date and I'm not doing anything silly when it comes to the game files or what have you. My connection is fine, I've done the proper checks.


    I feel there is a legitimate issue with the some portion of the game when those of us with higher end machines, beyond the suggested specs, are having these issues.


    I've no issue with waiting around, I'm paid until April, and enjoying the game in the meantime for fixes to come out. Granted I wont wait 6+ months, because I have to pay for the service, in the current state of doomwheel and lag/FPS issues while my intelligence was insulted, albeit slightly.

  13. They aren't going to extend the free play time due to the amount of bugs and FPS issues this "minority" are having. This is EA, not your favourite aunt.


    Granted the statements Mr. Ohlen has been running around saying since launch are quite worthy of head shakes.


    I do believe they will address the issues at some point, granted the customer faith may be tarnished for a while after things like that being said. If the offended consumers stick around I am sure their grievances will be properly addressed and taken care.


    Patience is the name of game when it comes to new games of any genre and style being released on the PC. That's the beauty of the age we live in as computer gamers. The games we play and love can be improved upon even after release with more content and bug fixes.

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