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Posts posted by astyler

  1. on my empire toon in the 10-49 bracket i win maybe 50~60% of the time depending on my team (jugg tank)


    on my republic toon I win 100% of the time... haven't lost since brackets were introduced, and this is as PUG over half the time. I'm a 45 scoundrel healer and usually get 400k per warzone, on average. Probably about 50 wins in a row since brackets were introduced.





    Claiming imps are winning the majority of the time is just false, esp. in the 10-49 bracket. The republic pugs are full of more mature players that respond to organization, whereas the imp side all I experience are flaming trolls in pugs.


    I imagine imp might win more in lvl 50 PUG play due to gear imbalance from Ilum and faction Imbalance.

  2. The nerf is incredibly hard. The armor pen nerf is a nerf to the sustained damage which was already pretty piss-poor.


    Either way I believe it was almost balanced... BM scoundrel vs. BM anything and scoundrel gets stomped even with opener. Back in the vs. lowbie days and vs. fresh 50 it is an absolute joke how we can roflstomp. Probably still can roflstomp in the 1-49 bracket once you get 36 for the opener.


    The class doesn't scale right, it's balanced at BM vs. BM with such large health pools and low sustained dps, but OP at every other level. It cannot 1v1 at BM, only assist teammates or lock up healers, and has a very good role there. It needs some sustained DPS and I'd take a buff to that for this opener nerf every day of the week. Dirty Fighting MIGHT be an option, I hear it's ok, but it's so much better for the ranged AC gunslinger then the melee Scoundrel it's a joke.



    Either way I rolled healing sawbones already and I'm never turning back. Great heals with lots of instants and the same good survivability tools.

  3. Sent/Guard are well balanced, (sentinel takes used to not jumping into their team but then is quite strong with good defense cooldowns and great sticking power and dps)


    Shadow is well balanced as tank, tons of utility for Huttball etc., maybe a little weak in survivability as DPS spec, but might be a l2p issue, I think stance dancing may be the answer, though at 50 force it's a bit expensive.


    Gunslinger is well balanced, good ranged DPS, and tools for escaping, but not unbreakable. Classes all have means to avoid being kited indefinitely, which is good for ranged dps balance in general.

  4. OP has a point what do we really bring to the table more so in OPS?/PVE


    DPS okay so we can DPS just along the lines of all classes don't really seem do more damage than a fully spec'd Tank.


    Crowd Control Driods.....................


    Squsihy we are so squishy in always in front of everybodys face that we need or own healer.


    That it folks nothing else oh wait we get to do a 15% DPS & healing buff every so often.


    Everything else is very short 3 to 4o second cool downs

    All other Classes


    DPS, Healer, Tank, Off tank, Healer, Off Healer CC...


    So If I have 1 slot left what would I bring DPS,DPS or some other variant that can multi task and output the same DPS.


    I love the play style of our class I mean Honestly we get 2 glowing sticks how can you not like it. But we really don't offer much than okay DPS.


    Suggesting that a hybrid class can both DPS and Heal or Tank is naive. If they aren't specced for it, they are extremely bad at it. If they stop to heal, then they aren't DPSing. We are one of, if not the, most robust melee DPS classes in the game with our shared CDs and self healing with zen.


    In OPs you bring Trans and Inspiration plus great DPS and interrupt ability. Not to mention superior mobility for getting back on target for DPS once some hazard is avoided.

  5. You play the class you will enjoy playing or that you will enjoy the story for. Everyone can DPS, some can tank, some can heal. Pick what you like and you have lots of options. Sentinel is great because it has 3 DPS specs, while most classes only really have 1.


    Although they can pay to respec to a healer, you can pay to respec to basically a completely different DPS class. Some classes don't even get the benefit of a viable DPS shared tree (Smugglers can really only be scrapper to DPS)

  6. The dps is great. Understand the DoTs are so short that you are bursty, esp. with a leap in for initial focus. To suggest that you are ineffectual due to DoTs makes me suspect that you aren't playing your class well.


    Why should DPS only classes do significantly more DPS? That is a ridiculous statement, DPS specced Guardians, Shadows, Smugglers, Commandos, Sages, etc.. would all be automatically banned from any raid content. Sure they CAN stop DPSing and off heal offspec, but it is very weak and they will have an enormous drop in DPS while doing so... that is the balance of that flexibility. There is no dual-spec system.


    All classes specced for DPS should be equivalent and they are fairly well balanced now when played properly. Some are easier than others, try a commando and spam grav round if you want something less complex than the sentinel.

  7. make vanish cost between 35-50 enegy. increase energy cost of stealth opener to 35-50, so a burst opener will lower sustained, while a sustained approach wont start in an energy hole.


    also creates a huge energy hole for vanish+ambush(shoot first w/e).


    not class breaking with the energy regen ability on a 2m cooldown, makes the burst have a sustained tradeoff, and a incerases the effectiveness of that regen CD.



    people saying op/scound dont have good sustained are on crack, and are just making excuses for their burst. we have plenty of sustained especially with DOTs rolling... zz.



    they should however, make the shared tree viable for the melee class and not just another option for sniper/gunslinger. it would be nice to have an alternative dps option

  8. For those that are too dense to get it... there isn't one big PvP server forum where you tag your server name, there are minigroups based on alphabetized grouping, probably of 2-5 servers a group depending on population.


    Still not getting it?


    These servers are either going to be part of a battlegroup, or MORE LIKELY, merged into one server down the line to balance out server populations.


    Probably why they rolled out servers as they did, carefully through the alphabet with newest servers placed near the oldest, largest servers.




    edit: alternatively, with individual server forums, it will become obvious where the biggest, most talkative populations are from post count, and people will reroll over to that server compounding the problem. with these groups it is a bit more obfuscated if they balance out to have the same population per group

  9. the Sprint 40% speed buff overrides the 15% buff, they don't compound.


    So out of combat sprinting stealth = .85*1.4, which will be 15% slower than someone moving 1.4.


    In combat you will be moving the same speed or slightly slower than someone else in combat, at either 1.15*.85 or .85+.15 depending on how it is calculated

  10. Bottom Two Bars:

    1: Attack

    Shift-1: Grenade

    2: Blaster Whip

    Shift-2: Burst Volley

    3: Back Blast

    Shift-3: Shoot First

    4: Sucker Punch

    Shift-4: Pugnacity

    5: Quick Shot

    Shift-5: Flechette Round

    6: Dirty Kick

    Q: Shield Probe THingy

    Shift-Q: Dodge

    E: Distract

    Shift-E: Flashbang

    R: Break all CC skill

    Shift-R: Vanish

    F: Vital Shot

    Shift-F: Tendon Blast

    Z: Underworld Medicine

    Shift-Z: Kolto Pack

    X: Throw Huttball

    Shift-X: Triage


    Left Bar (things that I don't need to see CD of all that much):

    7: Diagnostic Scan

    8: Sneaky

    9: Slice Droid

    0: Tranq Dart

    -: Stealth

    =: Surrender

    Shift-7: (these I mostly click)


    Shift-9: Stim

    Shift-0: Adrenal

    Shift--: Relic

    Shift-=: Medpack


    Right Bar is unbound but has things like quick travel, mounts, sprint, class buff, etc.


    Simple Rotation is Flechette->Shoot First->Back Blast->Sucker Punch->Tendon Blast->Vital Shot->BlasterWhip/SuckerPunch etc...


    But it is very situational. Exploiting the 2s tendonblast root against a full resolve bar is ley.

  11. Well skulshe described how to pve scrapper excellently. That is exactly what I do in most of those situations. For event golds I normally end up doing a kick back blast combo, having vital shot up and pugnacity all the time, and whipping and punching and quickshotting until dead. Of course you must interrupt big damage abilities such as Full Auto. With shield probe and Dodge cooldowns it is generally really easy to win without kiting.


    For gold fights with adds it is tough as you waste time and energy on grenades and such, so All-In or a medpac is usually required to survive.

  12. Quick 1v1 discussion:

    I hear so many complaints: "if I trinket out of knockdown you can just vanish and do it again..." No, I cannot, you have full resolve. If an operative jumps you, trinket and DOT immediately and you will win the fight everytime... he cannot vanish and reopen on you, as DOT will pull him from stealth long before your resolve wears off. If he scans it off apply it again or stun him...zzz. We are also extremely kite-able for any ranged class with no gap closer aside from stealth. DOT and slow and gg.


    Team PVP discussion:

    People forget that pvp is team oriented and while the scrapper is great in 1v1 with opener, they are balanced in the team context. Their CCs are reasonable, few, close range. Their utility is very small, a slow and interrupt like every other class, some DOTs but not much else. Our offspec healing is terrible compared to offspec sorc healing.


    Tanks are complaining that they are terrible 1v1 for XYZ reasons, forgetting that they aren't meant to be personally invulnerable like in WoW, but have abilities that greatly reduce the incoming damage to nearby teammates. They must play as sacrificial lamb.. guardians. Again, this is people discussing balance changes in a 1v1 context only.




    The stackable biochem buffs for DPS are simply more effective than those for survivability. Biochem is strong, too strong, at the moment and must be reeled in and given proper survival stims and adrenals for balance.



    Considering a sorc shield makes the opener only get them to about 80% hp, which they can have up all the time, i'm fairly convinced they are still the strongest. Especially with their healing.




    Anyways all this aside if balances are coming I think the correct ways to do it are:

    Reduce DPS biochem potency.

    Increase Vanish cost to 50 energy.

    Increase Shoot First cost to 40 energy.


    "Problem" solved. If we want to burst we are spending every bit of energy we have and will be unable to vanish after. If we vanish we cannot open again without being totally out of energy without cool head, and even then with not enough and low regen area.

  13. ds is great as it costs 0 energy, and for all the reasons stated before. it is filler and works great as such, and is better than anything else due to it's energy regen. it also crits a ton and the healing is not at all negligible at higher levels. it's just not great at rank 1.


    furthermore every sawbones healer will already have the 6% crit talent. the 4 points are likely best spent in ds for pve

  14. Implement Operations PVP queueing, with a full 8 man team only, and match cross servers for this queue only. Make it part of ranked/ladder.


    This allows:


    • 8man queueing without pug domination (as they are matched against other 8man groups only).
    • variety (cross server means you aren't meeting the same opponent over and over and always winning/losing)
    • guild bragging rights from some online viewable ladder/ranking etc.



    continue to have intraserver queues for <4man

  15. We have speed, damage (not sure if this is power, surge, expertise or what.. its the red one), and health pack buffs, what else should be implemented. Some random suggestions in descending order of goodness:


    WHITE: I'd really like a Resolve rune, maybe gives full resolve for 20 seconds or something. Could be a big game changer.


    GOLD: Objective rune... could increase objective capping speed by 100% for 20 seconds... makes the player glow bright gold though so the enemy is aware of the risk.


    GRAY: Or a Stealth rune for some amount of time into a very effective stealth.


    BLUE: Tank.. increases defense/dodge by 50%.


    PURPLE: Alacrity.. greatly reduces cooldowns with large alacrity buff or, alternatively, simply refreshes all cooldowns on pickup.

  16. I love Huttball. Passing mechanic is perfect IMO, just suffers from ability lag. Nothing as satisfying as leading a receiver.


    What to fix:

    1. Ranged Advantage

    2. Knockback Advantage

    3. Zerg Advantage

    4. Jumppads



    0. Most important, add many objective based medals: catch a pass, complete a pass, killing blow on a carrier (fumble recovery), get an interception, score a TD. Give a medal for every single TD scored or assisted (so a medal to the scorer and the one who passed to scorer, if any).

    1. Fix Jumppads, period. Melee is already at a huge disadvantage on this map due to all the height differences, having a major path to get up to your assailant be random is terrible. Especially bad for those without leaps, such as scoundrel. They need to just be fixed paths to the side, little hops up, for example.

    2. Knockback is king, and it works everywhere on the catwalks. Unfortunately there are no "safe zones". I'd like guard railing on 30% of the catwalk that a player will not go over from knockbacks. So you have safe zones from knockback, maybe these could also offer natural cover. These can just be more sandbags.

    3. Add triggerable, some repeatable, hazards in. Maybe explosive barrels, maybe a trigger for a crusher or something. This will help a little with the zerg problem.

    4. Increase resolve generation in huttball for non-ball carriers. The carrier could be susceptible to chain stuns.. maybe remove resolve for the carrier completely, forcing early passing, trinks, and teamwork.

    5. New maps. Still huttball, but let there be 3 maps to play on, chosen at random. Perhaps desgin one that is flatter, maybe some stationary gun hazards that must be CCd.

    6. Smaller endzones. They are simply too wide.

    7 Attack Defense style huttball. AKA plant the bomb. Offense starts at bottom of tower and has to carry to top, for example, or reversed.

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