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Posts posted by robbocroft

  1. It doesn't have to be an extreme.

    One could really take a rational approach at the problem, because it's undeniably a problem.

    Right now the current system isn't working. Might be people's fault not using it, might be due to the lack of a more, server wide, global feature.

    Do we all agree on that?

    If so something different should be implemented.

    It really doesn't have to be a cross - server auto porting tool. I think the goal for everyone is to find a group in a reasonable time, many alternitives has been proposed.

    I think bioware should provide some sort of feedback on this topic, they are the only ones with (hopefully) the statistics to evaluate a possible solution.

    Some intermediate step would be usefull too.. like a global LFG chat active by default (so basically everyone's in it without need to do something), just a bandaid waiting for some more efficient way to find group

  2. 6/10


    Great levelling (solo) experience. Lack of LFG tool makes running flashpoint too much a pain forcing people to skip them altogheter. Absence of PVP brackets is somewhat of a joke.

    Heroic and flashpoint encounters lacks balancing. Some are a walk in the park while others are a nightmare (yeah "insufficient staff" i'm looking at you)

  3. It still baffles me reading about all those people putting togheter a group in minutes.

    My experience so far has been bad. And i mean really bad.

    I play on EU baoh dur server, empire side, and i'm a tank assassin lvl 31. Today i wanted to try cademimu or mandalorian raiders so i warped to fleet. There were about 60 people and only one flagged for lfg (lvl 50 looking for heroics). I started advertising my role and requested dungeons, 15-20 minutes gone by without results, meanwhile i saw another poor soul looking for a tank for Athiss. As a side note i would like to state that in those minutes i didn't socialize much...

    Finally somebody shows up, he's a tank too but hey, can't affor to be picky right? So we team up. After another 10 minutes looking for more we start wondering if we can run the damn instance with companions, the other tank is higher level than me (35) and instance is stated as a level 29. While we are about to embark in our epic journey another peep shows up. As incredibly as it sounds is another tank level 29 but hey, better a human player than a bot no? So we get rolling, 3 tanks and one healer companion. We manage to get to the last boss but the healer bot is not really keen to avoid missiles launchpad fire (and honestly it would be unfair to expect him to be). We realize we can't do it without a human healer... filled by despair we got lucky and one tank level 50 (wich is a guildie of one of our group) carries us through the final boss. There, instance completed. Do i want to loose another half hour building a group to run a dungeon like that? Hell no...

  4. It still baffles me reading about all those people putting togheter a group in minutes.

    My experience so far has been bad. And i mean really bad.

    I play on EU baoh dur server, empire side, and i'm a tank assassin lvl 31. Today i wanted to try cademimu or mandalorian raiders so i warped to fleet. There were about 60 people and only one flagged for lfg (lvl 50 looking for heroics). I started advertising my role and requested dungeons, 15-20 minutes gone by without results, meanwhile i saw another poor soul looking for a tank for Athiss. As a side note i would like to state that in those minutes i didn't socialize much...

    Finally somebody shows up, he's a tank too but hey, can't affor to be picky right? So we team up. After another 10 minutes looking for more we start wondering if we can run the damn instance with companions, the other tank is higher level than me (35) and instance is stated as a level 29. While we are about to embark in our epic journey another peep shows up. As incredibly as it sounds is another tank level 29 but hey, better a human player than a bot no? So we get rolling, 3 tanks and one healer companion. We manage to get to the last boss but the healer bot is not really keen to avoid missiles launchpad fire (and honestly it would be unfair to expect him to be). We realize we can't do it without a human healer... filled by despair we got lucky and one tank level 50 (wich is a guildie of one of our group) carries us through the final boss. There, instance completed. Do i want to loose another half hour building a group to run a dungeon like that? Hell no...

  5. Am i the only one that has been playing wow, evidently in a different dimension, with no trouble at all with dungeon finder groups?

    For me it was actually the norm building a nice group without jerks or ninjas.. those happened exactly with the same frequency there was before tool introduction.

    Really it seems, by reading those posts, that for each group built with lfg tool a puppy dies...

  6. ....

    Seriously, the time where you get something for nothing is over.


    I can't stand those statements. Is it a work? Do i have to pay and be bored before having fun in a flashpoint? Is that some karmik spiritual experience where i have to be perfectly balanced between pain and join?

    I can understand, not approve but understand, people saying that LFG tool ruins community. It's at lest something you can discuss about. But saying you have to "work" for stuff in game is downright laughable

  7. The social argument still baffle me.

    Everybody should take into account that, even with a LFG tool, heroic quest on worlds would not be affected. To accomplish those you would still have to search peers manually.

    Isn't that the best of both world?

    Be social as much as you want in heroic zones and make friends there. Then group with them for flashpoint with a nice LFG tool to fill in those 1 -2 people missing.

    Honestly, it's that simple...

  8. Let's face it: the worsening of wow comunity has nothing to do with the LFG tool.

    Back in the "glorious" days of vanilla wow, comunity was good because the vast majority was inexperienced, lot of people didn't know what "aggro" meant or what a tank was. They learned by playing. Meaning that when you groupped you felt somewhat "lost" and more inclined to listen to people or to offer the few advices you knew. Then we all got used to the mechanics. In a instance you expected the dps to attack the warrior focus, the healer to use his aggro reducing abilities and so on. The majority got alphabetized in the language of mmorpg and everybody got less tollerant toward "noobs" who committed mistakes. LFG tool has nothing to do with it. Before it you actually added people at the friend list because you talked a lot with them about what "cc" meant and how to approach the fight. Even a good while before LFG tool that aspect of the game was already gone.

  9. I honestly like companions in this game and the influence system.

    Right now i'm still low level and i keep sending him on gathering tasks but occasionaly i keep him around for difficoult mobs. i don't see how micromaging is necessary.. seems to me the guy he's smart enough on his own. I simply attack and he does his stuff with no input necessary. Neat

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