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Posts posted by KidPunkStar

  1. Confirmed, bugged.


    Go in KILL THE FIRST PULL. Cyber Mercenary x2 and Gormak Tech Master x1.

    Step back out, reset PHASE --NOT MISSION-- Step back in and finish normally.


    Better to do this first than get 28/30 and have to reset and do the 4+ pulls to get to the Cyber Leader/End of Mission!

  2. The Pve/PvP drop down menu blocks the Exit Area button if your minimap is inverted. Screenshots below. The left is the 'normal' setting. The right is the inverted setting. The Exit Area button is still clickable and usable, just covered up. Very small, but very easy fix.


    It looks stupid but I keep it in the 'normal' setting even though I keep it on my top right corner of my screen. Better than nothing seeing half a button I use many times a day!



  3. I'm sick of you guys complaining. You all need to remember they didn't need to make this game and you should be thankful that we have it. Eric and his team are doing everything they can to get the game fixed and back up and running.



    NO ONE is forcing you to read our logical complaints... YOU need to remember that without US they don't have a job and you don't have a game to play... So, remember that before you go insulting millions of people yeah?

  4. All the things they could add or fix...


    And they 'fix' something that benefits griefers and, from the sounds of it, a PVP exploit?


    *slow clap* :confused:


    This exactly. There was no reason to do it what-so-ever. Meanwhile there are LOTS of things that NEED to be fixed or it WILL push players away and make them not want to sub/re-sub. It's as if they're paid to make us NOT want to pay to play their game... Annoy us to death with stupid crap like this until we just say F-it! and quit for good...

  5. So, I have the Cavern Varactyl. I've noticed that I get knocked off the first itme, EVERY time.


    I also have the Irakie Renegade. Which says in its description, "offering exceptional protection against being knocked off." None of the Varactyl mounts do not say this. Do the Varactyls have ANY protection against being knocked off?:confused: Either way, can anyone confirm their knock off protection??:rak_02:


    Thanks for any and all info!!:D

  6. You'd think a multi-million dollar company would have had the thought of, "Huge influx of players, it'll effect latency!"


    But, they didn't... It's funny to me that they launch F2P, broken to all hell and back, but they didn't think that having 1,000's of new players come in would effect their servers?? SERIOUSLY?? Bioware/EA, if you're trying to fly this game into the ground, you're doing an outstanding job!! If not, then *** are you doing?!

  7. Just hitting 50, I've leveled as Anni and love it. I don't plan on PvP'ing too much, so don't really care about it. So for PvE mainly, which spec is 'the best'?


    I love anni, mainly because of the utility of it. But, I've been reading and tried out Rage, I love the big numbers, but don't like that I don't bring much if any utility to the group. I had tried Carnage back in 1.3 and just didn't like it as much...


    So, I want to get others opinions, mainly for ops groups, which spec brings more to the group? Should I just stay anni because I enjoy it or will that hinder the group?

  8. So, I've had my Assassin up on a shelf for a while now. Originally I had played him as Deception and still do. I keep reading that Madness is better for certain things... But, I have yet to compare the 2 dps wise for leveling, much less end-game. So, I'm just curious as to everyone's thoughts as to what is better for dps to level with? I'm currently 34, and familiar with the Deception tree. My 50 sorc is still the Hybrid Madness/Lightning spec, mainly because I like how it feels, compared to full madness or full Lightning, which I heard lightning was better dps right now...


    Either way, what is better for leveling Deception or Madness?

  9. Come on guys, this is ridiculous. Sometimes things happen that are out of Bioware's control. Just chill out and wait, instead of getting yourselves all worked up. Patience. :csw_yoda:


    Do they pay you to be a fanboy? Or is this something you just do for fun?


    I just see it as, I paid for a product, that's doing so 'amazing' that it lost half it's playerbase in the first 6 months then proceeded to fire half of them because it was such an 'amazing success'.


    But, a warning in the least would have been nice, not on their Twitter Feed either... I do appreciate that they put a forum post up, but unless they put it on their FRONT PAGE... then it doesn't matter, I'm NOT searching their forums for an update, it should be in plain sight!


    Patience is something we don't need when a company isn't fulfilling on its end... just sayin

  10. Right what a clever euphemism. Well the guy you quoted wasn't complainig either, he was just "pointing it out".


    He pointed out that someone was complaining? You seem to be completely missing the idea of what words mean and the actuality of their use... I know what reasons I'm posting for, you obviously don't know what the other poster was saying, because you're not him... nice try though, can we get back on top now please?

  11. and in this post your complaining about them complaining about them complaining on the same forums. I would ask if you at least saw the irony in that, I won't call you stupid.


    You don't have to, I wasn't complaining about them complaining, I was pointing it out, there's a difference... Also helps to know the difference between your and you're... There is no irony to it, because it is not ironic... Trying to pull apart other people posts while getting off-topic, is not the point of the forums, people seem to forget that, obviously!

  12. Actually one of the reasons people left was that their was no one around to do anything with. So they "merged" servers to alleviate this. One of the other reasons people left was no group finder, so they're implementing group finder. Since you have no idea what the pop caps will be like you can't really say about merging 10 into 1. Simply put they had to many servers on launch as it is.


    ONE of the reasons they left, was a addressed, yes... The other huge issues? NO!


    Pop caps have NOTHING to do with me not being able to say they're merging 10 servers into 1... They've already done this, it's on the posts above this one actually! Just goes to show your incompetence at actually knowing what the issue is and how it's being addressed...


    And no, it wasn't because they had too many servers at launch, they opened up more at launch to handle all the new people! ALSO, they lost more than HALF of their player base... so yes, I can say that things aren't being addressed, if they were, then guess what, they wouldn't have lost half their player base!

  13. No, only you. Take your E-tears somewhere else.


    Really? You don't care if the game you're playing is removing posts, by the second, from their player base to read? You don't care that they don't give you important information that is relevant to the game? You really don't care? Yet, you're here posting on their forums... but you don't care...


    They're complaining about a legitimate reason, you're doing nothing but complaining about them complaining on the same forums... you see how stupid that makes you look right?

  14. Rofl. Everyone knows it's dying. I guess you didn't get the news about all these merges happening. Oh wait, they just did for the fun of it, and not because of DYING server populations.


    EXACTLY! *Sarcasm ahead! Warning issued by those whom are too stupid to realize it!* Why would they roll 10 servers into 1? Because the game is just doing SO FANTASTIC !!! HAHA, those people crack me up!


    People left for very specific things that were not, and still, are not being addressed!


    To all the people saying MILLIONS still play, uh no... not by a LONG SHOT!! If they had over a million, they wouldn't be having to merge 10+ servers into 1 across the board!! LOGIC!!


    They NEED to get their crap in order already! It's been MONTHS of HUGE issues NOT being addressed!!


    THIS is why I unsubbed, the important issues are not being addressed, promises of things, then we receive nothing... You can't say THIS IS COMING ON THIS DATE... Oh wait scratch that... JUST DON'T PROMISE IT THEN!! JUST MAKES YOU LOOK INCOMPETENT!!!

  15. pointing out grammar errors is generally the weakest thing you can do for an argument. At any rate, if you cancelled, why are you still bothering to post here? It's obvious your cancelled sub is just some poor attempt at bluffing them into thinking you are actually cancelling...


    I have unsubbed... my fiance bought me 6 months worth... It's not a failed or bluffed attempt at anything...


    Again, if you had actually read my post, you would know I was hoping to re-sub with these new transfers, now as to the fact that they have left 20% of their paying customers behind, I really see no reason in continuing to pay or play, for a product where the owners really do not care about their player base...


    Pointing out grammatical errors proves you don't conceive of the English Language, much less what this topic is discussing...


    Nothing about my arguments have been weak. I still post here because my fiance still plays and I want him to be able to enjoy the game when he feels well enough to actually play. Why are you here then? You've said nothing about the topic, only replied to my posts, not even on topic... So, I ask you the same thing, Why are you here posting and not playing then?


    Btw, when you unsub, it's the same as cancelling, you still have X amount of days that are still paid for, it's the same thing. For some reason you seem to think they're 2 separate objectives...

  16. You really think it's that simple, don't you? Just taking a day off...



    They're job is to develop and maintain a game. Your part in all of this is to pay them to play the game. If you no longer enjoy it, don't pay them, and stop playing. It's really quite simple.


    They are just taking a day off, have they said that they're doing ANYTHING today? No, they've only stated that they're not doing any transfers today, because of BS reasons...


    I did cancel, a while back, due to the reason I said in my post, which you obviously didn't read, or you would know all of this already!


    Don't go picking and choosing certain lines of text that don't pertain to YOUR personal belief in what the corporation is doing... BTW, it's THEIR not THEY ARE...


    It's really quite simple, Their = ownership, There=location, They're=They Are

    It's really quite simple....

  17. this has to be one of the must amusing posts and responses from a op i have wasted time reading in some time.


    he has been given several plausable answers. but just keeps plugging away trying to sound intelligent but being perceived as the opposite.


    he reminds me of my four year old nephew who kept asking why and would only shut up when mommy finally answered him with the same answer everyone else was giving him.


    can mommy please answer the op please:D


    Your nephew isn't paying you for a service or game...


    Unlike your nephew, we can understand the logistics, IF THEY WERE PROVIDED...


    They wanted a day off, so they took one, and their player base got screwed because of it...


    Also, it's THEIR JOB to keep us informed... I can understand a certain hold-back on certain information, but when literally half the player base has already left, and they're screwing over atleast 20% of the player base they have left... It's kind of obvious why people are leaving!! Quit making excuses for a multi-million dollar company, if they wanting your excuses, they would hire you to do so...




    The whole point EVERYONE should take away from this is, they've done EVERYTHING half-assed, WHY would you stay with a game that keeps making promises and breaking them? Much less stumbling around like a toddler that just learned to walk? They've made every mistake that past MMOs have made and have NOT learned from them! This is why I unsubbed, not because of the HUGE CTD issue, not because the 2 servers I play on STILL have yet to get transferred, not because their customer service is non-existent, but because they keep making the exact same mistakes over and over, they have NO communication what-so-ever, and REALLY don't seem to care about what their customers want/need!


    This is what make me quit, their complete inability to tell us anything about anything. NO, I should NOT have to watch their twitter feeds to find out information about THIS game! You know where it should be? ON THEIR OWN FREAKING SITE!! I don't care about what Dev ate what for lunch, I care about the freaking game! It's like me telling my boss, yeah sure, that report will be ready at 2pm... but I tell him that as a twitter update and then yell at him for not reading it... It's completely insane!

  18. Yes, there are still people playing this game...


    Unless they do server merges in 1.3 they'll lose yet another half of their player base...


    They had their chance, they dropped the ball at every chance and now can't make up for it...


    When people want to play an MMO... They want to play an MMO... ~100 people on a server is NOT an mmo!!!


    Merge the servers and people will actually be able to play with each other, transfers don't matter at this point, if they would have offered them in Feb, then maybe... If they would have come out with merges in March... this game would be thriving, compared to how it is now...

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