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Posts posted by Nadrojjj

  1. This MMO caters to weekend warriors and casuals. Look at the responses in this thread if you think differently. Wait for the expansion to come out, if it's not your cup of tea leave. I just unsubbed this week due to lack of things to do, two characters, full rakata and full battlemaster.


    Now for all of you to tell me go outside, go for a walk, kiss a girl and any other "you have no life go enjoy life" insult you'd like to throw go for it, but I have a great life. This game is easymode and that's about all you can say about it.


    Quick shot to max level - yup

    free pvp gear wether you win or lose - yup

    instances - normal - run it once and never again - hard gear check of easy - nightmare gearcheck of hard - all easy


    Very little endgame content and with the quick shot to 50 it leaves most players standing around the fleet all day.


    If you enjoy the game I'm happy for you, I myself am extremely disappointed with it as I've been waiting for it to release for sometime now and what we got was just not up to expectations.


    I unsubbed this week too. Sick of logging in getting three wins, then heading over to do the ilum 500 for 25-30 mins then logging off.
  2. Well I go back to uo eq daoc


    So basically everything has pretty much stunk since then


    This game is entertaining I will give it that. And I do like the class stories, so I guess really they accomplished their point


    But the game sadly falls into the wow category of EZ mode and with every patch it gets more and more ez mode

    Welfare gear, raiding is an absolute joke, levelling is not 300 hours at all or even remotely close


    There are no goals


    I dont blame them they want to make money, so you pick the everyone can get everything without effort mode. And you will capture 90% of the market



    This dude nailed it. Too easy of a game to be honest. Where is the challenge? All of the raids have simplistic boss mechanics and the hardmodes are just a gear/dps check. PVP is a grind that rewards you for participating, you don't even need skill if you have enough man hours to get the same exact rewards as the players who take pride in their gear.


    For me the 1.2 patch is the killer. I modded my BM gear so that I could hit optimal stats, didn't keep the old mods, and now i find out i can't trade my modded BM gear for WH gear? So I need to regrind BM stuff? No thanks.


    I think that this game can/will be great, but right now it's just not the right game for me.

  3. I played Final Fantasy 11 for 7 years took a break and picked this up.


    I was excited, Star Wars in an MMO format!


    I started with early release, picked a Marauder and leveled to 50. I really enjoyed the leveling, it seemed especially quick coming from a game like FFXI where you really had to grind levels.


    Got to endgame, did a few raids got full columni in the course of a week. Started pvp'ing got full battlemaster in about a month and a half.


    I haven't played the game now in three days because I feel like there is nothing to do. The gear seems pointless because there really doesn't seem to be anything to aspire to.


    I know the game is in it's infancy but I am having a hard time playing, I'm used to time syncs, I'm used to relic weapons, I'm used to logging long hours for rare rewards. The game is so cookie cutter right now I can't really stand it. Everyone running around in the same gear, everyone logging in doing their pvp dailies and logging out.


    With all the things wrong with ilum, at least on a tuesday when the weekly refreshed you could head there and count on a pretty good battle, even if it was a wall hump, push, wall hump type scenario. Now it's the Ilum 500. Everyone doing laps picking up armaments.


    I more than likely won't be playing again until 1.2 comes out. Then I'll play another week, fly through their easy mode content and then be done for a while again.


    I even went so far as subbing a WoW account last night because I was just that bored. I'm a level 9 hunter and it's been pretty fun. The worlds already seem to have more life to them than the huge barren desolate planets in ToR.

  4. It's really true. I forced myself to learn to stop keyboard turning for this game. Start with a lowbie alt. Start from the beginning, develop a guide as you go. Then in a week or so, you'll be able to implement that on your 50.


    use the shift key for doubling up on some of your keybinds. It's very easy to reach with your pinky.


    The last step for me as far as 'doing it right' is not using the W key for running forward. I've trained myself to stop using it in PvE, but I can't help using it sometimes in PvP. I think it just needs more practice - you have to be way faster in PvP to survive.


    I'll get there. :)


    What are you using for forward movement?

  5. Bad Guy #1: That guy running towards us has 2 lightsabers?


    Bad Guy #2: He sure does.


    Bad Guy #1: Can't they pretty much cut through anything in 1 hit?


    Bad Guy #2: That's what I understand.


    Bad Guy #1: Why do you think he has TWO?


    Bad Guy #2: Not sure, but why don't you go ask him and I'll tell everyone else what's going on......


    The this post contradicts your signature about useless posts.

  6. Clicking abilities is bad in general, but especially bad for the Marauder class, since this class requires you to use several different abilities very quickly.


    I think Taugrim had some sort of "STOP CLICKING" guide that many people have used to go effect. Search for his blog or find his sig on the Powertech/Vanguard forums.


    Thank you, I'm going to look for that today.



    As far as gear dependencies, I would think someone in mostly BM should be able to put up better numbers than I do. I also was wondering what the most popular stim/adrenal combo is for someone who isn't biochem main.

  7. I'm bad, I'll admit it.


    I can honestly say at 50 with battlemaster gear I have a hard time clearing 200k damage. Yes that's right 200k damage. I was playing annihilation for a while and noticed I stayed alive a lot longer than I did playing rage. I got bored and switched over to rage yesterday and am still doing around the same damage.


    I think most of it comes from never using keybinds. A lot of erroneous clicking on the screen, I decided tonight I'm going to try to set up some keybinds to stop the erroneous clicking. Other than that I don't know why I am just plain bad at the class.


    Main - BM

    off - BM

    head - champ

    body - BM

    hands - champ

    legs - BM

    feet - champ

    ear/implants - BM

    Green matrix cube

    champ relic


    I queue mostly solo,. Games where I can get a healer to follow me around I can clear 300-350k. Prolonged warzones like voidstar I can hit a good 200-250, but I've never even come close to sniffing a 400 or even 500k game. A fellow marauder in my guild has been taking mods out of champ armor and putting it in BM armor until she got duplicates of BM stuff so she could take mods out of BM armor and replace them accordingly.


    Any help or thoughts on how I could maximize my dps would be much appreciated.

  8. I'm going to keep this short and simple, i'm not raging or anything i just thought it was strange EA would even create a map like huttball with their low tolerance for well.......just about anything.


    So you're playing huttball and your team is doing fine except that one player that seems to troll your entire team by massively screwing you guys over. Whether its hero'ing the ball through fires with no resolve or giving the opposing team's bc full resolve. Huttball with a 8v8 group makeup is almost specifically made to showcase the worst people on your team/server.


    Why create such a competitive team based map like huttball when its almost guaranteed to bring about anger in even the most calm player/teams?


    i'm seriously curious.


    I wish I was on your server to troll you. :(

  9. At 58/59 Save your Daily/Weekly quests in your "Pending" queue, this allows you to have upto 7 (1 in your Inv, 6 Pending) BM bags the second you hit tank 60.


    Considering the valor buff you'll probably wanna start it earlier.




  10. Why, as a pure DPS class, would you want to survive? Your goal is to kill people. As a maurader thats 10 fold. All your skills are around killing people or helping you do so.


    Other classes have utility. They have various stuns, cc's, roots, slows, heals et all that help a team do its thing. Maurader has two group buffs which aid the group in DPS. These are all on relatively long CD. A tank, using UR and doing no DPS makes sense... they use their utility to remain effective. A pure DPS not being able to DPS for the sake of survivability is the same as a tank not being able to tank for the sake of DPS.


    Get rid of UR completely.. that's fine. Increase our DPS. Give us another 3K burst skill in its place. Either way, i'm just trying to DPS as much as possible before I hit the respawn.


    This reasoning made my head explode. Please stop posting on behalf of other marauders.

  11. Is this confirmed? If so.. I am EXTREMELY HAPPY!!!


    I had all but given up on SWTOR, namely because as a parent - gamer, and working person I do not have the time to compete with kids that can spend hours and hours a night grinding out gear. Frankly, it was getting to the point where I just didn't want to bother anymore. My son said the same thing, busy with school, no time to grind out 50's pvp gear, and no interest in getting facerolled in every Warzone.


    We both cancelled our subs, but if they implement this, and make the prices reasonable, I will surely be back, and subscribing for a long time!


    Thank you Bioware.


    Nothing wrong with what this guy said, but this is an exact example of how this game caters to the weekend warriors.

  12. I see this thread and I can't help myself but to laugh at most of the people in it.


    On one side you have the casual weekend warrior.


    This guy logs in and plays maybe five to ten hours a week. Enters warzones in his orange gear and gets his facerolled. Doesn't have the sense to buy one champ bag and then stack 1000/1000 coms before he hits 50 so he can at least level right into some centurion gear. Whine, complain, threaten to leave because warzones are unfair.


    This game has been out since December 20th, if you don't have champ gear by now then having it handed to you for free is going to do nothing but make you look like the rest of us who completed our dailies and got our gear. I can only imagine once the playing field is "leveled" and you still get curbstomped what your next complaint will be.


    I hit 50 the day the warzones were broken out into the two brackets. This means I didn't get the time to run around and kill lvl 14's who had their stats scaled up to my level like a lot of people did. Every warzone the floor was mopped with my face. Was I mad? Yes. Did I quit? No.


    You know what I did? I did some research, I formulated strategies, I played smart. I actually improved my skills by going against better players. That's what competition is about. Sharpening your skills and becoming better at what you are doing. I pvp'd enough that I learned how to play my job better, and was rewarded with some gear while I did it. It felt like I was grinding to accomplish something. I was proud of my full champion set because you know what I went from noob to seasoned over the course of time it took me to get it.


    You guys who don't have champion gear yet will get it handed to you. Sure I'm a little salty that what I put in my time and effort for is just going to be handed out like candy on halloween, but whatever it's not going to make you play better. It just means you're going to be a little less squishy.



    The second group is the players who feel like this is a downright outrage. I understand where you guys are coming from. A lot of us feel like we earned our gear. Time+effort=earned by a lot of people. I feel the same way, I feel like my time invested in warzones helped me earn my champ gear. What you need to realize, like I've said twice now already, this is going to do nothing but make them a little less squishy. The players who have been in warzones and put in their time honing their skills will still rip these noobs apart. Not a huge deal. Most of us who have been champs and are now battle masters working up to war heros will be in the ranked warzones anyways. I'm sure the weekend warriors will hang out unranked, so give them whatever gear they want, hell give them a bannana for a lightsaber who really cares.



    Lastly, ( I know this is going on forever, TLDR for most people ) is the state of the game it's self. BW needs to really take a look at the game they are putting out and decide who they are trying to cater to. A lot of your "hardcore" players have left. They progressed through the levels in mere weeks, hit endgame, did your broken instances and decided to call it. While most of the weekend warriors still haven't hit 50 or are just coming into their 50th level most of us have a second maybe even a third 50. I know it's difficult to cater to two different audiences but by not doing so they risk losing one of them. The weekend warrior will leave because people have better gear/items/whatever than them because they don't have the time to put in the hours. The hardcore players will leave because lack of engaging content, lack of progression, lack of epeen items. I'm sorry but most of your hardcore players (I know this term hardcore is lame, but I'm talking the players who put in an additional 5-8 hours into the game after they put that much into their actual job) want a grind, they want a reward for putting their time into the game. They want something that will show the rest of the gaming community that they have no life and are proud of it. Wow had epics, Final Fantasy had Relics, most other mmo's have some kind of a cut above your general equip that kept players engaged. If we keep going at this rate most people are going to skip out and head for greener pastures (see Tera and GW2).


    I really enjoy this game and I hope it succeeds, but going down the current path that BW is on I honestly don't give this game an entire year before servers merge and game is over. I mean seriously 1.2 patch 1 new op 1 new wz? Really guys? The rest of the stuff they are jamming in, like legacy stuff and custom armor should have been in the game at release. We need a lot more content to keep players here and engaged for the long run, there is only so many alts you can make before you decide it's no fun anymore.

  13. No other marauder has the gear or both "The Unyielding" AND "The Infernal One" titles.. not to mention Battlemaster etc.


    If you want to measure it in PvE metrics, then I am the best on the server, because those are the only PvE metrics with which we have to measure due to the fact that there is no combat log and no way to truly check dps. This means by the way, if you didn't know, that myself and my guild have cleared all of nightmare EV and KP in under 2 hours each. Also, we are one of the few guilds to have cleared all of EV on Nightmare 16 man, which is significantly harder than 8 man due to the geniuses at Bioware thinking that abilities that hit for 3/4 of your hp on 8 man should hit for twice that on 16 man.


    As far as PvP goes, you just have to take my word for it, but I would welcome anyone that wants to duel me 1v1 and I would put 250k on each duel in my favor if they want to bet. And this extends to any class that wants to duel.


    Whatever, my dad could beat up your dad.

  14. The 7 comms believe it or not are a blessing over the RNG. I'm saying this because before the change i literally got 3 offhand sabers in a row and still couldn't get my mainhand. They are rare and do have a chance, but don't shake your head at the comms, they add up quick!
  15. Game savers are great, game winners also epic. I love entering a losing match and then being a game changer. My marauder melts a lot of faces, I entered a huttball where we were down one in the first two minutes and someone quit out. I rallied the troops, got the ball up on the cat walk, used my pred, hit the fire, popped my I win button and boom, score is tied. That got everyone on the team ready to win, next thing you know it was 5-1 and my teammates all were celebrating the win instead of the loss.



    Another favorite of mine is when the other team starts telling their teammates in /1 to kill the marauder first because he's wreaking havoc, I love wreaking havoc.

  16. 2-3, 6 seconds left, I have the ball in their pit (mara). Everyone is being careful not to give me someone to jump to. A tracer spamming merc gives me an opening, jump up, predation with an undying and tie it up just as the game ends, it then flips its internal designed coin and we win. Pwned.




    Hahha, nice dude!

  17. This board is mainly used for complaining, I'm wondering what's the best time you guys have had so far pvp'ing?



    Last night two groups of our guild members decided to queue at the same time, we both got placed in hutt ball and against eachother. All of us being on mumble just let to an all out dogfight. It was amazing, people laughing and shouting at eachother, focusing one person down and them giving them a hard time on mumble. I have to say that one huttball match against my fellow guildies is by far the best pvp moment I've had yet.


    Anyone else have a good one?

  18. At least when your team was getting hammered on you could try to grind for medals if the win was completely hopeless. Now it's going to be the players who actually stuck around and at least still played the game afk'ing at a turret after their four medals. Not a good change IMO.


    Yes I know play the game for the win, but I can bet every single one of us at one time or another has either a. entered a warzone that was completely lopsided or b. been on the extreme losing end of a game from the start and watched as your team cycled through players. I stuck around in games where there was zero hope, just so I could farm some comms, now that I'm capped at 4 what incentive is there to stay?

  19. You should probably not post screen shots complaining about one class then have a screen shot of you doing 682k damage in one WZ together.


    You are mad they did 6800 damage in one attack? that player did less then 200k in that battle.. if you scroll over to the other screens in your folder you did 682,786 damage and went 39-0.


    So who is it that needs a nerf?





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