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Posts posted by sMooMs

  1. yeh i have a feeling our sustained will be better then people say as well, as long as we can stay alive in nightmare modes, i did a few and was suprised at my damage, but at the same token it was kinda hard to avoid the consistant damage from fights
  2. when knocked off "the top floor" as ure post suggests ure arent in range or los to use them 9/10 times, anyways i wasent saying this is a problem for me, i was merely saying u have a gap closer and if this bothers u you would be far worse on an op, thats all, i wasent trying to start an inter-class debate.
  3. I would argue that as they are both pure DPS-characters, it becomes a cat and mouse game. The entire fight is determined by wits. Whoever can get the drop on the other wins. Whoever has the range advantage wins (as in, melee range for Marauder, long range for Sniper).



    After they use Cover Pulse (knockback), they have virtually no way to stop you. Just Force Camouflage in there, and destroy them. They can't stop you anymore. They do have a knockback if they use a specced Ambush, but if you position yourself properly you can't get knocked back far enough.



    In fact, if you lose 1v1 as a Marauder, you're either undergeared or you need more practice. I too once thought this class was garbage, but I've noticed it really requires a large amount of practice and this class does in fact have a steep learning curve.


    Practice makes perfect.


    (much different to hear that as opposed to "L2P NUB", isn't it?)


    im actually an operative, i just like to read all the class forums to keep myself up to date :p

  4. Snipers have entrench that makes them immune to cc while they in cover,so a good sniper will kill good marauder 8 times out of 10.He will end the fight with 30-10% hp left but its uphill battle unless you have caught him on the run.He will cc you->run a bit->cover and nuke you->cc again->rince and repeat.


    i have encountered one such sniper out of maybe 20

  5. Respect to Lethality or Healer.


    PVP with an IA guildemate, two stealthers are better than one (personally I love doing this, it's great fun).


    Get a pocket tank... they'll love you for the medals generated from guarding you.


    Plenty of options...


    let me tell you, pvping with 2xs concealment ops is great fun, or even with a sin , u stealth around together and literally make people melt together. 2v2 -2v4 are easy if u both are quick of hand and eye, i have also teamed up with a sniper, and thats even faster u keep someone off a sniper and cc them the sniper will kill them in seconds.


    hit a sorc for 5400 yesterday il upload later.

  6. snipers are a joke at fresh 50...imo bioware should have the full centurion set waiting in your mail box tghe second you ding 50. PvP is 100% frustration, and ZERO fun. Once the enemy team sees you are fresh 50 you will die inside half a stun.


    I hate to say it...but the people that balance pvp in this game and who develop it are clueless...seriously.


    BIOWARE...here is how pve works...it is a GRIND for gear and that is the allure. PVP is more fun when all things are equal, when your skill is the determining factor in the outcome, not gear, not bad class balance or design.


    every class is a joke at fresh 50


    also i think snipers are beastly pve dps and when played right effective in pvp , so they have best of both worlds.

  7. Rethorical question: Since when does amount of damage/amount of medals translate into being a valuable asset to a team?


    Take Huttball as an example. The most effective players who help scoring the most points usually end up with 4 digit damage and 4 digit healing numbers. And next to no medals. Yet they have contributed by far the most to their team's success.

    Fun fact: Those players are Inquisitors/Consulars 100% of the time.


    Compare that to Scoundrels/Operatives: High damage numbers, many medals, lots of mvp votes and next to NO contribution to their team's success.

    BUT those players are posting screenshots on these forums showing their high damage numbers and telling everyone "WE ARE FINE YOU JUST NEED TO L2P".


    oops..8am still havent slept and completley misread that.

  8. I told you guys that I would comment upon testing everything once I hit level 50....so that's exactly what I did.



    I hit 50 on thursday of last week and immediately started the grind. Got 2 pieces Columni pve bonus (15% backstab crit chance)...Gloves/Boots and the rest cent/champ.



    I'm at work so I can't remember exactly but I think my gear is as follows:

    Cent ear

    cent implant x2

    champ bracers

    champ relics

    cent main hand

    cent offhand

    cent helm

    columni gloves

    cent belt

    columni boots


    I have about 14890 hp which I know is not much, but I've only been 50 a few days. Now here is what I have noticed. (I play concealment)


    When I was 49 I was unstoppable, literally unstoppable, breaking 300k dmg before even having the gear to do it....the class seemed rediculous, however I knew this was only temporary since the forums pretty much anticipated my doom for me upon hitting 50.


    I hit 50 and went into a WZ and like expected hit like a wet noodle and pretty much hid the whole time, (I actually called my buddy and was like oh man, these players are so bad but I literally can't do anything cause gear seems to be so important). So we grinded a little bit and here is the verdict.


    I play CWILD on Dark Malak Imperial Side (EST), with the little bit of gear that I have I do more dmg then battlemasters, I don't feel completely useless like you all claim, and I've gotten immortal with 10+badges 5 times. My gear is still trash, this class is powerful..it really is guys. It might not be SORC GOD MODE but if you ever played that class, you would know that a one armed baby could make it successful...


    I do agree we need a gap closer or some kind of knockback. I am not here to brag or boast about how "leet" I am, I am simply giving my observations so people arent so freakin afraid to hit 50 on this class because of the outcry this forums provides.



    Sorry for the wall of text


    are u running with a premade? pocket healer ? or are u getting these results pugging?

    if u r making 10 medals+300kdamage pugging GREAT, if ure doing it with a premade, tank/healer/guard then it really isnt anything to special imo , it really isnt hard to flatten newb pugs when u roll with a premade.

    if the ladder be the case then here is a challenge, spend the entire day pugging come back here and post ure results, if u already did the aforementioned then disregard :p

  9. I think he was asking for tips on beating Pyro's in a 1v1, not the philosophy of the Warzone Operative....


    Anyway, we have a dueling tournament every Saturday night on our server. I don't remember fighting any Pyro's in the tournament but I did fight one afterwards. I killed him pretty much the same way I did everyone else in the tournament: Double HS opener into typical Backstab chain while popping Tox and defensive's accordingly. This gives you 2x HS's that are boosted by your relic/adrenal, whereas if you wait to vanish later in the fight you might not have the up. This also takes away the chance for him to pop you out of stealth on your vanish. This tactic works pretty well, at least it does for me.


    Here is the bracket from our latest fight night. All players are I believe 550 expertise or higher. Tidus is a rank 78 Assassin that I've been gaming with for 10 years, and managed to keep me from opening on him in every fight.




    i usually hit sneak the second i see an assassin and spam tab and sleep dart , then open on them, not saying it works all the time but it helps when it does.

  10. I see many people complaining about nerfs and so on.


    First of all, I don´t feel underpowerede at all, and I excell very well at both PVE and PVP (Endgame).

    I am always top 3 on dmd, kill vs. death ratio and number of medals and in PVE I do alot of dmg. I am scoundrel, scrapper.


    Now, as there are 16 players in a pvp arena, I think that ALWAYS comming out top 3 is a very good start. However, I DO also USE 22 keybindings. This suggests, that if you know how to play this class, he becomes extremely powerfull. And I mean extremely, which means, that the nerf was needed. Before that, I was more than extremely powerfull; like godlike or having m-m-m-monsterkill (for you guys who remember UT)


    I think most of the frustration is due to people, who want this class to be in top 3 without using those 22 keybindings like I do. HOWEVER, you are 16 ppl. in a WZ and you are not supposed to be the king of the game, without mastering it. In the case of Scoundrels /opperatives, mastering the class is essential to be top 3 in both pvp vs. pve. If you want more info on my combination of skills I can make a detailed explanation. But please, do not say that Scoundrels/op are a broken class. it is far, far from and I can guarantee, that if they changed the last nerf to improve some of our skills.. well. I would consider myself a class too powerfull for this game.


    If you want to be top 3, learn how to be there. You are playing against other humans who have been playing for days specialising in their own class. Face the competition and reality guys ;)


    obvious troll is obvious

  11. The GOOD ops are having no problems adjusting. The only people that are complaining are the ones who cant adapt and are used to 3-4 second kills in pvp. The same people who play merc and when they cant missile spam they havent got a clue what to do.


    not so much that the good ops adjusted..

    (1) some just dont want to waste there time leveling and gearing another class.

    (2) some roll with premades and pocket healers all the time so they really dont need to be concerned with survivability or other issues with the class.

    (3) some just like the style of the class.


    (side note: the 2 best Ops i know (gear and skill) both rerolled)


    i been gaming a good 10 years and i can tell you one thing the "there is no best class, l2p" is never accurate, there is always a class capable of out performing other , great players can make inferior classes shine , but great players on great classes can do sick things.


    (if u played a warlock(insert any healer, preferably resto shaman) in WoW arena and went up against a druid/rogue combo at or above 2k rating you knew there was no way u were going to win, sometimes it just be like that)

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