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Posts posted by Artlawyer

  1. I love the game. I am an older gamer, in my 40's. I play a couple of hours a night at most and not every night. I did not rush to 50, I played when I could and had a blast leveling. My wife plays too, on the same server. I just hit 50 yesterday on a low pop server. No PVP at all now. None. Cross server queues would fix this. I WANT to play evenly matched games, not to face-roll lower levels.


    Our server was available early on day one, it was one of the only ones available with no wait early on. Thinking it would fill up eventually like the rest, we rolled on that server together. I am willing to wait for my server to become more a populated server, but it is disappointing that I cannot find groups, PVP, sell my crafted things in the market, etc.


    I am rerolling the opposite side on a different sever, but I usually stick with a single character I like due to limited playing time, to give me progression and allow time to skill up my crafting and do things to get myself better geared rather than having several lower-level alts.


    One more thing, flaming people who post well thought out complaints, ideas for improvements and changes hurts the game's community overall and if the dev's do watch and read the forums for player input, would frustrate and drive them away, just like it would a potential player newcomer to the game.

  2. This is a brand new MMO! WoW did not have all of those bells and whistles when it came out. In fact, it had the same skins on the only two raid gear sets that it offered for some time after launch, had no addons, no LFD and only the core of the areas you see now. Don't forget WoW has been around a long time and has several expansions and many years of feedback and development to get where it is now. No MMO straight out of the box could have everything and have several newer ideas (like the great voice acting) direct from launch. WoW owes a lot to the MMOs that came before it, Ever Quest, Ultima, etc. SWTOR will develop given time, money and player interest.
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