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Posts posted by Demmok

  1. It's amazing, I say that all people are doing here are trying to point out how i'm wrong, someone says that isn't the case (which in turn is pointing out that i'm wrong), and still every reply to my posts afterwards are still people pointing out that I'm wrong.


    Didn't I already admit that I was wrong, but I still don't want Dual spec in the game? Guess I need to take it one step further now. Instead of trying to provide you guys with a point of view that is different then your own, I will be taking the same stance as you guys.


    There should be no respeccing in this game at all. You should make your decision as the game progresses. At level 10, you chose your advanced class. At level 20, you chose your skill tree. Once those have been decided, you shouldn't be able to switch trees whenever you want. There needs to be consequences of your decisions, no stupid white out, no backspace button, permanent. If you want to be able to DPS and tank, then you will need two characters. If you want to DPS in PvE, but also do some PvP, either your character will need to find a tree that does both, or roll a second character for your PvP needs.


    Having the ability to change when you want, is not only bad for seasoned players, you are forcing a play style on someone who has never played this type of game before. This is also going to turn new players into isolationist, because all they see is people requiring a specific skill tree, and if it isn't met, they will be made fun of. So rather then being intrigued on how the party system works, and how people work together, they will only see forced play styles, and if they go with what works for them, there is a good chance they will be excluded from a bulk of the game play. Need an example, look at the WoW forums. When someone decides to post their opinion, before they are given the chance to get a reply, they will be raked up and down some coals because 'their skill tree is garbage' or 'their enchants are wrong' or 'you've never done hard modes'. Tell me, what is appealing to someone who wants to voice their opinion, but is only discarded as invalid because someone thinks they are 'doing it wrong'.


    You seem to forget that some people actually play this game for their enjoyment. My enjoyment doesn't come from the ability to do everything there is to do in a game with one play-through, on one character. Skyrim is a perfect example. I started with a mage type character, then I realized that I wanted to be a sword and board warrior, was I able to talk to a magic person, pay some money, and poof, all of a sudden I forget how to use magic, and i'm able to pick up a sword and shield and be a monster? No, I had to start a new character.


    You guys who want dual spec, hell, even re speccing are just pint size gamers, and have no idea where video games come from. Once upon a time, you had to be careful with what option you chose, when you died, no matter how far you were in the game, you were dead, and had to start over. Stop being such a nancy, and learn that sometimes, you actually get a huge sense of satisfaction when you clear something that actually requires effort.


    Thank goodness game developer's disagree with your outdated point of view.

  2. /agree.


    We had 2 sith warriors last night, me as a jugg tank and a maurader. The one piece of loot that dropped that either of us could use was a DPS belt, and it was assigned to me.


    We had 2 mercenaries, one dps one healing, and they both got tanking pieces. We didn't have a powertech with us, so it would have been dead loot anyway, but the fact that if we did have one, he wouldn't have gotten it is pretty silly.



    Assigned loot makes some sense if everyone gets something (I don't think everyone should get a piece of loot from a normal mode kill though, 4 is probably to many). If only half the raid is going to be able to get loot per boss, let us assign it.



    And to the above person, I haven't tried hard mode yet, just normal. Normal felt like WoW LFR difficulty. Is 'hard' equivalent to WoW normal mode? If so, I'll sorta agree with you on principle, but otherwise I read "normal" to be the level for average people.


    I pugged hard mode EV and went 4/5. It felt significantly easier than normal mode raiding in WoW. Examples of easiness: it is possible to heal through the annilator droid's missile barrage, we hit enrage on gharj and i managed to tank him for ~2 mins while group finished him (lost 2 melee early), and pylon boss plus council fight are both big jokes. Soa is the only boss in that instance that i would consider challenging.

  3. You've obviously never led raids lol.


    How in the heck do raid leaders lead raids in games like FFXI where endgame is 100 x harder than anything you've probably ever played, WITHOUT dps meters? You know how they tell who is not pulling their weight? By yes...knowing every class in the game. Knowing the mechanics of every class. Observing mid fight and seeing who is going wrong. Yes!!! Raid leaders in other games actually have knowledge of other classes! They dont rely on a meter telling them everything.


    Truth be told...Bad raid leaders rely on DPS meters to tell who is good/bad.


    FF XI end game hard? What? Tank and spank encounters are never hard. And you must be a god among men to be able to see 8 things at once. You stick to the ff xi method and I'll use the modern tool to guage raid performance.

  4. If a raid leader cant tell who is not pulling their weight without a DPS meter then they have no right to be leading raids.


    I'm a hardcore theorycrafter and even I can admit that DPS meters ruin games. There's a difference between being carried and being limited to specific specs simply because it does 0.234343 more dps.


    Play a game like Final Fantasy 11 and see how real mmo players play without using DPS meters. Most "western" gamers cant cut it in FFXI because they have no idea how to play without their "cookie cutter builds". Let's face it...A large portion of the players in games like WOW, Rift and the likes have no idea how or why they play a spec the way they do. They just follow the cookie cutter build/rotation that they read on the forums that someone else figured out. To me...Those players are being carried by the spec creator.


    Every mmo you play you'll see "What's the best spec" asked in general chat every 5 minutes. Its because people...Probably much like yourself...Cant play a class without being told how by someone that is far superior.


    And to the person saying Rift is a bad game...Whether you like Rift or not, it is/was a theorycrafter and number crunchers wet dream of an mmo. The unlimited possibilities for specs and rotations made for very interesting theorycrafting. More in depth than any other mmo that's ever been released. I led some of the theorycrafting for Rogues for over 6 months. I spent countless hours perfecting builds and posting full DPS meter stats and skill breakdowns all for the community. Guess what? Most Rogues were forced to use MY SPEC simply because it was by far the best. Sure enough it eventually got nerfed, but the point is...Not everyone that is against DPS meters is a "baddie". Anyone that thinks that DPS meters are good for an mmo is borderline retarded and quite possibly braindead.


    I've never seen more derp in one post before... ever. You really expect raid leaders to learn every single classes abilities/animations, the proper rotations/priorities for those classes, and then watch the other 7/15 players in the raid while performing their own duties and see who is not performing? Get real.


    As to the OP: I think the best way to gauge your dps is time yourself or your raiders during the council fight and see how quickly people can kill their mobs.

  5. PvP gear hasn't been hard to get in a very long time. A time sink does not equate to difficulty. The only way to make PvP gear hard to get would be to restrict the best gear to the top x percentile, which of course doesn'twork because once that top x has the gear they shouldn't lose their top spot.
  6. While I do not condone botting, I dont see how you can force soemone to PvP in a warzone. Some just queue up for the XP and merits and could care less if they win or lose. Who is anyone to dictate how they enjoy the game?


    You cant force someone to PvP, no more than you can force someone to role-play. The best you can do is requeue and hope you don't get grouped with him or start a pre-made group.


    By queueing and not participating you are ruining other people's enjoyment of the game. Botters and people who just stand around lifetapping and healing themselves in warzones should be banned.

  7. I know the stats the gear has and that it sorely lacks defense along with every bit of Expertise being completely useless in a PvE setting. There's a little more absorption than Defense, but not much still. If you've tanked that much in it, thank your healer as you made it more painful for him than it needed to be.


    Expertise costs zero secondary stats so that's a null point. The same level pve gear will have the equivalent defense rating. I'll just be thankful my healer isn't you since you seem to be lacking in the hps area if you can't keep a champion geared tank up.

  8. Actually champion gear is the best gear you can get outside of columni, which happens to be much more difficult to get. (Before nightmare mode)


    Edit - to those of you railing against pvp gear you do realize that the only difference between pvp gear and the equivalent pve gear is the pve gear has more of your main stat plus endurance, right? I would never wear a piece of tionese over champion... ever. And I have tanked hard fps as well as all normal ops.

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