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Posts posted by Oddller

  1. Love the current warzones but i would like to see other modes of pvp (if thats possible) to add to this game variety.

    Are warzones the only option BW put in to play against the other side for rewards?


    Is there other types of PVP that could work for this game?

    What other PVP modes have you seen in the past?

    Does PvP have to be Combat orientated?


    any thoughts?

  2. I remember months ago when 1.2 was about to come out.

    In the patch 1.2 video with the dev. talking, when showing all legacy unlocks( around the part when video is showing the training bots on ship) , He said he understands that people play one character (for whtever reason ,RP ex.) he assures that people playing one character would still have legacy unlocks available 2 them.


    well its not a huge deal but why force Single character players who want new unlocks to make another character now? . A new companion will be exciting/must have 2 most. Just saying there should be another way to obtain like very high legacy lvl or something.


    I have enough characters on both sides,so no worries but i was wondering about the players that like 2 play one character and have high legacy lvl ( like my brother who role-plays), some players just don't like playing the other side....grinding lvls is the easy but not fun, especially when you know you plan not to play that character ever again...

  3. any1 notice that when you press the exit door on your ship(fury etc.) to illum for example the next cutscene is you start to fly into the planets atmosphere


    is the orbital station that close to the planet?

    doesnt look like it as you take the next shuttle down n u c the planet in the background

  4. Is there a button I keep pushing that brings up the ability bar for my companion? Because it keeps popping up over my bottom bar even though I dont push the "+" button. Also, I try to look at customizations for my companion, press ctrl+left click, and click on the companion tab, and it doesn't change how he looks.




    try changing your companion ability bar to show up on the right or left side bars. theres an option in preferences. for me that stop it from apearing randomly on my bottom bar

  5. I still enjoy playing this game but im starting to think of it like an major injury that needs surgery(its going take a long time to recover but hopefully when you do recover, u perform even better than ever b4 taking it 2 the next lvl.....or worst case you don't recover)


    When you type in SWTOR in google, first link is the main website. underneath that link it says


    "Official site. BioWare and LucasArts bring you the next evolution in MMO Gameplay: Story."


    keywords here are Bring and Evolution.....


    For a lot of us this statement pretty much means " This game is the future of mmo gaming and is/and will be better/surpass mmos out there right now.( i def c it surpassing but maybe it will take 6-8 months cause they can and will probably improve on many things).


    DEfinition of evolution: A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form

    (and they did have years of work and testing done already)


    Just trying to wrap my head around this...Does this mean that BW/LA released this game hoping for a gradual process(long process) to make this game better than the mmos currently out?(yes i know mmos have patches n devlps which is a gradual process but its killing me that BW/LA left out important game features they knew they were going to have to implement in the future just so they can patch it later and tell every1 thats its new content....it just gives that feeling of being cheated/unfinished)


    word that gets me 2 is the BRING....(BW/LA gave us the evolution of mmo gaming..... u cant tell me thats true... not yet......)


    yes there are differences, but is this a more complex/better/funner form of an mmo?



  6. Found this video

    (don't watch this video if you are having fun playing atm lol might ruined it for ya)

    Not sure how many people have seen this.... but he pretty much sums up everything wrong with swtor right now.... in 30 mins




    im def waiting for these problems to be fix because i love the concept of stars wars in general but this game feels incompleted and rushed and i paid for it...Yes i know there will be problems for any mmo starting out but you don't leave out certain important features just so you can patch it later and to make it seem like new content/features in future(it should have been there already) because BW did take certain aspects of other mmos.


    But as a casual gamer i can wait, but if it isn't fixed and gameplay in pvp/pve hasnt changed or improved in the next 2 months or so... this game is going to fail hard...I think SWTOR will need like 6-8 months to surpass other mmos (if it lasts that long as there are new mmos coming out this year)

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