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Posts posted by CursedRevelation

  1. Sorry if somebody else posted this, i just wanna make things clear

    1 champion commendations costs 120 warzone commendations

    1 champion gear bag that contains 7 champ comms costs 800 warzone commendations


    doing simple math we get

    7 champ comms bought for warzone comms will cost 840 warzone comms

    7 champ comms taken from champ gear bag will cost 800 warzone comms PLUS u get 15 centurion comms (they are not so important, but still)


    Now the question, what the heck? o_O


    Another big fail from Bios or i should go learn how to math in 1st grade at school?

  2. I hated the crafting system when I first used it in beta, a number of months back now. I complained about the stupidity of it back then, even when all the ignorant masses kept telling me how awesome it is. Now you guys are stuck with it, while I laugh away. Honestly I refuse to take anything other than biochem, or gathering professions for pure profit. It's just not worth the time, and aggravation.


    Maybe, when everyone stops using this worthless crafting system, Bioware will take note. Until then best of luck to you.


    that's stupidity, let it be random chance, but give us an opportunity to chose the result we want to get from RE, coz those stats that randomly proc MOST OF THE CRAPPY TIME are horrible and not suitable for anyone

  3. Could u please transfer to a man who designed absolutely random reverse engineer implants and earpieces with a hell of a mix stats, like power + accuracy + shiled rating in one item that supposed to be a dd one, that his idea is the biggest fail ever, especially taking in attention a fact, the an ending item from reverese engineer is absolutely unpredictable! I've reveresed about 150 implants, i got THREE purple ones but they have a list of stats which could be bought only by blind man who has problems with his mind, because that kind of stat mix is completely hilarious.

    Why can't i chose an item i wish to get in reverese? Why on other hand those mods, hilts, barrels and enchancements crafters have ONLY ONE type of reverse engineer either blue and either purple item result, WHY biochems have THREE blues and FIVE epics? What the hell is that difference? How much time and resources should i spend to please that dunno... that's even worse than famous China random.

  4. Sorry couldnt get past the moron bit, thanks for playing...


    OT: your cpu is a bit old, and nothing about your ISP either, but hey keep making assumptions and maybe someday you will succeed? prob not tho...


    a bit old doesnt mean i would get 10-15fps at Civil War warzone, my isp provides me 30mbit/sec


    and this game isn't supposed to force buying pc for 2000+ dollars

  5. ^THIS


    You can upgrade his weapon via vendors, e.g. on Belsavis where you can also upgrade his appearance via vendor.


    anyway melee with aim primary is nonsense, and codex note is bugged, and no orange techstaffs, and if they were no aim hilts, this melee aim mechanism provides such a headache...

  6. There are NO orange staves that can be bought for Torian. All staffs that you can buy are "Electro Staffs" he uses "Tech Staff" which is actually a different classification. As far as I can tell, you can only have them crafted, or you are stuck buying green staffs. I'm level 50 and have been actively searching for an orange staff for him still, no luck.


    Look though codex with attention, his main weapon is Electrostaff

  7. The problem isnt i can not buy orange electrostaff, the problem is THERE ARE NO AIM HILT IN GAME i can put in staff, there are only might and willpower hilts


    p..s i bought staff from Taris, but still, no aim hilts in game AT ALL to put in it

  8. In codex it is written that his primary stats is AIM, i wanted to get him nice electrostaff with nice mods, but when i started searching i faced a situation that there are no staffs with aim stat at all in game! Should i equip him with strength items as far as he is melee fighter?
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